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What it takes to be a Service Leadership Program club sponsor

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1 What it takes to be a Service Leadership Program club sponsor
The success of a Service Leadership Program depends greatly on the support provided by the sponsoring Kiwanis club. Here are the resources needed to effectively nurture the various SLP clubs.

2 Responsibilities of sponsorship
Appoint a Kiwanis advisor to chair the Service Leadership Programs committee and ensure the committee is trained. Ensure Kiwanis members attend Service Leadership Program meeting and events. Maintain an expense line item in the Kiwanis club’s budget. Meet with principal/facility manager/advisor for the Service Leadership Program club at the beginning of each (club) year. Ensure Service Leadership Program club’s dues/fees are paid. Appoint a Kiwanis Advisor to chair the Service Leadership Programs Committee and ensure the committee is trained Ensure Kiwanis members attend Service Leadership Programs meeting and events Maintain an expense line item in the Kiwanis club’s budget Meet with principal/facility manager/advisor for the Service Leadership Program club at the beginning of each (club) year Ensure Service Leadership Program club’s dues/fees are paid

3 Responsibilities of sponsorship
Ensure training for Service Leadership Program clubs’ officers. Hold planning meeting/session involving the leadership of both the Kiwanis clubs and Service Leadership Program club. Host or participate in at least two joint activities between the Kiwanis club and the Service Leadership Program club. Invite two Service Leadership Program club members to attend each Kiwanis club meeting. Encourage Service Leadership Program club members to attend conventions, conferences and training opportunities. Ensure training for Service Leadership Program clubs’ officers. Hold planning meeting/session involving the leadership of both the Kiwanis clubs and Service Leadership Program club. Host or participate in at least two joint activities between the Kiwanis club and the Service Leadership Program club. Invite two Service Leadership Program club members to attend each Kiwanis club meeting Invite two Service Leadership Program Club members to attend each Kiwanis club meeting. Encourage Service Leadership Programs club members to attend conventions, conferences, and training opportunities

4 Resources available to assist in achieving responsibilities of sponsorship
Web sites Literature from Kiwanis International District administrator and committee members District board for Service Leadership Program club or Kiwanis lieutenant governors Websites Literature From Kiwanis International District Administrator and Committee Members District Board for Service Leadership Program Club or Kiwanis Lieutenant Governors

5 Resources available to assist in achieving responsibilities of sponsorship
Division council meetings District training conferences Kiwanis district office Key Leader/Leadership Academy Program Division Council Meetings District Training Conference s Kiwanis District Office Key Leader/Leadership Academy Program

6 Resources provided by sponsoring Kiwanis club
Service Leadership Program committee Club officers Financial resources Service Leadership Programs Committee Club officers Financial Resources

7 Personal skills helpful for effective Service Leadership Program sponsorship
Basic understanding of communication technologies Understanding of the demographics of the Service Leadership Program club Basic understanding of communication technologies Understanding of the demographics of the Service Leadership Program club

8 Meeting the needs of the Service Leadership Programs
Training Officer duties President Vice president Secretary Treasurer Representative from each grade level Committee chairmen Officer Duties. Each Service Leadership Program club has leadership positions that must be filled. These positions include President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, a representative (generally) from each grade level, and committee chair people. Positional leadership may be new to the Service Leadership Program members. Therefore it is necessary to educate newly elected officers early in their term. By downloading resources available on the appropriate Service Leadership Program Website, a sponsoring Kiwanis club can become very educated on what each officer’s responsibilities are.

9 Meeting the needs of the Service Leadership Programs
Fees and dues Each year the Service Leadership Program club/organization must pay fees/dues. Sponsoring Kiwanis clubs receive information in the early fall from Kiwanis International. Fees/dues should be paid by October 1. The appropriate Service Leadership Program Web site details the financial obligation of the sponsored program/club. Each year the Service Leadership Program club/organization must pay fees/dues. Sponsoring Kiwanis clubs receive information in the early fall from Kiwanis International. Fees/ dues should be paid by October 1 and since one of the sponsoring Kiwanis club’s obligations is overlooking financial concerns of the Service Leadership Program club/organization, it is especially important that this obligation is monitored. The appropriate Service Leadership Program Website details the financial obligation of the sponsored program/club.

10 Meeting the needs of the Service Leadership Programs
Report of club activities One responsibility of the Service Leadership Program club/organization is to report its activities to the sponsoring Kiwanis club and, for the organizations, also to the district. Most Service Leadership Program club officers are to send in a monthly report. Details are available on the district’s Web site. One responsibility of the Service Leadership Program club/organization is to report the activities to the sponsoring Kiwanis club and, for the organizations, also to the district. Most Service Leadership Program club officers are to send in a monthly report form. Details are available to the District’s Website.

11 Meeting the needs of the Service Leadership Programs
Division, district and international meetings/conferences Contests Scholarships Training Key Leader District and international Circle K and Key Club conventions Each district and many divisions hold many informative and motivational meetings open to the membership of the Service Leadership Programs. It is the sponsoring Kiwanis club’s responsibility to encourage members or officers of Service Leadership Program clubs to attend and benefit from these opportunities. Contact the Service Leadership Program district administrator for information concerning contests, scholarships, training, the district meeting schedule. Key Leader should be a priority for graduating eighth graders through seniors in high school. Attendee need not be a member of a Service Leadership Program. International Conventions are available to Kiwanis, Circle K, and Key Club members as a educational opportunity each summer. Service Leadership Program club members from across the United States and world congregate and experience a motivating and educational change of a lifetime. A common funding practice for Circle K and Key Club members attending their organization’s International Convention is for the individual attendee, the attendee’s home club, and the sponsoring Kiwanis club to each cover one third of the expense to attend a District or International Convention. For more information on District Convention, contact the appropriate Service Leadership Program’s District Administrator. For International Convention information, contact the Kiwanis International Office in Indianapolis.

12 Meeting the needs of the Service Leadership Programs
Recognition and awards Individual attention One way to support your Service Leadership Programs is to encourage their actions through recognition and rewarding their achievements. Often Service Leadership Program members, especially officers, feel that the work they put in is not appreciated, and a friendly word from a Kiwanian can mean a lot. Holding a joint awards banquet with your Service Leadership Programs is a great idea to boost the excitement in the club. But most important of all to remember, Service Leadership Programs members appreciate what Kiwanians have done for them. A positive Service Leadership Programs experience leads to a positive and eventual Kiwanis membership

13 Service Leadership Programs
For more information: Kiwanis International 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN USA Worldwide: US and Canada: 800-KIWANIS

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