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C.A.A.N.E. Collaboration Against Abuse Neglect and Exploitation

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1 C.A.A.N.E. Collaboration Against Abuse Neglect and Exploitation

2 History Taskforce I-Team Proposal for Grant Funding 2009
A taskforce was created to put together an elder abuse protocol for emergency responders/social service agencies in Montgomery County I-Team After the protocol was finished, it was felt the next logical step was the creation of an I-Team Proposal for Grant Funding 2009 A proposal was written/submitted to the National Center for the Prevention of Elder Abuse to start/sustain a MDT.

3 Creation of C.A.A.N.E. Decision to Move Forward One of 70 Applicants
A decision was made to move forward with the creation of an I-Team even if we did not get the grant from NCPEA. One of 70 Applicants MCDJFS was fortunate to receive the NCPEA $10,000 grant for the creating/sustaining an I-Team Measure Interest Many community organizations were contacted to see if there was an interest and to become involved in the I-Team

4 Putting Together a Team
Level of Interest About 50 individuals and organizations were interested in forming a team. First Meeting January 7, 2010 Guidance Trainers from Arizona came an helped our MDT put together a Strategic Plan

5 Strategic Plan A Strategic Plan was developed to provide structure, guidance and goals for the future. Components included: name, population, vision, mission, values, slogan(s), result oriented project ideas (goals), co-chairs, subcommittees and subcommittee co-chairs. Commitment to Purpose: frequency of meetings, day/time/length, location, person responsible for minutes, agendas & s.

6 C.A.A.N.E.’s Vision Montgomery County is a community where older and vulnerable adults live free from abuse, neglect and exploitation, and are empowered, respected, valued and supported.

7 C.A.A.N.E.’s Mission To develop collaborative partnerships to prevent and eliminate elder abuse, neglect and exploitation of older and vulnerable adults through comprehensive and effective education, advocacy, intervention and services.

8 Current Subcommittees
Education & Special Projects/Fundraising Case Review Advocacy

9 Accomplishments Educational Materials Case Reviews
Warning cards, magnets & pop-ups PowerPoint presentation on exploitation geared to make credit union management/staff aware of problem and part of solution-training/intervention APS PowerPoint for APS staff and I-team use Meeting and dialogue with The Library of Congress on CAANE’s Strategic Plan, Structure, Accomplishments, Goals, Vision, and work on Financial Exploitation Case Reviews Case Review Subcommittee reviewed several difficult cases for feedback on viable solutions Estimated 2.6 billion in financial fraud against seniors- 1/3 of credit union members are 55 and older- 13% are 65 or older – control $15 trillion in assets.

10 Accomplishments (cont.)
Events Elder Abuse Awareness Day events (June 15th) Southwest Region Adult Protective Services Conference Collaborative efforts between several organizations i.e. HUD, B.B.B., A.P.S., W.S.U., AAA, etc… Elder Abuse Symposiums in Mont. County Seminar at Day Air Credit Union on “How Credit Unions Can Impact Financial Exploitation Stakeholder Series


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