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Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama Campus

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1 Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama Campus
Title V Cooperative Project Possessive Nouns and Possessive Adjectives Prof. Marisol Piazza Aguirre

2 Instructions Use this button to move to the next slide.
Use the following buttons to navigate through this module: Use this button to move to the next slide. Use this button to move to the previous slide. Use this button to move to the last viewed slide. Use this button to view the answer to the exercise.

3 Purpose This module proposes to expand the basic teaching learning activities of English included in the Title V Cooperative Project: “Improving Academic Outcomes Through a Teaching Based Consortium Program for the Core Curriculum”. The project is integrated by the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce from where it is directed, the Arecibo, Mayagüez and Guayama Campuses, the School of Plastic Arts of Puerto Rico and Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Guayama Campus.

4 Introduction An important skill an ESL (English as a Second Language) student should master to communicate effectively in English orally as well as in written form is the use of Possessive Forms of Nouns and Possessive Adjectives. This module has been designed for all college students but specially for you students who are registered in the basic English as a Second Language I GEEN 1101 course. In this module you will study and review the rules and examples of how to use Possessive Forms of Nouns and Possessive Adjectives correctly.

5 Objectives General Objective:
By the end of this module, the student will develop confidence and demonstrate knowledge using Possessive Forms of Nouns and Possessive Adjectives in oral and written form according to the rules presented. Specific Objective: At the end of this module, the student will learn how to form Possessive Nouns and how to use Possessive Adjectives correctly in oral and in written form to show ownership and relationships.

6 Pre-Test Instructions: Read each exercise carefully and select the best answer. ___ 1. ____ car is in the auto repair shop. (A) Bobs (B) Bob’s (C) Bobs’ ___ 2. My ____ sister is my aunt. (A) mother’s (B) mothers (C) mothers’ ___ 3. Generally in a wedding, the ____ dress is white. (A) brides’ (B) bride’s (C) brides ___ 4. A: Whose cellular phone is this? B: It is ____ cellular phone. (A) Anas (B) Anas’ (C) Ana’s ___ 5. The ____ presents are on the center table in the reception area. (A) guests’ (B) guest’s (C) guests

7 Pre-Test ___ 6. Ronnie’s dog is friendly. ____ dog is also very obedient. (A) Him (B) He (C) His ___ 7. A: Do you like Adriana’s boyfriend? B: Yes, I do. ____ boyfriend is a humble gentleman. (A) Her (B) She (C) Hers ___ 8. My classmates and I do ____ school projects together. (A) us (B) our (C) ours ___ 9. The dog wags ____ tail when it sees food. (A) its (B) it’s (C) its’ ___ 10. You and Elena need to sign ____ PELL Grant documents. (A) yours (B) your’s (C) your

8 Pre-Test ___ 11. A: Do you know ____ neighbors?
B: No, but I heard they are troublemakers. (A) Luis’s (B) Luis’ (C) Answers A and B are correct ___ 12. The ____ are made of cedar wood. (A) kitchen’s cabinets (B) cabinets of the kitchen (C) kitchens cabinet’s ___ 13. A: What are your ____ names? B: Their names are Gabriela and Jonathan. (A) childrens (B) children’s (C) childrens’ ___ 14. My ____ beauty shop is always full. (A) sister-in-law’s (B) sister’s-in-law (C) sister-in-laws’ ___ 15. ____ beach house is a great place to relax and have fun. (A) Kathy’s and Robert (B) Kathy and Robert’s (C) Kathy’s and Robert’s

9 Pre-Test ___ 16. I always write down appointments and things to do in ____ calendar book. (A) mine (B) I (C) my ___ 17. My daughters clean ____ bedroom every Saturday. (A) they (B) them (C) their ___ 18. A: Do you always organize ____ class material in a portfolio? B: Yes, I do. It is easier to find my class work and see my progress. (A) your (B) yours (C) your’s ___ 19. We do not use ____ nicknames at work. (A) ours (B) our (C) us ___ 20. Each computer has ____ backup battery in case of electrical problems. (A) his (B) her (C) Answers A and B are incorrect

10 Pre-Test Answer Key B 11. C A 12. B B 13. B C 14. A A 15. B C 16. C
A C B A A B C C (correct answer: its )

11 Pre-Test Evaluation Total Correct Answers:
Excellent: Go to the Post Test. Very Good: Review the incorrect answer and go to the Post Test. Good: Review the incorrect answers, study the rules presented in this module, do the practice exercises and then go to the Post Test. 11 or You Need More Practice: Study the module, review the less rules carefully and do the practice exercises. When you improve your score, you may go to the Post Test.

