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Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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1 Triple Negative Breast Cancer

2 General Principles Cancers that have ≤1% expression of ER/PR as determined by IHC and that are 0-1+ by IHC, or 2+ and FISH-negative More aggressive, more common in pre-menopausal, African-American and associated with obesity BRCA mutations seen in 20% patients Staging and management guidelines are similar to other subtypes- ? More use of neo-adjuvant chemo TNBC has worst OS compares to other phenotypes, risk of recurrence peaks ~ three years after diagnosis and declines rapidly thereafter

3 TNBC: Molecularly Heterogeneous
Name Characteristic gene expression “LAR”, luminal AR AR, ER (no ER by IHC), prolactin, HER4 signal “MES”, mesenchymal Cell cycle, damage response, growth factor “BLIS”, basal-like immunosuppressed Basal-like, ↓T-, B-, NK-cell and cytokine pathways “BLIA”, basal-like immune activated Basal-like, ↑immunoregulatory pathways, STAT Overlap with PAM50 Some overlap with “TNBCtype” All characterized by basal, immune, and stromal signatures Burstein MD et al. Clin Cancer Res 2015

4 Choosing neo-adjuvant vs adjuvant chemo
Tumor shrinkage Down stage axilla Efficacy of chemo (response adjusted approach) Prognosticate- pCR Research- tumor samples while on chemo to identify tumor and patient specific biomarkers correlating with response Allows time for genetic testing and plan reconstruction

5 Chemotherapy NCCN: Regimens recommended in adjuvant setting may be considered in the pre-operative setting. Preferred regimens: ddAC  ddPac, ddAC  weekly Pac TC Other regimens: AC, EC, CMF, ACDoc/Pac, TAC, FEC or FAC followed by taxane Platinums added to NACT for TNBC?

6 NSABP B-18 and NSABP B-27 B18: N = 1523 pts with operable cancer randomized to pre-operative AC x4 vs post-operative AC x4 B27: N = 2411 pts with operable cancer randomized to: pre-op AC x4  Sx pre-op ACx4  pre-op Doc x4  Sx pre-op ACx4 Sx  post-op Doc x4 Fischer et al. J Clin Oncol 1997 Bear et al. J Clin Oncol 2006

7 OS, DFS and RFI for Protocol B-18 and B-27
*B-18: DFS and OS trend favoring NACT for women < 50 yrs ** B-18 & B-27: pCR patients had superior DFS and OS Rastogi et al. JCO 2008;26:

8 Patients with pCR in group 2 (pre-op AC  Doc) versus groups 1 and 3
Pathologic tumor response at the time of surgery by treatment arm. *P < for testing percentage of patients with pathologic complete response in group 2 (after doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide [AC] plus docetaxel) versus groups 1 and 3 combined (after AC), adjusted for age, clinical tumor size, and clinical nodal status. DCIS, ductal carcinoma-in-situ. Harry D. Bear et al. JCO 2006;24:

9 Survival by pCR in NSABP-B18 and NSABP-B27
Rastogi et al. JCO 2008;26:

10 Refining Taxane therapy: E1199
Phase III adjuvant trial with N-4950, node positive or high risk node negative patients Treatment arms: AC x4 every 3 weeks followed by Pac x4 every 3 weeks (std arm) Comparison arms: weekly Pac x 12, weekly Doc x 12 Doc every 3 weeks x4 Sparano et al. N Engl J Med 2008

11 Sparano et al. N Engl J Med 2008
E1199: DFS curves Sparano JA et al. N Engl J Med 2008;358: Sparano et al. N Engl J Med 2008

12 E1199: OS curves Sparano et al. N Engl J Med 2008
Sparano JA et al. N Engl J Med 2008;358: Sparano et al. N Engl J Med 2008

13 Effects of Paclitaxel and Docetaxel.
TE1199: Toxicity profile Effects of Paclitaxel and Docetaxel. Table 2 Toxic Effects of Paclitaxel and Docetaxel. Sparano JA et al. N Engl J Med 2008;358: Sparano et al. N Engl J Med 2008

