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Data Pipeline Town Hall January 21, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall January 21, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall January 21, 2016
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3

4 Importance of Data Privacy
11/12/2018 Importance of Data Privacy Federal and state laws govern data privacy, confidentiality and security and require CDE to collect data that may include personally identifiable information (PII). Name, address, personal identifier Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date or place of birth) Information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. (§ 99.3) 4

5 How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions
Use secure-file transfer protocols Call CDE with questions about how to transmit PII securely Do not send PII over or fax Do not use PII in trainings Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords For more information 5

6 Today’s Agenda Vendor Update Technical Update
Open Collections in Data Pipeline Data Pipeline Survey Data Pipeline Users Group Special Education December Count Identity Management Human Resources School Discipline and Attendance SBD/PreCoded Id Statewide Standard Course Codes 6

7 Introductions 7

8 11/12/2018 Vendor Update I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.

9 Colorado PowerSchool Users
6th Annual PS User’s Conference Date: Thu, Jan 21 and Fri, Jan 22, 2016 Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM each day Location: Cherry Creek School District, Centennial, CO Cost: Early Bird Rate – One day: $150 per person, Two days: $175 person Rate increases December 15th. Regular registration rate – One day: $200 per person, Two days: $225 per person. *Groups of 3 or more enter the discount code PSGROUP at checkout for $25 off per person.  Registration: Deadline: January 15, 2016 To Register:>Calendar>Jan 21

10 18th Annual CSIS Users Conference
Join us for many brand new sessions this year, including more programmer, technical and state reporting classes! Date: Mon & Tue Feb 8th & 9th Time: 7:30 AM – 3:45 PM each day Location: Double Tree Hotel Denver, CO Cost: Both Days $275.00  Single Day $175.00 Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch buffet To Register or for more information on sessions visit:

11 Technical Update 11

12 Internet Explorer Microsoft is no longer supporting Internet Explorer 10 and below Last security update will be January 12th Please be sure to upgrade to a new browser 12

13 Internet Explorer Some CDE applications require compatibility mode
Please enable compatibility mode using the following steps: Open the desktop, and then tap or click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar. Go to and let the web page load Tap or click the Tools button (looks like a gear), and then tap or click Compatibility View settings. Under Add this website, enter, and then tap or click Add. 13

14 Open Collections in Data Pipeline

15 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory Continue to send in Non-Public student counts. Reminder after the election of Thursday, November 3rd to update your School Board Membership if there were any changes. RITS EDIS Periodic Finance (February 28th 2016) 15

16 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Special Education December Count Human Resources 16

17 LEA Data Pipeline Improvement Survey

18 LEA Data Pipeline Improvement Survey
Sent out Tuesday January 19th Will close June 10th Please respond for each collection for which you are responsible Allows multiple responses Respond once per collection last semester, next spring June Each collection 18

19 Data Pipeline Users Group

20 Special Education December Count 20

21 DEADLINE TODAY Due Date Special Education Timeline Thursday January 21, 2016 Date by which the Administrative Unit must have created a Complete Special Education December Count Snapshot in Pipeline, electronically verifying that the STAFF and STUDENT data submitted are valid and reliable AND also submit a signed faxed/ ed report verifying the validity of STAFF and STUDENT data submitted The following signed reports are due: Staff Data Validity Certification Report (1 page) Student Data Validity Certification Report (1 page) PLEASE DON’T MAKE ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SNAPSHOT SO WE CAN RUN THE DUPLICATE REPORTS WITH THE MOST UP TO DATE DATA. You will have an opportunity to make changes relative to duplicates during the duplicate process. 21

22 Contact information Kristi Gleason (303) Lindsey Heitman (303) Orla Bolger (303) S Include District # and Administrative Unit # Phone Number in your Subject of the (This information helps us so much upfront – thank you!) Communication to the field will be provided on an as needed basis to keep folks up to date on bugs and other matters! 22

