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Powys teaching Health Board

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1 Powys teaching Health Board
11th May 2010 Powys teaching Health Board Presenter: Dr Brendan Lloyd

2 Our 1000 Lives Plus achievements
Opportunities for new work: Merger Extend across primary, secondary, community care and voluntary sector Demonstrate success in rural setting Mandatory measures are already in the bag: WHO checklist – full implementation in Powys theatres Surgical hypothermia – already eliminated in Powys theatres Acutely ill patient – all patients now on “track and trigger” form. Real-time monitoring of ward acuity.

3 Mortality in Powys Jan-Dec 2008 1431 Powys residents died.
in our hospitals 43% in other providers Hospitals Death Certification Pilot Data: C. Jarrett, Death Certification Project, Clinical Governance Powys THB

4 Mortality and HSMR: Hereford

5 Area: Mortality, HSMR & Palliative Care
Aim Drivers Interventions Tests of Change HSMR data features in all Quality Reports Collect HSMR data from both Welsh & English providers – monitor through Quality & Safety committee Provide assurance to Board regarding HSMR of provider hospitals Work with partners to achieve targets in HSMR reduction Mortality HSMR Palliative Care Continue participation in DH Death Certification Pilot Increase choices for Powys residents in line with Last Days of Life – aim 10% Improve quality & choices for Powys residents Increase choices available to Powys residents through extended palliative care, nursing and social service teams Patient and relative survey on availability of appropriate choices Create “pull” system in line with “Setting the Direction” to enable best treatment

6 Area: Pressure Ulcer Aim Drivers Interventions Tests of Change
Percentage of care settings using standardised clinical assessment tool – aim for 95% Improved clinical assessment of skin integrity in all care settings Implement a standardised clinical assessment tool for risk of pressure ulcers in all care settings Percentage of patients with completed assessment tool outlining level of risk of pressure ulcer – aim for 95% Reduce number and severity of pressure ulcers across hospital, community and care home sector Percentage of clinical areas using pressure ulcer care bundle Aim for 95% Improved clinical care of patients at medium and high risk of pressure ulcers Implement a pressure ulcer care bundle that can be used in various settings Compliance rate of pressure ulcer care bundle – aim for 95% Incidence of pressure ulcers; and days between pressure ulcers – aim for 50% improvement Improve whole systems care – incorporating community hospitals, community and care homes Establish a mini- collaborative across Health & Social Care within Powys to link together differing areas of practice Number of mini-collaborative meetings (include virtual meetings/audio etc); aim for 3 in 2010

7 Area: Catheter Acquired Urinary Tract Infection
Aim Drivers Interventions Tests of Change Percentage of clinical areas using clinical decision making guide (aim for 100% in all areas) Implement a clinical decision making guide regarding rationale for insertion of urinary catheters Improved clinical decision making regarding insertion of urinary catheter Percentage of patients with urinary catheter with completed decision making guide indicating catheterisation Reduce rate and number of catheter acquired urinary tract infections across hospital, community and care home sector Establish a standardised approach to catheter storage and identification of device of choice Compliance with standardised catheter identification and storage Improved clinical care of patients requiring urinary catheter Percentage of clinical areas using urinary catheter care bundle Implement a urinary catheter care bundle that can be used in various settings Compliance rate of urinary catheter care bundle Improve whole systems care – incorporating community hospitals, community and care home Number of mini-collaborative meetings (include virtual meetings/audio etc); aim for 3 in 2010 Establish a mini- collaborative within Powys to link together differing areas of practice

8 Area: Medicines Management
Aim Drivers Interventions Tests of Change Identify high risk medicines in Powys Increase compliance with local formulary for high risk medicines – target 85% Appropriate use of high risk medicines Implement NPSA/NICE guidance Percentage of NICE/NPSA guidance audited within 12 months of introduction – 50% Reduce iatrogenic harm due to medicines Communication of patient medication list Implement electronic discharge/transfer medicines lists (IHC) Percentage of medicine lists included in patient discharges & transfers Implement effective medicines reconciliation on admission Extend to all Powys wards Errors in prescribing and administration Number of systems installed in Powys hospitals within 12 months Implement electronic transcribing and/or prescribing system in Powys hospitals (IHC)

9 Area: QI Development Aim Drivers Interventions Tests of Change
Develop a Faculty across Health & Social Care supported specifically by Lives Plus Number of staff who have received Advanced Quality Improvement Training – aim for Faculty of 10 by end of 2010 Integrated working across Health & Social Care Reduce Patient Harm and Improve Care through elimination of interface problems between primary care, community hospitals, DGH and Social Services Implement programme of Quality Improvement Learning facilitated by NLIAH Key learning points identified and published in academic journal with links to Welsh University Community Teams delivering “Setting the Direction” Develop partnership with Institute of Rural Health (IRH) identifying key learning from QI in rural environment Series of Action Learning Set meetings every 8 weeks; aim for 3 in 2010 Improve Quality Improvement Capacity in Organisations Action Learning Sets: British Association of Medical Managers and NLIAH – develop with leaders across Health, Social Care & Voluntary Sector

10 Thank You

11 Thank You

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