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We Improve Norwegian Trade and Industry

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1 We Improve Norwegian Trade and Industry
Innovation Norway improves Norwegian trade and industry: We shall help businesses withstand adversity and flourish in prosperity. Innovation Norway are the Government's most important tool for developing Norwegian trade and industry. We Improve Norwegian Trade and Industry March 2012

2 “Innovation Norway supports businesses that create tomorrow’s business life.” Gunn Ovesen, CEO of Innovation Norway Innovation Norway contributes to innovation in Norwegian trade and industry and development in our rural areas. We shall also contribute to create competitive Norwegian businesses. We work for more tourists to Norway and encourage Norwegians to spend their vacation in their own country. We provide services in the fields of finance, skills improvement and consulting. The marketing of Norway and Norwegian trade and industry is also one of our most important tasks. By linking our knowledge of local affairs and international networks with the ideas and driving force of entrepreneurs, the basis is formed for new business successes. We trigger sustainable innovations and contribute towards the development of attractive jobs. Photo: Johnny Syversen / Innovation Norway 2

3 We contribute to Innovation in Norwegian trade and industry
Making Norwegian businesses competitive domestically and internationally Promoting the reputation of Norwegian businesses Also: Promote Norway as an attractive destination Secure development in rural areas Transform ideas into successful businesses Women and young people are general focus areas Focus on sustainable innovations Photo: Siv Nærø/ Innovation Norway

4 §§ §§ A public door opener The gateway for businesses to public funds
Owned by the Ministry of Trade and Industry From 2010: 49 percent owned by the 19 county municipalities of Norway In addition to central Government funds, our offices in every county are awarded regional funds through the county municipality Also administers funds from: The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs The Ministry of Agriculture and Food The Ministry of Foreign Affairs §§

5 An international organization
We have offices in every county in Norway (19) As of March 2011 we have representatives in the following countries: Brasil - Bulgaria – Canada – Denmark – Latvia and Lithuania – Finland – France – India – Japan – China – Korea – Malaysia – Poland –– Romania – Russia – Singapore – Spain – Great Britain – Sweden – South Africa – Thailand – Turkey – Germany – USA - Vietnam OFFICES IN EVERY COUNTY REPRESENTATION IN MORE THAN 30 COUNTRIES 9

6 From local ideas to global opportunities
Your district office Offices abroad We give local ideas global opportunities The local Innovation Norway office is your door to the world. We can provide good advice, either you are establishing a business for the first time or already run a business that wants to expand into new markets. In order to succeed internationally, it is important to know the different markets. A successful international drive starts with a good strategy, and our Norwegian offices help you get started. It is also useful to know the culture, find the right partners and establish good networks. Our offices abroad know this.

7 We prioritize six sectors
Energy and environ-ment Health Agriculture Marine Maritime, Oil and Gas Tourism Innovation Norway directs much of its work at selected sectors. A sector may be parts of value chains, lines of business or industries. Sectors are to be prioritised according to which degree they can contribute towards meeting the future challenges of society. Additionally, we will view the potential for Norwegian trade and industry based on various advantages and to which degree Innovation Norway can trigger opportunities and meet sector-specific needs.  The various sectors will have a varying potential in different parts of the country. Our prioritised sectors are currently: • Energy and environment • Health • Agriculture • Marine • Maritime, oil and gas • Travel and tourism The Government has recently drawn up separate national strategies for travel and tourism and the maritime sector. They will form the basis for our efforts in these areas in the time ahead. 13

8 Our services Financing services Networking services Advisory services
Promotional services Networking services A suite of services that covers most requirements through the innovation process from clarification of idea, development, introduction to market and growth. Five types of services All of our programs and services are based on five types of services. These are advisory services, competence services, promotional services, financing services and networking services. Promotional services: Measures to make Norway and Norwegian trade and industry (more) visible in Norway and abroad. Competence services: Standardized services to groups of trade and industry actors on upgrading strategically important knowledge for the organizations. Financing services: All financial instruments that contribute towards triggering and carrying out projects. Advisory services: Dialogue with individual operations, networks or clusters concerning strategic options and decisions aimed at improving competitive ability. Networking services: Assistance to initiate and implement development processes and projects in agreement-based groups of parties. Competence services Advisory services 8 8

9 Entrepreneurship Capital Competence Networks Entrepreneurship
Innovation Norway assists entrepreneurs and enterprises in the start-up phase with development and growth. We can contribute to faster and better growth by offering capital, competence and networks to enterprises in the start-up phase. Capital Start-up grants for use in the development and market introduction phase. Public/industrial research and development contracts (R&D contracts) for the development of competitive products in an international market in collaboration with a demanding customer. Innovation loans for new companies in the growth phase. Competence Advice on international business development through trade promotion offices in a number of countries. Offer entrepreneurs with growth ambitions a mentor from the business community. Expertise in and advice on intellectual property rights (IPR) and design. Networks Connect entrepreneurs with relevant networks and customers abroad. Because of its offices abroad, Innovation Norway is an important point of contact between Norwegian and international business and industry. Photo: Jan Lillehamre/Innovation Norway

10 SME growth Capital Competence International Networks SME growth
Innovation Norway shall help established businesses to succeed with innovation, growth and internationalisation. Capital, competence and networks will help small and medium-sized enterprises to operate more efficiently and increase their profitability. Capital R&D contracts is a service offered to further develop business. This policy instrument shall be used for the development of competitive products in an international market in collaboration with a demanding customer. Loans for the development of innovation projects. Competence International market advisory services delivered by business, market and technology advisers at our trade promotion offices in international markets Advice on the use of IPR and design Competence programmes in domestic and international business development International networks Innovation Norway connects Norwegian enterprises to relevant networks, customers and partners abroad. The service aims to contribute to improving the probability of businesses succeeding in international markets. Photo: Siv Nærø/ Innovation Norway

11 Innovation milieus Enhancing strategic collaboration for innovation
Research and development contracts Business networks Regional clusters: Arena and NCE programmes Regional renewal processes In the Innovation Milieus work area we focus on cooperative processes. Innovations most frequently arise through interaction with others. Innovation Norway therefore arranges for more businesses to create something new in interaction with other businesses, knowledge communities or development players. The NCE programme is a cluster development programme that offers financial and professional support for the implementation of long-term and targeted development processes. Public and industrial research and development contracts entail a binding and targeted cooperation between trade and industry and public enterprises. The scheme shall stimulate close developmental cooperation between a demanding client business/public department and one or more supplier businesses. The clear goal of the Arena programme is to increase added value in regional industrial communities. These are communities with a concentration of businesses in the same sector/value chain, which together can establish a well-developed expertise community Photo: Jan Lillehamre/Innovation Norway

12 Some relevant services for foreign owned Norwegian companies (IN provides services to Norwegian entities only) Loans Grants Research and development contracts The environmental technology programme Skattefunn (Tax reduction for R&D) SME Growth programme Different kinds of advisory and network services

13 Innovation Norway: Much more than financing
Photo: Johan Wildhagen/Innovation Norway For Norwegian businesses there exits a number of policy instruments in addition to our financing schemes. At Innovation Norway we provide promotional and networking services and services that contribute towards developing competence. Innovation Norway is your way in. We have offices in every county in Norway.

14 You will find everything you need to know at our website
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