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Safe Sanctuary Training

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1 Safe Sanctuary Training
Boiling Springs United Methodist Church

2 Baptismal Covenant All volunteers and employees are living out the vows we take in baptism to nurture our children and youth in the Christian faith. BAPTISMAL COVENANT UNITED METHODIST HYMNAL THE CONGREGATIONAL PLEDGE 1 Pastor: Do you as the congregation accept the responsibility of assisting these parents in fulfillment of the baptismal vows, and do you undertake to provide facilities and opportunities for Christian nurture and fellowship? People: We will, by the grace of God. THE CONGREGATIONAL PLEDGE 2 Pastor: Members of the household of faith, I commend your love and care to this child, whom we this day recognize as a member of the family of God. Will you endeavor so to live that this child may grow in the knowledge and love of God, through our Savior Jesus Christ? People: With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to eternal life. Need to verify text and page number in hymnal; could add picture of baptismal font

3 Our Biblical Mandate “But Jesus called for them, and said, “Let the little children come to me and do not stop them; for it is such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” --Luke 18:16 “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” --Matthew 18:5

4 Prayer for the Children
Dear God, We thank you for the gift of children to raise, for their lives to share, their minds to mold, their bodies to nurture, and their spirits to enrich. Let us never betray our children’s trust, dampen their hope, or discourage their dreams. Help us, dear God, to enable our precious children to become all you want them to be. Let Your grace and love fall on them like gentle breezes, and give them inner strength and peace and patience for the journey ahead. Amen (Adapted from a prayer by Marian Wright Edelman)

5 Children and youth are defined as minors under the age of eighteen.
Statement of Policy Boiling Springs UMC is committed to providing an environment that is as safe as possible for children, youth and vulnerable adults who attend the church or any church sponsored program or activities. Children and youth are defined as minors under the age of eighteen. Vulnerable adult is defined as a person eighteen years of age or older who has a physical or mental condition which substantially impairs him/her from adequately providing for his/her own care. Change pictures to one more appropriate one. The Safe Sanctuary Policy is a comprehensive effort for the benefit of the entire BSUMC congregation and to all visitors and participants in our programs and events. Every staff member and volunteer will be expected to conduct his/her duties with strict adherence to the guidelines outlined within this policy. The policy will be maintained and updated by the Safe Sanctuary Ministry Team which will also be responsible for conducting training and compliance audits.

6 Purpose of Training To explain that abuse does happen in churches with devastating consequences To define types of abuse and increase awareness of signs and symptoms To identify areas of vulnerability within church ministries and programs To outline risk reduction procedures To prevent false allegations against individuals and the church Training will be provided for all individuals who have contact with children, youth or vulnerable adults at BSUMC. Class(es) will be held in January of each year or as needed. In order to make training available to all staff and volunteers, training sessions will also be offered electronically (hard copies of all training materials will also be available upon request). Volunteers and staff must complete one of the training courses prior to beginning work with the children, youth or vulnerable adults at BSUMC.

7 Definition Abuse is defined as any sexual contact, sexual language, indecent exposure, or communication for immoral purposes, as well as physical abuses such as corporal punishment or physical assault. The law recognizes that no minors can consent to sexual contact or physical abuse because of their age and vulnerability. The church affirms this position and will not tolerate any abuse. This policy does not preclude the reporting of suspected abuse occurring outside the parameters of this policy.

8 The Subject of Abuse… is a difficult and complex subject
makes us feel uncomfortable might scare away church volunteers should not happen in the church is painful for persons who may have been victims of child abuse Does it need a picture?

9 Any non-Church group meeting on church property shall adhere to the following:
Abide by our church’s Safe Sanctuary policy Read and sign concurrence

10 First Line Of Defense Screening

11 Employees of BSUMC are individuals receiving compensation while
Screening Policy Employees of BSUMC are individuals receiving compensation while volunteers are individuals serving without compensation. These two groups are covered under the screening policy. Background checks will be performed a minimum of every three years on all employees and volunteers that have contact with children, youth or vulnerable adults at BSUMC. DMV checks will be completed on all adults transporting children, youth or vulnerable adults every three years, as a minimum. Parents driving their own children are excluded. Applicants will complete BSUMC CONSENT TO PERFORM A BACKGROUND/DMV CHECK along with related waivers. Volunteers that wish to work with children, youth or vulnerable adults should be a member of Boiling Springs UMC for at least six months. Employees of Boiling Springs UMC will provide prior employment verification, work and personal references. Volunteers and employees may be asked NOT to drive or volunteer with children, youth or vulnerable adults if undesirable results appear on these checks.