14 Dose density in Adjuvant setting: CALGB- 9741
Treatment schema. Citron et al. J Clin Oncol. 2003

15 (A) Disease-free survival by dose density; (B) overall survival by dose density
DFS was significantly prolonged for the dose-dense regimens compared with the every-3-weeks regimens (risk ratio [RR] = 0.74; P = .010). OS was significantly prolonged in the dose-dense regimens (RR = 0.69; P = .013) 4yr-DFS was 82% vs 75% favoring dose dense regimen This dose-density effect remained significant even after adjusting for number of positive nodes, tumor size, menopausal status, and ER status. DFS was significantly prolonged for the dose-dense regimens (II and IV) compared with the every-3-weeks regimens (I and III; risk ratio [RR] = 0.74; P = .010). This dose-density effect remained statistically significant even after adjusting for number of positive nodes, tumor size, menopausal status, and tumor ER status. Citron et al. J Clin Oncol. 2003

16 AC Vs TC: adjuvant trial
Jones SE et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006

17 AC vs TC: Results Jones SE et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009

18 AC Vs TC: Toxicity TC (%) AC (%) Neutropenia 62 58 Asthenia 75 77
Edema 34 20 Infection 19 Stomatitis 33 45 Vomiting 14 42 Myalgia 16 Febrile neutropenia 5% 2.5% Jones SE et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006

19 GBG 69 – GeparSepto: Pac Vs Nab-Pac
Untch et al. Lancet Oncology 2016

20 GBG 69 - GeparSepto 275 TNBC: 48% vs 26% (p= 0.00027)
HR 2.69 ( ) Neuropathy worse with nab-P Gr 3+ 11% vs 3% (p<0.0001) Any grade CIPN 86% vs 66% D/c rate 17% vs 6% No data on EFS and OS benefit ypT0N0 Untch et al. Lancet Oncology 2016

21 Role of Neoadjuvant Platinum in TNBC: Randomized Trials
Primary end-point: pCR rates Study No Backbone Regimen No Carbo Carboplatin GeparSixto* 315 Weekly paclitaxel + liposomal dox + bev 37% 53% P= 0.05 C40603** 433 Sequential weekly paclitaxel – AC +/- bev 41% 54% P=0.0029 Tamura et al 75 Sequential weekly pacl+/- Carb AUC5 - CEF 26% 62% *4-yr DFS from Gepar-Sixto HR 0.56 (p= ) favoring carboplatin reported at ESMO 2017 **Patients who became BCS candidates with neoadjuvant therapy 57% versus 44% , p= NS ** 3 year EFS and OS 74% and 83% respectively (study was not powered to assess the treatment effects on either of these endpoints Von Minckwitz et al. Lancet Oncol 2014; Sikov et al. JCO 2015; Tamura et al. ASCO 2014, Abstract 1107; Untch et al. ESMO 2017

22 ISPY-2: Adaptive randomization of Veliparib-carboplatin
Adaptive trial design: - minimize the exposure of patients to inactive agents - detect more active regimens sooner Adding veliparib and carboplatin to standard therapy improved outcome in triple-negative breast cancer. Rugo et al. N Engl J Med. 2016

23 Estimated Rate of pCR with Veliparib–Carboplatin versus the Concurrent HER2-Negative Control.
Figure 2 Estimated Rate of Pathological Complete Response with Veliparib–Carboplatin versus the Concurrent HER2-Negative Control. Panel A shows the probability distribution for all patients with HER2-negative disease, Panel B the probability distribution for patients with hormone-receptor–negative and HER2-negative (triple-negative) disease, and Panel C the probability distribution for patients with hormone-receptor–positive and HER2-negative disease. The red curves represent patients treated with veliparib–carboplatin plus paclitaxel followed by doxorubicin–cyclophosphamide, and the blue curves represent concurrent controls. The corresponding 95% probability intervals (PIs) (represented by the arrows) are shown for each. The mean of each distribution is the estimated rate of pathological complete response. Rugo HS et al. N Engl J Med 2016;375:23-34 Rugo et al. N Engl J Med. 2016

