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Standards for the Internet of Things

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1 Standards for the Internet of Things
Class 3: Communication Standards October 7, 2015 Louis W. Giokas

2 This Week’s Agenda Monday IoT Standards Overview Tuesday Device Standards Wednesday Communication Standards Thursday System Standards Friday Future Directions

3 Course Description The Internet of Things (IoT) is dynamic and growing by leaps and bounds. Standards will help in sustaining this growth. Standards are key to efficiently melding together many devices and systems from multiple vendors. The IoT consists of a multilayer architecture of devices and systems connected in complex networks. We will look at the types of standards developed, or being developed, by standards bodies, concentrating on the IEEE.

4 Today’s Agenda Overview Sensor Networks Internet
Organization Standards Industry Group Standards Internet Public vs Industrial

5 Overview The Internet of Things has three major parts: Internet Things
Communications Back-end services Internet Much more than the WWW Global Internet Connected everywhere Local use of Internet Prorocol E.g., Industrial

6 Overview Standards Existing standards tend to be generic
Need for IoT specific aspects IEEE lists many standards areas Wireless standards for low rate personal area networks Local and metropolitan area networks Power system signaling and Utility Industry metering Wireless Access in Vehicular Network (WAVE) Home networks

7 Layering Concept

8 General Architecture

9 General Architecture

10 Sensor Networks Sensors communicating together allow for intelligent action Need lower level standards (e.g., Zigbee) to interconnect sensors and gateways to higher level functions (Internet and cloud) Self organizing networks Mobile considerations Bio-Nano Thing Networks (IoBNT)

11 Sensor Network

12 Smart City

13 Bio Nano

14 Internet Higher level open Internet protocols can be used in most cases Integration with cloud resources Industrial Internet needs to be deterministic Use the features of the IP to provide this Not generally directly connected to the public Internet Determinism concerns Safety and security concerns

15 Industrial Wired standards Wireless standards Ethernet
Modbus (PLC connectivity) Wireless standards 6TiSCH

16 Generic Industrial IoT

17 Industrial Internet Concept

18 Industrial Ethernet

19 Industrial Ethernet

20 Industrial Wireless (6TiSCH)

21 Summary and Preview Today we have discussed communication standards and how they work together to create the IoT Standards determine how these systems are organized and interact with each other Next time we talk systems

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