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22 April 2004 Crystal Gateway Marriot Hotel – Salon B

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1 22 April 2004 Crystal Gateway Marriot Hotel – Salon B
Expanding the reach of advanced networking Special International Workshop 22 April 2004 Crystal Gateway Marriot Hotel – Salon B

2 Welcome! "Expanding the Reach of Advanced Networking“
April 22, 2004 – Salon B Latest agenda and presentations are online at Background on workshop Objectives A glimpse at global research and education networks 11/12/2018

3 Background on workshop
Since Fall 2002 Internet2 Member meetings: regular BoF on “getting to hard to reach areas of the world” in countries and areas not reachable via dedicated research and education networks with facilities within countries that may have some level of dedicated REN (research and education networking) connectivity but unconnected due to geographic or technical reasons. Informal sharing on initiatives underway in various areas and what facilities, data, researchers and so on, that need to be reached Case studies from the community 11/12/2018

4 Some initial ‘key’ themes
“hard to reach place”: what does it really mean? Not just geographic remoteness but market/economics, technical, social and political The role and importance of National Research and Education Networks [NRENs] non-commercial and dedicated to serve research and education - often offer large network capacity and various advanced services not available generally Research networks and their user communities form important environments that become sources of innovation. Networks of networks (NRENs interconnecting): participation in international, world-leading broadband developments with particular applications to leading-edge education and research Ø      geographic remoteness: places where communications infrastructure has not been built primarily because the place is remote and traditional user populations haven’t existed. For example, the mountains in northern Chile where several radio and optical observatories have been located (purposefully away from population centers) Ø      market/economic issues: places where little underlying communications infrastructure is available (such as in several African countries) or for regulatory or economic reasons communication infrastructure is not affordable (such as India) technical: places where communications infrastructure has traditionally not been provided because of technical difficulty; for example, the surface and floor of the ocean. 11/12/2018

5 Cont. role of NRENs – cont. Science, funding and aid agencies:
increasing role of expanding effective networking NRENs can be a country’s national asset Science, funding and aid agencies: and you are? No or very little knowledge about NRENs and what it is that NRENs do or about programs duplication, costs, lack of coordination expressed interest in exploring actions or activities the group might undertake beyond simple information sharing on an ad hoc basis. 11/12/2018

6 Synergies between NRENs and aid and funding agencies
Global research and education networking community and key science, funding and aid agencies: How can get to know each other (and know about what we do) Overviews of agencies information and communication technology ICT programmatic areas and related programs The need for the global research and education community to also do outreach on what it is that what we do, what our members do and that illustrate real proof of concept instantiations, show that there are things we could do together 11/12/2018

7 Goals for today get to know a bit about each other
to have a a forum to explore ways in which we may work together to address the challenges in extending the reach of Internet infrastructure and networks in support of research, education and knowledge sharing what do you see as the gap areas – the needs? Before and after the workshop 11/12/2018

8 Steering Committee – many thanks!
Les Cottrell (SLAC) Curtis White (Allied Communications) Bob Dixon (Ohio State) Heather Boyles (Internet2) Peter Highnam (NIH) Lori Perine (NSF) Micah Beck (UT) Mary Kratz (Internet2) Steven Huter (NSRC, Univ. Oregon) Art St George (Univ. New Mexico) Dany Vandromme (RENATER) George McLaughlin (AARNet) Jim Williams (Indiana Univ) sharon Moskwiak (Internet2) Anil Srivastava, AcrossWorld Ana Preston (Internet2) 11/12/2018

9 Expanding the reach of advanced networking
Highlights: a keynote speech by Mohamed Muhsin, Vice-President and CIO of the World Bank presentations on programs from several science, funding and aid agencies including the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, the Organization of American States, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development, USAID and other European and Australian agencies for international development. presentations from members of the global research and education community that illustrate approaches for expanding network access to resource limited settings around the globe and how we may better work together to address needs and issues. 11/12/2018

10 Overview of global R&E networking
Ana Preston

11 Purpose foci on advanced networks that support research and education communities and dedicated (not commercial) and that may peer (or not) with global R&E infrastructure 11/12/2018

12 Europe GEANT
30 countries connected Consortium of 26 NRENs Operated by DANTE 10 Gbps core backbone Connectors at 10Gbps(9) and below High-performance R&E networks GEANT2 backbone in midst of new procurement ~September 2004 start Mix of leased/owned transmission and bought telecom services Several national networks building out owned/leased fiber (NL, CH, PL, CZ, SK) Wavelength connections to NetherLight Czech Rep., NordicLight, UKLight (coming soon), CERN (by SURFNET) 11/12/2018

13 Beyond Europe Additions to “Europe”
Russia Already had 622Mbps through St. Petersburg to NORDUnet GEANT consortium member proper European-funded connectivity to other regions than Europe SEEREN (southeastern Europe) EUMEDCONNECT (Mediterranean) ALICE (Latin America) TEIN2 (Southeast Asia) Support for NATO-led Virtual Silk Highway Discussions with South Africa (SANREN emerging) A must read is “Networks for Knowledge and Innovation” A Strategic study of European research and education networking – SERENATE report (Williams, Bonac, Butterworth, Davies, Jaume-Rajaonia, Mayer, Skouby, Vietsch) 11/12/2018