24 BrighTNess trial R Veliparib + Carboplatin + Paclitaxel  AC 2:1:1
Eligibility: N = 624 Neoadjuvant chemo for TNBC (stage II and III) R Placebo + Carboplatin + Paclitaxel  AC Placebo + Placebo+ Paclitaxel  AC Administration of Cb and Pac was allowed extend over 16 weeks if needed, no reduction in number of paclitaxel doses administered but decreased dose density No effect on completion of subsequent ACx4 due to upfront Cb+Pac 42% patients required a reduction in the dose of carboplatin from the starting dose of AUC 6 to AUC 5, and 17%required a second reduction to AUC 4 Loibl et al. Lancet Oncology, 2018

25 BrighTNess Trial: Results

26 BrighTNess Trial: AEs Pac + Cb + Vel Pac + Cb Pac alone
Side effect (percent) Gr 1/2 Gr 3/4 Neutropenia 13 57 8 53 7 3 Anemia 36 25 41 17 11 Thrombocytopenia 37 31 6 Febrile neutropenia 2 1 Nausea 59 62 29 Stomatitis 20 9 Vomiting 19 28 5 Peripheral neuropathy 38 Ongoing analysis for event-free survival and overall survival is projected for 2019 Loibl et al. Lancet Oncology, 2018

27 ABC (Anthracycline in breast cancer) Trials Schema
Node+ or High Risk Node-neg (T1c allowed only if TNBC or high grade/high risk oncotype) Stratification Variables: Number of + Nodes (0, 1-3, 4-9, 10+); Hormone Receptor (ER or PgR+, Both Negative) ARM 1 TaxAC Options) ARM 2 (TC) TAC q 3 wk AC q 2 wk PTX q 2 wk A B AC q 3 wk PTX q 1 wk C D TC q 3 wk Arm 1 Options Per Study USOR A only NSABP B-46I/USOR A only NSABP B-49 - investigator choice 1A-1D Endocrine therapy for ER+ or PgR+ patients for minimum of 5 years Primary aim - determine if IDFS with TC is non-inferior to TaxAC (Inferiority pre-defined as Cox model HR of > 1.18) Secondary aim: RFI, OS and toxicity Blum et al. J Clin Oncol. 2017

28 ABC Trials: Invasive Disease Free Survival
100 80 4 yr 60 Treatment N Events IDFS Alive and Inv. Disease-free (%) TC % Δ=2.5% TaxAC % 40 HR=1.23, 95% CI ( ) P=0.04 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Years from Randomization Blum et al. J Clin Oncol. 2017

29 ABC Trials: Overall Survival
100 80 60 Treatment N Deaths at 4 yr Alive and Inv. Disease-free (%) TC % Δ=0.3% 40 TaxAC % HR = 1.08, 95% CI ( ) P = 0.60 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Years from Randomization Blum et al. J Clin Oncol. 2017

30 ABC Trials: IDFS by Hormone and Nodal Status
Exploratory Analysis Pts TaxAC TC Events 4 yr IDFS TaxAC TC Delta HR (95% CI) ER/PgR (-) N- 2.5% 1.31 ( ) 1-3 N+ 10.9% 1.58 ( ) 4+ N+ 40 11.0% 1.34 ( ) ER or PgR (+) 378 - 2.7% 0.69 ( ) 2.0% 1.14 ( ) 5.8% 1.46 ( ) Blum et al. J Clin Oncol. 2017

31 CREATE-X: Phase III Trial Design
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy involved at least 4 cycles of anthracycline or one of the following regimens: FEC x 3  docetaxel x 3 FEC x 3  TC x 3 TC x 3  FEC x 3 TC x 4 Standard therapy included 5 years of endocrine therapy for HR-positive cancer, no further systemic treatment for HR-negative cancer and radiation therapy if indicated Primary endpoint: DFS Secondary endpoints : OS, safety Patients with HER2-negative Stage I-IIIB breast cancer Age 20-74, ECOG PS of 0 or 1 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy Surgery No complete response on pathological assessment or a complete response with positive lymph nodes Randomization Capecitabine group: Standard therapy and capecitabine 1,250 mg/m2 twice a day on days q3wk x 6-8 cycles Control group: Standard therapy Masuda N et al. N Engl J Med 2017;376(22):

