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Animal Farm By George Orwell

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1 Animal Farm By George Orwell
Honors English 9 Mrs. Ivey

2 George Orwell Pen name for Eric Blair
Son of a colonial official in British India Attended Eton Prep School on scholarship

3 George orwell Joined the British Imperial Police Force
Went to Burma with this job Found he was hated by the people there and quit Came back to England to write Animal Farm gave him his first success

4 Definitions Allegory---a story that can be read on two distinct levels
Characters and events represent something else as they convey a moral and a philosophical meaning Satire—uses ridicule to make certain people, events, or institutions look foolish

5 Definitions Fable—a brief, often humorous, tale that features animals and presents a moral lesson Propaganda—biased, one-sided communication meant to influence the thoughts and actions of an audience AF told in omniscient POV

6 Animal farm Allegorically representative of Russia’s political history Represents Russian Revolutions through the establishment of the Soviet Union

7 Characters in the book Animal Farm—Russia The Farmhouse—the Kremlin
Napoleon—Joseph Stalin, Dictator Snowball—Leon Trotsky, rival to Stalin Boxer—the exploited working classes Squealer—propagandist (Pravda) newspaper Old Major—Karl Marx (political economist) and Lenin Mr. Jones—Tsar Nicholas II, ousted by Revolution Mr. Fredrick of Pinchfield—Hitler (proves an untrustworthy neighbor Mr. Pilkington—capitalist govts of England and USA

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