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Memory check Who are: AVRN NVA Genera Thieu Viet Cong NLF

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1 Memory check Who are: AVRN NVA Genera Thieu Viet Cong NLF
Paris Peace Talks

2 The Nixon Presidency and withdrawal of US forces: 1969-1973

3 Nixon: Diplomatic genius or mad bomber?
Eisenhower’s vice-president – supportive of US bombing to support French Spurred Johnson on when in opposition 2 key ideas: Vietnamisation Peace with Honour

4 Nixon and Kissinger Nov 1968 – Nixon is elected Chose Henry Kissinger as his national security advisor. Key thinker of ‘Real politik’ – practical politics based on necessity rather than morality. National interest over moral concern Their relationship strengthened throughout – their policy became known as ‘Machiavellian’ (‘the ends justify the means’

5 1. Why did Nixon decide to get out of Vietnam
1. Why did Nixon decide to get out of Vietnam? Genuine conversion or ruthless attention to immediate political advantage? a) Pressures: Domestic Realism – American interests first USA weaker than in 1945 or 1960 USSR had gained strategic parity in nuclear capabilities Europe and Japan recovered economically America seems less like the US ‘Policeman’- lack of support for this role from public – they want Domestic concerns dealt with – calls to cut defence spending Needed to get peace to avoid greater protests at home – inaugural parade thousands protested ‘Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh is going to win’, burning of Flags, spitting at police He had to bring peace to America and Vietnam Key is to therefore reduce commitment to Vietnam – Vietnam not seen as meriting the absorption of military resources so far Self-interest when wanting to be re-elected in 1972 – ‘Peace with Honour’ He could gain the glory of being the ‘peacemaker’

6 1. Why did Nixon decide to get out of Vietnam
1. Why did Nixon decide to get out of Vietnam? Genuine conversion or ruthless attention to immediate political advantage? b) International change of context Sino-Soviet split of 1960’s – China and USSR rivals (Mao and Kruschchev in nuclear stand off – fears of Russian nuclear strike) Nixon could capitalise on this – play them off. ‘Linkage’ policy – concessions to Soviet Union in return for their pressure on Hanoi to negotiate with the US

7 What did Nixon want to get?
A peace settlement which would allow Thieu to stay in power Achieved through ‘Vietnamisation’, pressure on USSR and China, and the ‘madman theory’!

8 Problems in getting out
Developments that could have aided US withdrawal? Tet offensive: seriously weakened the Vietcong Improved relations with USR and China – could put pressure on Hanoi

9 Problems in getting out:
Leaders of DRV hostile and suspicious of US ever since the Geneva Accords of 1954 and the US reneged on the elections which should have been held in S. Vietnam There basic aim – unity of Vietnam This was unacceptable to Nixon – S. Vietnam a separate state which had been invaded by NVA. To the North Vietnamese the NVA were liberators Problems over whether the NVA should be able to stay in – it would seem like a defeat to America Nixon needed to conceal ‘defeat’ effectively – concessions could only be achieved by putting pressure on Hanoi but Nixon faced opposition in Congress and from public who wanted out. Nixon in a paradoxical position – anti-war demonstrators were chief obstacles to peace – effective diplomacy needed to secret but blatant pro or anti-war protest made that hard

10 1969-72: The conduct of the war
What changes to US military policy were introduced to make the war more acceptable? What changes were introduced to make the war more effective? Why might this have countered the first change? Successes and failures?

11 Opposition? Types of protest and development Public Congress

12 1972 Re-election to peace 1973 How and why was a ceasefire signed by 1973? Why did an end to the war look unlikely in 1972? Why was ‘peace at hand’ in Autumn 1972? How was it finally achieved by 1973?

13 Assessment of Nixon Read handout and identify successes and failures of Nixon’s policy

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