32 CREATE-X: Primary Endpoint DFS
DFS in Full Analysis Set DFS in Patients with Triple-Negative Disease Capecitabine n = 443 Capecitabine n = 139 Control n = 444 Probability of disease-free survival Probability of disease-free survival Control n = 147 Δ=14% Hazard ratio for recurrence, second cancer or death, 0.70 p = 0.01 Hazard ratio for recurrence, second cancer or death, 0.58 p = 0.21 Years since randomization Years since randomization Median follow-up was 3.6 years. Interim efficacy analysis (at 2 y after enrollment completion) showed that the primary endpoint had been met, so the trial was terminated early DFS rate among all patients: Capecitabine 82.8% vs control 73.9% at 3 years, 74.1% vs 67.6% at 5 years DFS rate among patients with triple-negative disease: Capecitabine 69.8% vs control 56.1% at 5 years Masuda N et al. N Engl J Med 2017;376(22):

33 CREATE-X: OS Median OS not reached in either arm
OS in Full Analysis Set OS in Patients with Triple-Negative Disease Capecitabine n = 443 Capecitabine n = 139 Control n = 444 Control n = 147 Probability of overall survival Probability of overall survival Hazard ratio for death, 0.59 p = 0.01 Hazard ratio for death, 0.52 Years since randomization Years since randomization Median OS not reached in either arm OS rate among all patients: Capecitabine 94.0% vs control 88.9% at 3 years, 89.2% vs 83.6% at 5 years OS rate among patients with triple-negative disease: Capecitabine 78.8% vs control 70.3% at 5 years Masuda N et al. N Engl J Med 2017;376(22):

34 CREATE-X: Efficacy of Adjuvant Capecitabine
Outcome Capecitabine Control HR p-value Five-year DFS (ITT) 74.1% 67.6% HR = 0.70 p = 0.01 TNBC 69.8% 56.1% HR = 0.58 HR-positive 76.4% 73.4% HR = 0.81 Five-year OS (ITT) 89.2% 83.6% HR = 0.59 78.8% 70.3% HR = 0.52 93.4% 90.0% HR = 0.73 DFS = disease-free survival; TNBC = triple-negative breast cancer Masuda N et al. N Engl J Med 2017;376:

35 Chemotherapy conclusions
Pre-op AC is equivalent to post-op AC Addition of pre-op Doc to pre-op AC improves pCR which translates in to improved survival Pac given every week is better than every 3 weeks in terms of DFS and OS but is associated with increased neurotoxicity Dose density improves DFS and OS in breast cancer at no added toxicity TC regimen is strictly studied in adjuvant setting and need to use caution before using it pre-operatively

36 Chemotherapy conclusions
Substitution of Pac with Abraxane is still premature till DFS and OS data is available Addition of carboplatin may be considered in TNBC, particularly those with inadequate response to AC Anthracyclines can be avoided in HR+ patients with negative/limited nodes (less than 4 nodes) TNBC generally treated with ACT, particularly node positive disease Patient with residual disease after NACT can be considered for adjuvant capecitabine for 6 months (patients had not received carboplatin)

37 Sequencing chemo in metastatic TNBC
Anthracyclines (Doxil) Taxanes: nab-paclitaxel Platinums Eribulin Capecitabine Gemcitabine Ixabepilone Others- vinorelbine, oral cytoxan or etoposide Parp inhibitors Combinations TNT trial: phase III Cb vs Doc- ORR =31% vs 36% ( BRCA mutated 68% vs 33%) TBCRC009 Trial: phase II mTNBC with one prior Rx (70% with Adria and Tax) – Cis and Cb: ORR Cis 37% Cb 23#

