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IBM SCPM Solution Overview

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1 IBM SCPM Solution Overview
November 12, 2018

2 Course Objectives After completing this course, you should be able to:
Describe the IBM SCPM Solution Explain how to login and navigate the SCPM system Describe how to execute forecast and replenishment procedures Explain how to get help

3 The course content is organized into topics
Course Structure The course content is organized into topics Most topics have three sections: Lecture – the instructor explains the new business processes and procedures Demonstration – the instructor shows you how to execute the new procedures on the system Exercise – you practice executing the new procedures on the system

4 SCPM Solution Overview

5 E2open Profile Business: Provider of software on demand for Multi-Company Process Management Structure: Privately-held company supported by these investors, advisors, and strategic members Locations: USA (Redwood City, Dallas, Austin) Japan, Korea, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Taiwan Contact:

6 IBM will adopt E2open software to boost performance of its manufacturing supply chain
IBM’s hardware supply chain is global with a complex set of interrelationships The suppliers who participate here represent over $28B of IBM hardware revenue This network requires information rapidly and across many levels True supply chain integration has been inhibited by point-to-point solutions Customized, proprietary solutions drive up supply-chain costs Point–to–point connections constrain access to needed information IBM suppliers struggle with the complexity Industry standard solutions are needed to help the supply chain reduce both cost and complexity E2open is driving these industry standards IBM selected E2open, because it meets IBM’s operational requirements Advanced multi-tier capabilities Packaged application as a common industry platform Evolution path for additional processes Lower total cost of ownership

7 Multi-tier Integration
E2open software will give IBM greater visibility into its suppliers’ inventory and supply operations Multi-tier Integration E2open will provide data visibility, alerts and reports on events through IBM’s multi-tier supply chain. Supply Assurance Management Multi-tier Visibility Replenishment triggers Server-to-server Connectivity Any to Any Translation Tier I Tier III Tier II Materials Management E2open will be used to execute forecast, commitment and replenishment transactions between IBM and key production suppliers.

8 E2open’s Proven Experience
Sample E2open SCC Customers Trading Partners using E2open’s SCC solution ……..…..Over 2500 End Users using E2open’s SCC solution ……..…..Over 17,000 SCC Transactions process by E2open ………....Over 3 million transactions ………….Over 300 million line items Geographies North America – Europe – China – Japan – Korea – Singapore – Taiwan – Philippines – Thailand - Malaysia

9 Solution Scope Six IBM Divisions (37 Plant Manufacturing lines):
18 Subgeos: ANZ, APJ, APK, ASEAN, ASN, EMEA, HK, IND, INDIA, PLO, PRC, RPA, RPC, RPE, RPL, TW, US 10 RSC Hubs, 333 Suppliers Three Business Processes: Demand Forecast Replenishment SSG SG PCD PSD ITS MD

10 Supply Chain Process Manager (SCPM)
Overview Workflow to manage IBM demand/supply planning and execution processes Visibility to transactions between IBM sites, suppliers, and the JIT hubs Features User workspace: news and notes, alerts, summary of RSC stock, forecasts and commits View exception data such as supply/demand mismatches, and send alerts Weekly and monthly views Drill down into detailed data views Audit trails and history Allows IBM and its partners to: Proactively identify and manage exceptions Manage to actual supply chain execution information Improve accuracy of signals through a 2-way closed-looped process Improve overall partner performance and accountability Reduce time to identify and notify of changes

11 Getting Started

12 System Requirements Hardware Network Bandwidth Software
OS - Windows 2000 or Windows XP CPU - 450MHz Pentium III RAM - minimum 128MB Network Bandwidth 56Kbps minimum 256Kbps recommended Software Microsoft IE 5.5 SP 2 or 6.0 SP 1 To verify your browser version, choose Help -> About Internet Explorer Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher to view and print PDF training documents “Pop-up blocker” software off Note: Pop-up blocker software may affect certain operations, so on those occasions, press either the Alt key or Ctrl key when clicking a link.