12 Possessive Nouns and Possessive Adjectives
show possession or relationship. ( Los sustantivos posesivos y los adjetivos posesivos muestran pertenencia o parentesco.) An apostrophe + s (‘s) after the noun is used to show possession or relationship.

13 Examples Example #1: Possessive Noun→ Laura’s car
(the car belongs to Laura) (el carro es de Laura-pertenencia) Possessive Adjective→ Her car (the car belongs to her) (el carro es de ella-pertenencia)

14 Examples Example #2: Possessive Noun→ Juan’s grandparents
(the grandparents and Juan are related) (los abuelos son de Juan-parentesco) Possessive Adjective→His grandparents (los abuelos son de él-parentesco)

15 Examples Example #3: Possessive Nouns→ The cat’s whiskers
(the whiskers belong to the cat) (los bigotes son del gato-pertenencia) Possessive Adjective→ Its whiskers (sus bigotes-pertenencia)

16 Use of ’s Notes: Add an apostrophe + s (’s) after a noun to show possession or relationship. Do not add an apostrophe + s (’s) after the possessive adjectives: my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their.

17 Possessive Nouns to Show Relationships
Instructions: Observe Angela’s family members and read the examples of relationship on the next slide.

18 Possessive Nouns to Show Relationships in Angela’s Family
Examples of possessive nouns to show relationship observed in the diagram of Angela’s Family on the previous slide. 1. George is Sarah’s husband. (George es esposo de Sarah) 2. Sherry is John’s wife. (Sherry es esposa de John) 3. John is Peter’s father. (John es papá de Peter) 4. Sherry is Kathy’s mother-in-law. (Sherry es suegra de Kathy)

19 More Examples 5. Kathy is Ana’s sister.
(Kathy es hermana de Ana) 6. Kathy and Peter are Angela’s parents. (Kathy y Peter son los padres de Angela) 7. Angela is Ronnie’s aunt. (Angela es tía de Ronnie) 8. Ronnie is Luis’ ( or Luis’s) cousin. (Ronnie es primo de Luis)

20 More Examples 9. Luis is George and Sarah’s great grandson.
(Luis es bisnieto de George y Sarah) 10. Luis is Stell’s brother. (Luis es hermano de Stell) 11. Ed is Gabriela’s brother-in-law. (Ed es cuñado de Gabriela) 12. Ronnie and Sarah are Sherry and John’s great grandchildren. (Ronnie y Sarah son bisnietos de Sherry y John)

21 More Examples 13. Sarah is Ed’s grandmother. (Sarah es abuela de Ed)
14 David is Tom’s uncle. (David es tío de Tom) 15. Sue is Judy’s daughter. (Sue es hija de Judy) 16. Ronnie is Angela’s nephew. (Ronnie es sobrino de Angela)

22 Rules to form Possessive Nouns
Ending Rule Examples Singular Nouns father mother dog Add apostrophe s 1. I use my father’s last name. 2. My mother’s mother is my grandmother. 3. My dog’s name is Skippy. Plural Nouns ending in -s parents dogs Add apostrophe only 1. My parents’ names are Alicia and Miguel. 2. My sons’ names are Carlos and Ralph. Irregular Plural Nouns children women Add apostrophe s 1. What are your children’s names? 2. Mayra and Sandra are women’s names.

23 Rules to form Possessive Nouns
Ending Rule Examples Names that end in -s Iris Luis Add apostrophe only OR Add apostrophe s 1. Do you know Iris’ boss? 1. Do you know Iris’s boss? Inanimate Objects the classroom Use: “the ____ of ____.” *Do not use apostrophe s 1. The door of the classroom is open. INCORRECT 1. The classroom’s door is open. Hypenated Words father-in-law to the last word 1. My father-in-law’s property is used for agriculture.

