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National recruitment campaign in adult social care?

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Presentation on theme: "National recruitment campaign in adult social care?"— Presentation transcript:

1 National recruitment campaign in adult social care?

2 Why a national recruitment campaign?
To meet the sector’s recruitment and retention challenges: Need enough people to fill an extra half a million jobs by 2030 90,000 open vacancies on any given day Increasing vacancy and turnover rates Not enough applicants with the right values and skills

3 What do we want to do? The Department of Health and Social Care has asked Skills for Care to do a scoping study to see if and how a national recruitment campaign will work in adult social care. The study will: explore if there’s support and demand for a national recruitment campaign learn from other recruitment campaigns to describe what a successful adult social care recruitment campaign might look like explore how it’ll work in practice and what the key aims and outcomes should be estimate the cost of a campaign and who might fund this.

4 What do we mean by a national recruitment campaign?
The initial aims of the recruitment campaign would be to: raise awareness and improve perceptions of the adult social care sector help people understand more about adult social care, to help them explore whether a job in the sector would be right for them inspire people with the right values to: take the first steps towards a career in adult social care make a successful career change into adult social care return to adult social care encourage others to explore a career in adult social care connect people to jobs, education, or other ways to explore a career in adult social care.

5 Consultation with stakeholders
What do we want to know? We’d love to hear what you think about a national recruitment campaign for adult social care in England. Is a national recruitment campaign needed? What might it involve? Fill in our online survey / share it with colleagues – closes on 01 February

6 Consultation with stakeholders
Who do we want to talk to? Adult social care employers and managers, from all services and of all sizes Representative bodies Adult social care workers Learning providers and higher/ further education organisations Person who access care and support, or an unpaid carer, family or friend Potential jobseekers

7 Next steps Collect and analyse all feedback and evidence - Feb 2018
Write and submit a report to the Department of Health and Social Care - March 2018 Further discussions from April onwards Keep informed via our enews, or leave your details when you complete the survey

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