38 TnAcity trial in mTNBC- Phase II
Nab-Pac + Carboplatin 1:1:1 N = 191 First line chemo for mTNBC R Nab-Pac + Gemcitabine Carboplatin + Gemcitabine ORR (%) PFS (months) OS (months) Nab-Cb 72 7.4 16.4 Nab-Gem 39 5.4 (HR 0.6, p=0.02) 12.1 Cb-Gem 44 6.0 (HR 0.61, p=0.03) 12.6 Yardley D, et al San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

39 Scalp cooling device Nangia JR et al. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2016;Abstract S5-02.

40 Scalp-cooling device (Paxman Scalp Cooling System)
SCALP Trial Schema Eligibility: Stage 1 or 2 BC (Neo)adjuvant chemotherapy with anthracycline or taxane N = 182, 2:1 randomization Exclusion criteria: Migraines Anemia Hypothyroidism Other uncontrolled medical conditions R Scalp-cooling device  (Paxman Scalp Cooling System) Control Assessed for: Alopecia Quality of life Device safety Nangia J et al. JAMA 2017;317:

41 SCALP: Primary Outcome- Hair Preservation
Fisher’s exact test p < Success Failure 50.5% (40.7%, 60.4%) 0% (0%, 7.6%) Cooling Non-cooling Nangia J et al. JAMA 2017;317:

42 SCALP: Adverse Device Effects
Cooling N = 101 Cycle 1 n = 101 Cycle 2 n = 84 Cycle 3 n = 66 Cycle 4 n = 62 Headache 11.9% 10.7% 1.5% 6.5% Nausea 4% 2.4% 1.6% Dizziness 3% 1.2% 0% Chills 1% Paresthesia Pruritus Sinus pain Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Skin ulceration Nangia J et al. JAMA 2017;317:

43 Patient-reported comfort scale
SCALP: Quality of Life Patient-reported comfort scale Comfort scale Cooling N = 101 Cycle 1 n = 101 Cycle 2 n = 84 Cycle 3 n = 66 Cycle 4 n = 62 Very comfortable 11.9% 16.7% 14.5% Reasonably comfortable 51.5% 39.3% 47% 50% Comfortable 28.7% 26.2% 21.2% 24.2% Uncomfortable 5.9% 13.1% 12.1% 9.7% Very uncomfortable 2.4% Not assessed 2% 3% 1.6% Quality-of-life assessments showed no difference Nangia JR et al. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2016;Abstract S5-02.

44 Targeting AR in TNBC MDV3100-11 Background
Phase II study of bicalutamide in 26 patients with AR+ TNBC: CBR 19%, mPFS 12 weeks Enzalutamide > bicalutamide in mCRPC Endpoints: 1°: 2°: PFS, OS etc AR biomarker MDV AR+ mTNBC Any prior Rx Enzalutamide 160 mg/d po 165 screened patients 89 AR > 10% 75 evaluable 61% 1st /2nd line Endpoint CBR16 35% (24-46%) CBR24 29% (20-41%) RR 8% Median PFS 14 wks (8-19) Traina et al. ASCO 2015 44

Biomarker to predict sensitivity to Enzalutamide in TNBC: multigene RNA based assay 64 PREDICT AR− 8 16 24 32 40 52 Time (weeks) PREDICT AR+ Total, n (%) 62 (53%) 56 (47%) CBR16, % (95% CI) n 11% (5, 21) n = 7 39% (27, 53) n = 22 CBR24, % 6% (2, 16) n = 4 36% (24, 49) n = 20 0–1 Prior Lines 2+ Prior Lines Active Confirmed RR PREDICT AR+ 8 16 24 32 40 52 64 Time (weeks) Parker JS et al. ASCO 2015

46 Response to single-agent anti-PD-L1/PD-1 in mTNBC
Atezolizumab mg/kg or 1200 mg (n=115) Pembrolizumab (n=222) 30 26% 23% 20 ORR (%) 11% CR PR 10 4.6% 1L 2L+ (58%) 1L 2L+ KEYNOTE-086 Cohort B KEYNOTE-086 Cohort A 1L, first line; 2L, second line; CR, complete response; ORR, objective response rate; PD-1, programmed death -1; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1; PR, partial response Schmid, et al. AACR 2017; Adams, et al ASCO 2017