24 Rules to form Possessive Nouns
Ending Rule Examples Joint Possession Elenore and Peter the dog and the cat Add apostrophe s to the last word 1. Elenore and Peter’s house is enormous. 2. The dog and the cat’s food dishes are out in the patio. Omitted Possession Jonathan’s ( house) doctor’s (office) to the noun 1. Diane went to Jonathan’s. (Jonathan’s house) 2. We have an appointment at the doctor’s. (doctor’s office)

25 Caution BE CAREFUL! Do not confuse Possessive Nouns with the contraction of the VERB BE. Examples: 1. Carol’s a student. = Carol is a student. (Explanation: ’s= contraction for VERB BE - is) 2. Carol’s purse is open. = Her purse is open. (Explanation: ’s=the purse belongs to Carol)

26 Use “Whose” to Make Questions
Use “Whose” (de quién) for questions about possessions. Example # 1: (Q) Whose notebook is this? (¿De quién es esta libreta?) (A) It is Henry’s notebook. (Es la libreta de Henry.) (A) It is his notebook. (Es la libreta de él) Q=Question A=Answer

27 Use “Whose” to Make Questions
Example # 2: (Q) Whose sunglasses are these? (¿De quién son estas gafas?) (A) They are Erica’s sunglasses. ( Son las gafas de Erica) (Q) They are her sunglasses. (Son las gafas de ella) Q=Question A=Answer

28 Possessive Adjectives
Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives I-yo my-mi you-tú, usted your-tú, de usted he-él his-de él, su she-ella her-de ella, su it-eso, el, la (para referirse a un objeto o a un animal) its-su we-nosotros (as) our-nuestro (a) you-ustedes your-de ustedes they-ellos (as) their-de ellos (as), sus

29 Possessive Adjectives
Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Example Sentences I my I am a student. My name is Antonio. You (singular) your You are a great student. Your grades are excellent. he his He is a professor. His subject is Math. she her She is a home interior designer. Her job is very interesting. it its That is my neighbor’s dog. Its name is Bengi. we our We are scuba divers. Our equipment is in the boat. (plural) You are students. Your lockers are next to the gym. they their They are musicians. Their band plays rock music.

30 Practice Exercise Instructions: Read each exercise carefully and select the best answer. ___ 1. A ____ job is to help sick people. (A) doctors (B) doctors’ (C) doctor’s ___ 2. ____ family is very big and united. I admire them very much. (A) Angela’s (B) Angelas (C) Angelas’ ___ 3. The ____ gym is on the second floor of the building. (A) mens’ (B) men’s (C) mens’s ___ 4. Be careful! The ____ toy is on the floor. Don’t step on it. (A) babies’ (B) baby’s (C) babys’

31 Practice Exercise ___ 5. Inter American University of Puerto Rico is ____. (A) my school’s name (B) my schools’ name (C) the name of my school ___ 6. A: Does your aunt like ____ new job? B: Yes, she does. She says her new job is very interesting. (A) his (B) her (C) she ___ 7. A: When is your birth date? B: ____ birth date is on March 7th. (A) Me (B) Mine (C) My ___ 8. Students should not use ____ cellular phones during classes. (A) their (B) they (C) them

32 Practice Exercise ___ 9. My rabbit’s name is Bunny. ____ fur is so soft. (A) Its’ (B) Its (C) It’s ___ 10. A: Is that ____ wallet on the counter? B: Yes, it is. Thank you. (A) yours (B) your (C) you’re ___ 11. A: Who does this apartment belong to? B: It is ____ apartment. (A) Mike and Sue’s (B) Mike’s and Sue (C) Mike’s and Sue’s ___ 12. A: Do you know which is ____ favorite perfume? B: Yes. His favorite perfume is “Polo Sport”. (A) Carlo’s (B) Carlos’ (C) Carlos

33 Practice Exercise ___ 13. Each summer, Mr. and Mrs. Ríos make reservations in _____ best hotels. (A) San Juan’s (B) San’s Juan (C) San Juans ___ 14. My best ____ names are Ralph, Edward and Dora. (A) friend’s (B) friends (C) friends’ ___ 15. A: Whose car keys are these? B. They are my ____ car keys. (A) brothers’-in-law (B) brother-in-law’s (C) brother’s-in-law ___ 16. You and I must get ____ passport before traveling to Venezuela. (A) we (B) our (C) us