12 Criteria for Approval No conviction regarding a child
No felony conviction No DUI within the last five (5) years No pattern of multiple smaller violations No applicant that is found to have been involved in any activity in which the applicant abused, exploited, or neglected children, youth or vulnerable adults will be approved. The person doing the checks will protect the confidentiality of those being checked. Problems are reviewed and resolved quickly, and records are kept in a secure offsite location.

13 Rationale We need to know that the employees and volunteers that work with our children, youth and vulnerable adults are without a criminal background. The act of being asked for a background check may deter an abuser from volunteering or acting on their desires. Anyone convicted of a child or sexual abuse will be denied the opportunity to work with our children, youth or vulnerable adults. We desire not to place children, youth and vulnerable adults at risk by placing them in a vehicle with a driver with recent serious violations on their record. DUI’s or other serious violations happening in the last five years is cause to restrict someone from driving children, youth and vulnerable adults at BSUMC.

14 Second Line Of Defense SUPERVISION

15 Age Requirements Volunteers and staff members serving in a supervisory capacity with children or youth shall be the following: At least 21 years of age At least five years older than the group they are supervising At least 25 years old to drive children, youth and vulnerable adults Boiling Springs UMC will work to provide younger volunteers the opportunity to serve where this age difference can be maintained.

16 Rationale for Age Restrictions
A leader whose age is within five years of the participants might not exercise appropriate boundaries with those in their care. Individuals might not have developed a level of judgment necessary to be placed in responsible situations with children and youth at BSUMC. A person might not command the respect of those they are entrusted to supervise.

17 TWO (non-related) Adult Rule
Related adults may serve together, BUT a third unrelated adult must be present. Volunteers and employees should not be alone with children, youth or vulnerable adults. At least two Safe Sanctuary approved non-related adults must be present in the following: In each classroom, meeting or event Trips away from church While transporting children and youth This is the most basic of our safe sanctuary procedures.

18 Rationale for the Adult Rule
Harming a child, youth or vulnerable adult is much more difficult with a witness present. A child, youth or vulnerable adult seeking revenge or attention could accuse a volunteer or employee of abuse. With no witness present, it becomes one person’s word against another. The purpose of a second non-related person is to provide a person who is not in a position to be intimidated by the first person.

19 Open Door Policy Open-door-policy – volunteers or employees shall never be in a closed door situation with any child, youth or vulnerable adult. IF it is impossible to have two adults present at all times, we will utilize an adult “roamer” to periodically monitor and supervise the gathering. Classrooms and office doors will have windows for visibility. The windows will be kept free from adornment. Doors that do not have windows will be kept open while in use. Parents, clergy, administration, and professional staff have the right to visit a classroom at any time. There must be access to a landline phone or cell phone when groups are at or away from our church facility.

20 One-on-0ne Interaction
Counseling situations should be managed in a manner that allows for privacy of conversation, but they should be within visual contact of others. Seek to have someone within the building roaming Leave door(s) cracked open Let people know that you will be meeting with someone Talk with parents or guardians

21 Rationale for One-on-One Interaction
Even the simplest touch can be misinterpreted. Always be aware of how it looks and/or may feel to the person being counseled AND to onlookers. Not sure? Don’t do it!

22 Restroom Policies Volunteers and employees shall never be in a closed door situation with a child. In situations where an escort is needed for a trip to the restroom, a teacher will stand outside of the restroom and only assist the child if needed. Whenever a teacher is in the restroom with a child, the door will remain open. If a child soils himself, every attempt will be made to have two adult volunteers present while cleaning up the child.