14 Europe – International connectivity
Outreach to: SE Europe (Balkans) (SEEREN) Med. (+N. Africa) (EUMEDCONNECT) Asia (TEIN) Central Asia/Caucasia (Virtual Silk Hgwy – NATO) S. America Report on present status of international connectivity in Europe and to other continents From SERENATE – Study into European Research and Education Networking As Targeted by eEurope, 11/12/2018

15 Asia-Oceania APAN: Asia-Pacific Advanced Network
APAN network made up of country-owned point2point links contributed to APAN Most connect to APAN/Tokyo XP No real shared regional “backbone” at this point Cluster efforts (Northeast, Southeast, Oceania) 11/12/2018

16 Asia-Oceania future Efforts to further firm up APAN organizaiton and to move toward regional clusters of interconnection Outreach to South Asia India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan No current connectivity Australia SXTransport [2x10G] to Hawaii and US mainland Eventually connect New Zealand (new NGI-NZ entity) Fiji A must read are the Mary O’Kane reports (see web program) 11/12/2018

17 APAN future North Cluster (CN, JP, KR, …) Russia Europe North America
Japan Korea Central Asia Net USA China Taiwan Hong Kong South Asia Net Thailand Vietnam Philippines Malaysia West Asia Net In the horizon: south asia -- India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (U. Colombo through Ai2 project and LEARN project) , Bangladesh; Little current connectivity July meeting to bring together NRNs or possible NRN members in region Connectivity to APAN? To Europe? TBD Sri Lanka Singapore Indonesia Southeast Cluster (MY, SG, TH,…) Oceania Cluster (AU,…) Exchange Point Access Point Current status 2003 (plan) Australia 11/12/2018

18 Americas United States: Canada: Internet2 –
Abilene backbone network Emerging regional and national initiatives unprecedented opportunities for our members in support of member activities Rick interconnections to the rest of the world Canada: CA*net national facility/backbone – CA*Net Richly connected to United States, Asia and Europe 11/12/2018

19 Countries reachable via North American NRENs
Europe-Middle East Asia-Pacific Americas Austria (ACOnet) Belgium (BELNET) Croatia (CARNet) Czech Rep. (CESNET) Cyprus (CYNET) Denmark (Forskningsnettet) Estonia (EENet) Finland (Funet) France (Renater) Germany (G-WIN) Greece (GRNET) Hungary (HUNGARNET) Iceland (RHnet) Ireland (HEAnet) Israel (IUCC) Italy (GARR) Latvia (LATNET) Lithuania (LITNET) Luxembourg (RESTENA) Malta (Univ. Malta) Netherlands (SURFnet) Norway (UNINETT) Poland (POL34) Portugal (RCTS2) Qatar (Qatar FN) Romania (RoEduNet) Russia (RBnet) Slovakia (SANET) Slovenia (ARNES) Spain (RedIRIS) Sweden (SUNET) Switzerland (SWITCH) United Kingdom (JANET) Turkey (ULAKBYM) *CERN Australia (AARNET) China (CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET) Hong Kong (HARNET) Japan (SINET, WIDE, IMNET, JGN) Korea (KOREN, KREONET2) Singapore (SingAREN) Philippines (PREGINET) Taiwan (TANet2, ASNet) Thailand (UNINET, ThaiSARN) Argentina (RETINA) Brazil (RNP2/ANSP) Canada (CA*net) Chile (REUNA) Mexico (Red-CUDI) United States (Abilene, vBNS) Venezuela (REACCIUN-2) More information at 11/12/2018

20 An asymmetric scenario
Interregional Internet Bandwidth Source: Nelson Simoes, RNP 11/12/2018

21 Americas : Latin America
Established education and research networks: With dedicated Internet2 connections: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela Some with dedicated int’l connectivity: Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay Education and research networks being re-established (present nat’l/int’l connectivity through commercial ISPs) Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, El Salvador No education/research network (most connected to Internet via commercial ISPs): Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Haiti, rest of Caribbean 11/12/2018

22 CLARA CLARA: Cooperacion Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas
Association of NRENs in LA open to all LA Countries CLARA network: CLARA network May 2004 Support from Europe – ALICE project Interested in optimizing connections between North America and Latin America Source: Michael Stanton, CLARA technical committee 11/12/2018

23 Other, Middle East and Africa
Middle East is mixed bag: Israel (GEANT) EUMEDCONNECT Gulf States Qatar links to New York UAE, Oman interest No dedicated R&E network connectivity to/from African continent 11/12/2018

24 Other Antarctica Non-Western Hemisphere centric
South Pole research station Non-Western Hemisphere centric TEIN2 project: Europe to Asia NREN connectivity Russia – China connectivity being put in place 11/12/2018

25 Some conclusions NRENs important role
New NRENs in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East Regional (continental-scale) backbone growth Continuum from commercial Internet access, to reliable-leading-edge (production) to experimental to network research facilitating networks But locus of most effort on supporting the high-performance, leading-edge needs of high-end science and other high-end research, education, clinical needs 11/12/2018

26 Some generalizations NREN organizations also do outreach, technology implementation and support for application development in various ways and many positive things BUT large gaps exist regarding dedicated research and education networks being “connected” to an NREN (or close to one) may not mean much the end to end problem – performance monitoring to illustrate just this… and many, many challenges remain… 11/12/2018

27 So… We are here to talk about some of these issues:
What do you think still think needs to be done? what are the things we could do? we need to hear from our invited speakers and guests There is much to gain THANK you! 11/12/2018

28 11/12/2018

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