34 Practice Exercise ___ 17. ____ dinner is served. Are you ready to eat?
(A) Your (B) You’re (C) Yours ___ 18. Mr. Martínez buys ____ summer clothes during the winter. (A) his (B) he (C) her ___ 19. I always check ____ answering machine when I get home. (A) mine (B) my (C) me ___ 20. The computer needs ____ hard drive in order to function. (A) it’s (B) its’ (C) its

35 Practice Exercise Answer Key

36 Practice Exercise Evaluation
Total Correct Answers: Excellent: Go to the Post Test. Very Good: Review the incorrect answer and go to the Post Test. Good: Review the incorrect answers, consult the module again and then go to the Post Test. 11 or You Need More Practice: Study the module, review less the rules carefully and do the practice exercises again. When you understand the rules and improve your score, you may go to the Post Test.

37 Post Test Instructions: Read each exercise carefully and select the best answer. ___ 1. ____ car is in the auto repair shop. (A) Bobs (B) Bob’s (C) Bobs’ ___ 2. My ____ sister is my aunt. (A) mother’s (B) mothers (C) mothers’ ___ 3. Generally in a wedding, the ____ dress is white. (A) brides’ (B) bride’s (C) brides ___ 4. A: Whose cellular phone is this? B: It is ____ cellular phone. (A) Anas (B) Anas’ (C) Ana’s ___ 5. The ____ presents are on the center table in the reception area. (A) guests’ (B) guest’s (C) guests

38 Post Test ___ 6. Ronnie’s dog is friendly. ____ dog is also very obedient. (A) Him (B) He (C) His ___ 7. A: Do you like Adriana’s boyfriend? B: Yes, I do. ____ boyfriend is a humble gentleman. (A) Her (B) She (C) Hers ___ 8. My classmates and I do ____ school projects together. (A) us (B) our (C) ours ___ 9. The dog wags ____ tail when it sees food. (A) its (B) it’s (C) its’ ___ 10. You and Elena need to sign ____ PELL Grant documents. (A) yours (B) your’s (C) your

39 Post Test ___ 11. A: Do you know ____ neighbors?
B: No, but I heard they are troublemakers. (A) Luis’s (B) Luis’ (C) Answers A and B are correct ___ 12. The ____ are made of cedar wood. (A) kitchen’s cabinets (B) cabinets of the kitchen (C) kitchens cabinet’s ___ 13. A: What are your ____ names? B: Their names are Gabriela and Jonathan. (A) childrens (B) children’s (C) childrens’ ___ 14. My ____ beauty shop is always full. (A) sister-in-law’s (B) sister’s-in-law (C) sister-in-laws’ ___ 15. ____ beach house is a great place to relax and have fun. (A) Kathy’s and Robert (B) Kathy and Robert’s (C) Kathy’s and Robert’s

40 Post Test ___ 16. I always write down appointments and things to do in ____ calendar book. (A) mine (B) I (C) my ___ 17. My daughters clean ____ bedroom every Saturday. (A) they (B) them (C) their ___ 18. A: Do you always organize ____ class material in a portfolio? B: Yes, I do. It is easier to find my class work and see my progress. (A) your (B) yours (C) your’s ___ 19. We do not use ____ nicknames at work. (A) ours (B) our (C) us ___ 20. Each computer has ____ backup battery in case of electrical problems. (A) his (B) her (C) Answers A and B are incorrect

41 Post Test Answer Key 1. B 11. C 2. A 12. B 3. B 13. B 4. C 14. A
6. C C 7. A C 8. B A 9. A B 10.C C (correct answer: its )

42 Post Test Evaluation Total Correct Answers:
Excellent: Congratulations! You have successfully completed this module. You may work with a different module if necessary. Very Good: Review the incorrect answer. You may work with a different module if necessary. Good: Review the incorrect answers, review the areas of difficulty and take the Post Test again. 11 or You Need More Practice: I recommend that you review less the complete module and take the Post Test again.

43 Letter to the Student Congratulations! You have completed the module on Possessive Nouns and Possessive Adjectives. If you really understand all of the rules and examples presented, you can work with a different module depending on your needs. However, if you still have some questions concerning the rules, I advise you to review this module again or visit the Language Laboratory, Room B-6 and ask for help before studying a different module. Remember you learn by practicing, therefore use Possessive Nouns and Possessive Adjectives in your daily conversations and written work.

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