13 Registration and Access
You should automatically receive your user ID and password via If you do not receive them, contact: Name Role Phone Anna Brewer Microelectronics Division (MD) Demand/Supply BPO (USA) Belinda Kaake, Susan Pichini SCPM project communication contacts (USA) (USA) Dwayne DeFoor ITS Demand/Supply BPO (USA) Gordon Taylor PCD Demand/Supply BPO (USA) Hugo Sierra Storage System Group (SSG) Demand/Supply BPO (Mexico) Kathy Noble Server Group (SG) Demand/Supply BPO (USA) BPO = Business Process Owner

14 SCPM Access Permissions
Your SCPM Administrator uses Role Groups and Org Accesses to determine what data you can access: Role Groups Define the type of data you can access and your ability to display or change the data For example, the IBM Viewer Role Group permits you to display Forecast data while the Procurement Role Group permits you display and change the data Org Accesses Combine a Role Group with a Manufacturing Line, Supplier, and RSC Provider to define the collaborations available to you For example IBM Viewer Role Group permissions for the collaborations that include Manufacturing Line HG11, Supplier and RSC Provider

15 SCPM Access Permissions
The IBM SCPM Role Groups are: Viewer Procurement Execution OCM OCM Risk Site Super User DRS Approver Admin Level 1 B2B I The External SCPM Role Groups are: Supplier Viewer Supplier General Provider Execution Supplier Shipping External Admin

16 IBM SCPM Basic Navigation
November 12, 2018

17 SCPM Basic Navigation

18 Logging In to the System
To login to the system: To access the Login page, in your web browser’s Address box type the IBM E2open URL: At the Login page, type your user ID (A) and password (B) and click the Login button (C) to access the ‘Select an Application’ page A B C

19 Selecting an Application
B A Supply Chain Process Manager for IBM From the Select an Application page, you can: Access the IBM SCPM system Change your password

20 Changing Your Password
The system will prompt you to change your password: The first time you login Every 90 days If you select Forgot Your Password? from the Login page If you select Change Password from the Select an Application page To change your password: Type your old password in the Input old password box (A). Following the Password Rules (B), type your new password in the Input new password box (C). Re-type you new password in the Confirm new password box (D). Click the Change Password button (E). A C D E B Forgot Your Password? From the Login page, click Forgot Your Password? to access the Forgot Password page. Enter your User ID in the E2open User ID box and click the Enter button. Enter the answer to your challenge phrase in the Answer box and click the Submit button. The system will automatically display a new password on the screen. The first time you login with the new password, the system will prompt you to change it.

21 Basic Navigation The system display is divided into three sections:
1. Header 2. Navigation Tree 3. Page Display System Display: Tool Bar – the system always displays the Tool Bar at the top of the SCPM window. The Tool Bar displays your user name and role and provides access to the Help and Logout functions. Navigation Tree – the displays the Navigation Tree at the left of the SCPM window. The Navigation Tree provides you with links to system pages. You can choose to show or hide the Navigation Tree by clicking the Show/Hide button. Page Display Area – makes up the rest of the display area. When you first login, the Page Display Area displays the SCPM Welcome page. As you navigate the system, it displays the pages you request.

22 Header The Header displays your User ID and Role you are using:
B C Org Access The Header displays your User ID and Role you are using: In addition, from the Header you can: Logout Bookmark an SCPM page Access Help docs (including the training materials) System Display: Tool Bar – the system always displays the Tool Bar at the top of the SCPM window. The Tool Bar displays your user name and role and provides access to the Help and Logout functions. Navigation Tree – the displays the Navigation Tree at the left of the SCPM window. The Navigation Tree provides you with links to system pages. You can choose to show or hide the Navigation Tree by clicking the Show/Hide button. Page Display Area – makes up the rest of the display area. When you first login, the Page Display Area displays the SCPM Welcome page. As you navigate the system, it displays the pages you request.