47 Durable responses with anti-PD-L1 mAb atezolizumab
Median OS 9.3 months Median duration of response in responders 21 months Higher RR associated with high TILs and PD-L1 100 80 60 40 20 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 1 year RECIST v1.1 response PR/CR (n=11) SD (n=15) PD (n=66) NE (n=1) Discontinued New lesion >100% irPR 2 years Change in sum of largest diameters from baseline (%) irPRa irPR irPRa 168 336 588 672 840 924 84 252 420 504 756 Time on study (days) Phase Ia atezolizumab in mTNBC. aRe-treatment period not plotted. CR, complete response; irPR, PR per irRC; irRC, immune-related response criteria; NE, not evaluable; ORR, objective response rate; PR, partial response; PD, progressive disease; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1;  SD, stable disease Schmid, et al. AACR 2017

48 OS by best response to anti-PD-1 pembrolizumab in 2L+ metTNBC
Median OS 8.9 months PD-L1 status not associated with response 100% 64.6% 100% 89.6% 39.0% Events/ pts, n Median (95% CI) CR or PR 0/8 Not reached (NR−NR) SD 6/35 Not reached (12.7−NR) PD 66/103 7.1 mo (6.3−8.8) 100 90 80 70 60 OS, % 50 40 30 20 CR/PR SD PD 10 2 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 No. at risk Time, months CR/PR 8 8 8 8 8 4 2 SD 35 35 35 33 29 16 7 1 PD 103 94 72 63 39 20 4 1 2L+ pembrolizumab CR, complete response; NR, not reportable; OS, overall survival; PR, partial response; PD, progressive disease; PD-1, programmed death-1; SD, stable disease Adams, et al ASCO 2017

49 Atezolizumab + nab-Paclitaxel in mTNBC: Phase Ib Trial
Nab-paclitaxel 125 mg/m2 weekly, 3 weeks on, one week off with atezolizumab 800 mg every 2 weeks; 32 evaluable patients; response independent of PD-L1+ Impassion 130: Phase III trial Nab-Pac +/- atezolizumab ongoing Adams et al, J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 (suppl; abstr 1009)

50 Eribulin + anti-PD-1 (pembrolizumab) in mTNBC: Phase IB
Percentage change in total sum of target lesion diameters from baseline Duration of treatment All 1L (n=17) 2L/3L (n=22) PD-L1+ PD-L1− (n=18) ORR 34.4% 41.2% 27.3% 29.4% 33.3% CBR 40.6% 47.1% 36.4% 35.8% 44.4% 1L, first line; 2L/3L, second/third line; BOR, best overall response; CBR, clinical benefit rate; CR, complete response; IC, tumour-infiltrating immune cell; ORR, objective response rate; PD-1, programmed death-1; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1; PR, partial response; PD, progressive disease; SD, stable disease Tolaney et al. SABCS 2016

51 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy + anti-PD-L1/anti-PD-1
KEYNOTE-173 phase 1/2 trial Surgery Chemotherapy + anti-PD-1 60% 90% Cohort A (no platinum) Cohort B (platinum) Pathological CR = ypT0 ypN0 Nab-Paclitaxel Q1W x12 ± carboplatin Q1W x12 + pembrolizumab Q3W x4  AC Q3W x4 + pembrolizumab Q3W x4 I-SPY 2 trial Surgery Chemotherapy +/- anti-PD-1 20% 60% Control (no immunotherapy) Immunotherapy (no platinum) Pathological CR = ypT0/is ypN0 Paclitaxel Q1W x12 + pembrolizumab Q3W x4  AC Q3W x4 AC, doxorubicin + cyclophosphamide; CR, complete response; PD-1, programmed death-1; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1; Q1W, every week; Q3W, every 3 weeks; ypT0/Tis ypN0, no invasive residual in breast or nodes - noninvasive breast residuals allowed; ypT0 ypN0, no invasive or noninvasive residual in breast or nodes Schmid, et al. ASCO 2017; Nanda, et al. ASCO 2017

52 its all about perspective…

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