23 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 23

24 Identity Management Upgrade Update

25 Identity Management Upgrade
Background CDE rolled the initial distributed administration out back in 2008 Included User Manager / Local Access Manager model Original version was on the Oracle 9i Gone through at least two upgrades since that time This upgrade moves the system from Oracle 10g to Oracle 11g Implementation has been delayed due to other planned CDE infrastructure upgrades, feedback from the pilot group and the overall application performance 25

26 Identity Management Upgrade
Goals of the upgrade project: Impacts to the LEA Users Trying to keep impacts as low as possible Updates to the Single Sign On (SSO) login page Updates to the application landing page Improved self service password reset Trying to avoid the need for users to re-bookmark applications All of the 10g users will be automatically “migrated” to 11g Allow users to move to 11g on their schedule (30 Days) 10g users being synchronized with 11g Once you add users to 11g they are no longer visible in 10g 26

27 Identity Management Upgrade
Goals for the Local Access Manager (LAM) Will be the most impacted due to the new IdM applications New Delegated Administration system for creating users and assigning groups Required for the 11g upgrade More intuitive than the existing application All existing users and group assignments will remain unchanged New bulk load capability for use with large user additions Add large number of users User report functionality 27

28 Identity Management Upgrade
Thank you for your patience as we worked on this project Special thanks for the pilot participants and their feedback March 1st is the rollout date for the new Delegated Administration application (11g) Soft release meaning you can still use the old version (10g) Again, if you create users on the new version you must continue April 5th old version of the user provisioning goes away Webinars being plan for February to show final version of the Delegated Administration 28

29 Identity Management Upgrade
Questions / Concerns on the demonstration 29

30 Human Resources Snapshot

31 Schedule Reminder Interchange and snapshot should be error free
Review Reports, especially the Special Education Staff Report Finalize by February 11th once all data is verified as accurate 31

32 Finalizing Steps Once all Errors are resolved in Snapshot…
Review, review, review data reports for accuracy! If mistakes/misreporting is found, correct files again and create new snapshot If data reports are all accurate- you may finalize the data by submitting it to CDE 32

33 Finalizing Data Once data is accurate-all reports reviewed and correct… HR~LEAAPPROVER for district will need to ‘Submit to CDE’ HR Snapshot Status Dashboard ( ): Submit to CDE 33

34 Resources Staff Interchange:
Human Resources: 34

35 Contact Information Annette Severson: Phone: Fax: In s or voic messages, please include: District Code Error code(s) if applicable Where assistance is needed; such as ‘files won’t upload’ or ‘getting error HR### for EDID ######## and I don’t know why’ 35

36 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 36

37 School Discipline and Attendance

38 Overview The purpose of the School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) collection is to capture: the students disciplined based on the type of incident (behavior of the student) and the demographics of the student, the students that brought or possessed a firearm and the action taken for those incidents and the attendance information for each school. Collection opens May and is due June 2016 38

39 Discipline by Action File Updates
Behaviors Updated: Drug Violation definition now excludes marijuana Addition of Marijuana Violation to behavior code list Addition of Sexual Violence to behavior code list 01 Drug Violation Use, possession, or sale of a drug or controlled substance other than marijuana on school grounds, in school vehicles, or at school activities or sanctioned events. 14 Marijuana Violation The unlawful use, possession, or sale of marijuana on school grounds, in a school vehicle, or at a school activity or sanctioned event. 15 Sexual Violence Acts of sexual violence on school grounds, in a school vehicle, or at a school activity or sanctioned event. Sexual Violence means a physical sexual act perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent. 39

40 Concerns for Updates Updates were included in posted documentation for SDA, however not formally communicated with LEAs/Vendors A section will be added to No Reportable Incidents tab Districts can provide what timeframe the data counts are reported in For example, if the data counts include data from January through May, you could indicate ‘5 months’ Will only be available for , data will need to be reported completely for 40