23 Navigation Tree You conduct most of your navigation of the system via the Navigation Tree: From any page, you can click Home to return to your SCPM Home page You click My Workspace to access the My Workspace page where you can view a summary of your news, issues and alerts Depending on your role in the system, you have access to various sub-trees A B C

24 My Workspace Page My Workspace allows you to create your own “dashboard” for easy access to E2open exceptions and workflows My Workspace Link Refresh Icon Information Problems Alerts Summaries by State

25 My Workspace Page My Workspace allows you to create your own custom “dashboard” for easy monitoring of E2open activities Customize View Update Preferences

26 Navigation Tree The sub-trees provide access to functionality:
Issues – access a summary of your exception alerts in the system Alerts – access the results of manual flat-file uploads and downloads, to and from the system Supply Collaboration – access the Multi Collab View (MCV) page and related functions for your collaborations and set your system user preferences Upload/Download – execute manual flat-file uploads and download of system data and trigger B2B and S2S data downloads My Profile – change your home page and org access Orders – access Orders and related functions Advance Ship Notices – access ASNs and related functions Receipts – access Receipts and related functions A B C D E F G H

27 Changing First Page You can choose the page the system displays when you first login or click Home (A) from the Navigation Tree A 2 3 1 From the Navigation Tree, click [+] to expand the My Profile tree. Click the Change First Page link to access the Change First Page page. From the First Page menu, choose the page name you want to select. Click the Update button to save your change.

28 Changing Your Role To change your role:
1 3 2 To change your role: From the Navigation Tree, click [+] to expand the My Profile tree. Click the Change Org Access link to access the Org Access Selection page. Click the Org Access Name you want to use to prompt the system to change you to that access role and return to the Welcome page.

29 Updating Your User Preferences
You can update your user preferences by following the menu path: Supply Collaboration  Utilities  User Preferences

30 Updating Your User Preferences
Select MCV page timeline Display data measure Last Modified Date on MCV page Select default MCV tab Subscribe to alerts 2 To update your user preferences, at the User Preference page: Enter your new settings. Click the Update button. Default Display Hierarchy User Site System

31 SCPM Other Navigation Features

32 Navigation Path There are two other useful navigation features:
1. Show/Hide Navigation Tree 2. Navigation History Path Show/Hide Navigation Tree Use it to expand and contract the Page Display Area Navigation History Path Use it instead of your browser’s Back button As you navigate the system, it displays your navigation history as a selectable pathway You can click on any page name in the pathway to immediately display that page System Display: Tool Bar – the system always displays the Tool Bar at the top of the SCPM window. The Tool Bar displays your user name and role and provides access to the Help and Logout functions. Navigation Tree – the displays the Navigation Tree at the left of the SCPM window. The Navigation Tree provides you with links to system pages. You can choose to show or hide the Navigation Tree by clicking the Show/Hide button. Page Display Area – makes up the rest of the display area. When you first login, the Page Display Area displays the SCPM Welcome page. As you navigate the system, it displays the pages you request.

33 Working with Lists As you navigate SCPM, the system presents you with opportunities to select collaborations and documents from lists: The following tips will make your list navigation more effective: To select all the items in a list, click the Select All checkbox. To switch between Ascending and Descending sort order for a column, click the Sort Order icon. To change the column display and their sort order, click the Table Configurator icon. For a list of more than 25 items, use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to navigate the list. C A B D

34 Help In the Header click Help
1 2 In the Header click Help In the Help window header, click the desired item name Note: Help files are presented in PDF format requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader System Display: Tool Bar – the system always displays the Tool Bar at the top of the SCPM window. The Tool Bar displays your user name and role and provides access to the Help and Logout functions. Navigation Tree – the displays the Navigation Tree at the left of the SCPM window. The Navigation Tree provides you with links to system pages. You can choose to show or hide the Navigation Tree by clicking the Show/Hide button. Page Display Area – makes up the rest of the display area. When you first login, the Page Display Area displays the SCPM Welcome page. As you navigate the system, it displays the pages you request.

