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Political Parties GOVT Notes 3-4.

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1 Political Parties GOVT Notes 3-4


3 Political Parties Liberal = ______________
Raise your hand when you can tell me what Political Party is associated with the term liberal? Democratic Party

4 Political Parties Conservative = _____________
Raise your hand when you can tell me what Political Party is associated with the term conservative? Republican Party

5 Republican / Conservative
Democrat / Liberal Republican / Conservative Black or Latino Female Lower Income (Poor) Younger Less Religious Job: Education Arts/Entertainment Science Media/Technology White Male Higher Income (Rich) Older More Religious Job: Construction Mining Military/Security Farming

6 What stance do they take on political issues?
Democratic Party Liberal / Left Republican Party Conservative / Right What stance do they take on political issues?

7 What factors influence your political beliefs?


9 Political Parties Political Socialization:
Factors/traits that influence a person and help form their political ideals Family: children identify with parents beliefs Religion: religious beliefs or lack of beliefs may influence your ideals

10 Political Party Group of citizens organized to…
get party members elected run/control the government set public policy (pass laws)

11 Political Party Challenge “opposition” party
coalitions: temporary alliance between groups that have different interests

12 U.S. Two Party System Agreement on basic ideals
Agree on principles of government (Constitution, Elections, Voting, Freedom) Agree on society’s problems Disagree on how to solve problems

13 U.S. Two Party System

14 U.S. Two Party System Legal barriers for 3rd parties
difficult to get on ballot signatures require cost money to run (filing fees) EX: Greens, Libertarians, Socialists, and Communists

15 Stop Here

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