41 No Reportable Incidents: Design Phase

42 Discipline by Action File Additional Update
Law Enforcement Referral Incidents (re-defined): The total number of incidents (not students) in which the student(s) were referred to law enforcement. If the incident was referred to law enforcement, indicate the most serious action taken (e.g., suspension, expulsion) in addition to the referral to law enforcement. Law enforcement referrals will not be counted in the total incident count unless law enforcement referral is the only column checked. For full definition, please reference the file layout posted at: 42

43 Other File Updates for SDA
Firearm (GFSA) Discipline File Addition of Grade Level in file layout Please recall, no record needs to be reported unless there was a firearm incident within the school Discipline by Student Demographic File Removal of the Habitually Disruptive Students field Attendance Data File No updates 43

44 Contact information Annette Severson: and (303) Documentation posted at: 44

45 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 45

46 SBD/ Pre-Coded ID 46

47 Pre-ID/SBD Information 11th Grade College Entrance Exam and New 10th Grade Exam
Pre-ID data pull will be done on Tuesday, January 26th Please update student demographics and student school association files in student interchange If no update is made, the current data will be pulled PSAT (10th graders) and ACT (11th graders)

48 Pre-ID/SBD Information Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Overview Alternate assessment in English Language Arts and Math for students with significant cognitive disabilities This is a very small set of students in grades 3-11 (approximately 5,500 statewide) Student test window is the same as PARCC ELA/Math DLM Test preparation No Pre-ID pull. KITE is open Please update student information in the KITE system. Data will be locked down on March 7th DLM SBD will be in May, 2016 We anticipate that the SBD process will be similar to what was used in spring, 2015, however, we are reviewing that process to see what improvements can be made. Please note DLM will replace the previous 11th grade alternate assessment for (there will not be a separate collection for the 11th grade alternate)

49 SBD Information ACCESS for ELLs
SBD for ACCESS for ELLs week of March 14th, 2016 SBD process will be similar to what was used in spring, 2015 Please maintain student information in vendor system This will help reduce changes required during SBD process

50 CMAS (includes PARCC) Student test window is 4/11/16 – 4/29/16.
SBD for CMAS will be in late June/early July, 2016 SBD process will be similar to what was used in summer, 2015 Please update student information in vendor system

51 Contact Information Suggestions or Questions? Different members of the assessment data team are responsible for each SBD collection. If you have questions about a collection for a specific assessment, please contact the Assessment Unit staff member responsible for that collection. For general questions about SBDs, please contact Jasmine Carey or Melissa Mincic You can also call the general phone number for the Assessment Unit at and Margo will direct you to the person who can best answer your question.

52 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 52

53 Statewide Standard Course Codes 53

54 Statewide Standard Course Codes
Please make sure you are replicating/uploading course codes for the school year Course code mappings are required for Teacher Student Data Link collection All courses should be mapped and loaded by end of February 2016. TSDL snapshot opens on February 29th More information 54

55 Statewide Standard Course Codes
What courses need to be mapped? Please continue to map all courses When should I start converting to SCED version 3.0? As soon as possible. Next year CDE will be limiting courses to version 3.0 codes. Biggest change in the conversion is the prior to secondary codes mapping to the subject areas There is a crosswalk on the website. When can districts start uploading codes? This is being researched. Request has been made to make it available. 55

56 Statewide Standard Course Codes
Three duplicate webinars Connect using: Phone number: Dates: Wednesday, February 10th from 9:00 – 10:00 Tuesday, February 16th from 11:00 – 12:00 Thursday, February 18th from 3:30 – 4:30 will be sent out 56

57 More information Statewide Standard Course Codes Website
Replication steps documentation Questions? Kevin Smith 57

58 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 58

59 Thursday, January 28th 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
Thanks for joining us today! Next Town Hall: Thursday, January 28th 9 a.m.-10 a.m. 59

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