35 Commonly Used Icons Table Configurator – accesses the Table Configurator dialog box where you can select Material Master data fields to display and their sort order Show/Hide Table Columns – drag-and-drop feature that expands and contracts the Collab Attribute data columns on the MCV page Sort Order – indicates the sort order of a series of columns in a table. Clicking the icon selects between ascending and descending display for the column Calendar – accesses a pop-up calendar for quickly selecting a date to add to search or filter function Refresh – prompts the system to refresh page data (use after you designate new display parameters or if you want to see if there is new data) Collab Details – displays a menu of collaboration related workflows, including Collab Attributes, you can select to view from the MCV page

36 Commonly Used Icons Data Measure Selector – accesses the Data Measure Selector dialog box where you can configure the data measures the MCV page displays View All Collaborations for Object – used when drilling-down to MCV page Export – the data on the page to a local drive in tab delimited text format Filter – accesses the Multi Collab Filter, which you can apply to the data on the page View Chart – accesses the MCV Detail Chart View page where you can select data from the MCV page to view in a chart Reset – allows you to reset a Filter on the Multi Collab Filter page

37 IBM SCPM Collaborations
November 12, 2018

38 What is a Collaboration

39 Collaborations SCPM organizes Material Master data into collaborations: Collaboration Dimensions - A Supply Path described by a unique combination of: Customer--Site--Customer Item--Supplier Item—Supplier Collab Attribute – attached to a collab, it represents supporting Material Master data that relates to the Collaboration Site Attribute – attached to the site, it represents supporting data that relates to the Site IBM Collab Attributes - Collab specific data IBM SCPM Collab Dimensions Man Line Material No. Sup. No. IBM Site Attributes - MRP Timestamp - Etc. Sup. Mat. No. Customer Site Item Supplier

40 Multi Collab View (MCV) Page
At the Multi Collab View (MCV) page, SCPM presents the data by collaboration You can view a time-bucketed view of data contained in SCPM You can access data and functions related to the collaboration

41 Accessing Collaborations
There are several methods you can use to access collaborations: Problem Summary Drill-Down Search Filter Bookmark

42 1. Accessing Problem Collaborations

43 Accessing the Problem Detail Page
1 2 3 4 5 From the Navigation Tree, click [+] left of Issues to expand the tree. From the Issues Tree, click Problems Filter to access the Problem Summary page. Click a Problem Name to view the problem collaborations on the Problem Detail page. Note: The system only displays problem counts when there is at least one problem. At the Problem Detail page click the checkboxes for the collaborations you want to view. Click the Multi Collab button to access the MCV page for the collaborations.

44 Multi Collab View (MCV) Page
At the Multi Collab View (MCV) page, SCPM presents the data by collaboration You can view a time-bucketed view of data contained in SCPM You can access data and functions related to the collaboration

45 2. Drill-down to Collaborations

46 Drilling Down to Collaborations
Drilling-down permits you to access a collab by selecting its collab dimensions Follow the path Supply Collaborations  Collaborations  Supplier-Material No.-Mfg. Line to access the Item List. Note: You may have several of these pre-defined filters to choose from.

47 Drilling Down to Collaborations
Filter Tip: You can limit the number of Objects listed by entering criteria in the Filter Criteria box and clicking the Filter button. 1 Click the desired Item to display the MCV page for the collaboration.

48 Multi Collab View (MCV) Page
At the Multi Collab View (MCV) page, SCPM presents the data by collaboration You can view a time-bucketed view of data contained in SCPM You can access data and functions related to the collaboration

49 3. Search for Collaborations

50 Searching for Collaborations
Follow the path Supply Collaboration  Collaborations  Search to access the Collaboration Search page. Search Notes: Search boxes are NOT case sensitive. Use the “*” symbol as a wildcard. For example entering “*12*” in the Material No. box searches for materials that have “12” in the number. Enter multiple items separated by semi-colons. Click the Save button to enter to save your search criteria. Apply saved search criteria by selecting the saved criteria from the drop-down menu and clicking the Apply button. 1 B C A D 2 D E Enter the search criteria. Click the Search button to locate the collaborations.

51 Searching for Collaborations
3 4 Click the checkboxes for the collaborations you want to view. Click the View button to access the collaborations. Note: If there is only one collaboration available, the system skips this step and immediately provides a view of the collaboration.