23 Classroom Discipline Tell the child or youth what he/she is doing that
is disrupting the class. Guide the child or youth to another activity. No corporal punishment, verbal threats or intimidation will be allowed. Contact parents or guardians if the need for discipline arises.

24 Think About Touch Appropriate touch Giving hugs Boundaries
Sitting in Lap - okay for infant, toddler, pre-K child - older children should sit beside the leader Touching to Comfort or Affirm - appropriate touching of the hand, arm, shoulder, back, or head is okay in public. Hugs - side-by-side is best - avoid full body contact Kisses - Never initiate!

25 Sign-in and Sign-out All children up through sixth grade must be signed-in by staff as they enter the classroom or building when participating in children’s ministry programs or the church nursery at BSUMC. All children must be signed-out by the parent, guardian or individual designated on child’s information form. Staff will verify before releasing any child.

26 Outings Away From Church Property
All individuals traveling must have a medical release form and a consent form to participate in the transportation provided by BSUMC. Access to a phone must be available. The ratio of adults to youth/children is 1:7 with proper male to female ratio. Sleeping guidelines must be strictly followed as noted below: Only females in female rooms and males in male rooms Adults do not sleep in rooms with youth Adults will not be allowed to sleep in the same bed with a child/youth unless the child/youth is their own child

27 Transporting Youth or Children
No driver is to transport children, youth or vulnerable adults alone. The two person rule applies except for parents transporting their own children. Females drivers shall have a male in the vehicle if the youth are male and vise versa. All drivers of vehicles owned by BSUMC, provided by parents or workers, as well as any external commercial vehicles shall be at least twenty five years of age and have passed the DMV check.

28 Vulnerable Adults On-Site Activities
Vulnerable adults are defined as a person 18 years of age or older who has a physical or mental condition which substantially impairs the person from adequately providing for his or her own care. On-Site Activities Two Safe Sanctuary approved non-related adult workers should be present. Related adults may serve together, but a third unrelated adult must be present. If two approved workers are not available, doors without glass panel will remain open. When possible one worker should be first-aid and CPR certified. Off-Site Activities (including visits in the home, hospital, or extended care facilities) At least two approved adults should be present at all visits. When an older/vulnerable adult will be alone, the visiting team should be comprised of at least two non-related members. When there will be other family members present, the visit can be conducted by teams of two, even if the two members are related.

29 If You Suspect Abuse Contact the right people
Follow Boiling Springs UMC media plan Document It is not our job to determine guilt, only to suggest that it may need to be investigated.

30 Responding to Allegations of Abuse
Within the Church Ensure the protection of and tend to the immediate needs of the victim as the situation requires Contact the right people. Notify the parents/legal guardian of the child immediately. Allegations against Volunteers - notify Program/Event Director, the Pastor, and Lay Leader Allegations against Employee - notify Pastor, Chairperson of SPRC and Lay Leader Allegations against the Pastor – notify the Chairperson of SPRC and Lay Leader Complete “Report of Suspected Incident of Child Abuse” immediately. Keep all matters confidential. Within the Community Anyone who is leading (teacher) or clergy, must report any suspected abuse (physical or sexual), neglect or any other concerns to Lexington County Sheriff’s department at   Keep all matters confidential.

31 If the Allegation Has a Factual Basis
A Response Team shall be formed to take any further action required. This team shall follow the advice of legal counsel and the District Superintendent. The Response Team shall be made up of the Pastor, Chairperson of the SPRC, Chair of the Safe Sanctuary Team, and Lay Leader.

32 Key Words to Remember Key Rule to Remember
No isolated one-on–one interaction No children/youth unsupervised No unsupervised access of children by non-supervising adults Deter Potential and Convicted Predators Consistency Key Rule to Remember Non-related adult rule Years older than the age group helping Month membership in the church to work with anyone under eighteen years of age

33 The History 1996-General Conference Resolution on Child Protection
1998-Safe Sanctuaries is published by GBOD 2007 SC Annual Conference resolution A New Way of Living (Churches will no longer be a SAFE HAVEN for potential or convicted predators.)

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