52 Multi Collab View (MCV) Page
At the Multi Collab View (MCV) page, SCPM presents the data by collaboration You can view a time-bucketed view of data contained in SCPM You can access data and functions related to the collaboration

53 4. Filtering for Collaborations

54 Accessing a Multi-Collaboration Filter
1 2 3 From the Navigation tree, click [+] left of Supply Collaboration to expand the tree. From the Supply Collaboration tree, click [+] left of Collaborations to expand the tree. From the Collaborations tree, click Multi-Collaboration Filter to access it.

55 Multi-Collaboration Filter Page
Parameter List Search Box A Parameter Selector Add Button B Filter Display Save Button Next Button You select from the Filter Parameters starting from the top and working down. Choices made for each item will affect the list of options for each item below it. As you work your way down, the choices are displayed in the Filter Builder

56 Using the Multi Collaboration Filter
3 1 2 A A Click the checkboxes for the line items you want to add to the Filter. Click the Add button to add the selected line items to the Filter Builder box (A). Click the [>] yellow icon to the right of the next parameter down, then repeat Steps 1-2 until your Filter Builder is complete.

57 Filtering by Description from the Listing tab
1 2 A. Search Results 3 4 B. Click Next Page if needed Enter Description for the selected filter parameter Click the Refresh button Click all desired checkboxes, using the Next Page button (B) if needed Click the Add button When using the Filtering by Description feature from the Listing tab, you must use the Add button to add search results to the Filter Builder. Do not use the Add All button or it will add all of the items instead of the search results (A).

58 Filtering by Description from the Filters tab
1 2 3 Click the Filters tab Enter Description for the selected filter parameter Click the Add button Using the Filtering by Description feature from the Filters tab allows you to add multiple search results pages to the Filter Builder with one click by clicking the Add button.

59 Saving and Applying Filter
2 1 3 4 5 Click the Save Button to Save your choices as a pre-defined filter In the Filter Criteria dialog box, enter a name for your filter. Click the Save button to save your filter. Click the Close button. Now, each time the Confirmation Manager enters Collaboration Filter View, you may select this pre-defined filter and then click the Apply button.

60 Filtered Search A 4 When you have completed all your selections and the Filter Builder (A) is complete, click the Next button.

61 Selecting and Viewing Filtered Collabs
5 6 Click the checkboxes for the collaborations you want to view. Click the View button to access the collaborations. Note: If there is only one collaboration available, the system skips this step and immediately provides a view of the collaboration.

62 Multi Collab View (MCV) Page
At the Multi Collab View (MCV) page, SCPM presents the data by collaboration You can view a time-bucketed view of data contained in SCPM You can access data and functions related to the collaboration

63 5. Bookmark Collaborations

64 Creating a Bookmark A A. You can bookmark an MCV page by clicking the Bookmark link.

65 Creating a Bookmark 1 2 3 i i ii ii 4 At the Multi Collaboration View page, click Bookmark to access the Bookmark dialog box. In the Criteria column, click the Collaborations or Filter Selections option button, where: Collaborations – saves the collaborations you selected to view on the page Filter Selections – saves the filter criteria you defined Note: If you get an error on the page, “URL size exceeds bookmark limit”, when saving ‘Collaborations’, it means that the data that you are book-marking is too large. The alternative is to bookmark ‘Filter Selections’. In the Date Range Column, click the Relative Date Range or Absolute Date Range option button, where: Absolute - retains the date range you selected to view on the page Relative – uses your default start date and end date Click the OK button to save your bookmark.

66 Accessing a Bookmarked Page
2 1 From your Bookmark menu, click the bookmark you created to access the Login page. At the Login page: In the User ID box, enter the user name provided to you. In the Password box, enter the password provided to you. Click the Login button to access the bookmarked page.

67 ing a Bookmark 1 4 2 3 From your browser’s Toolbar, click Favorites to access the Favorites drop-down menu. From the drop-down menu, right-click your saved bookmark to access the Options dialog box. From the Options dialog box, click Properties to access the Bookmark’s Properties dialog box. From the Bookmark’s Properties dialog box, copy the bookmark URL. Open your client, paste the URL and send it to another user of the system. Note: The system will prompt the recipients of your to enter their ID and Password before displaying the bookmarked page.

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