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Beginning of the Cold War: Aid Greece & Turkey to prevent fall to communism, Truman Doctrine: goal to contain communism, Marshall plan: aid to Western.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning of the Cold War: Aid Greece & Turkey to prevent fall to communism, Truman Doctrine: goal to contain communism, Marshall plan: aid to Western."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning of the Cold War: Aid Greece & Turkey to prevent fall to communism, Truman Doctrine: goal to contain communism, Marshall plan: aid to Western Europe

2 Berlin Airlift

3 NATO vs. Warsaw Pact

4 1949: China falls to communism; Korean war

5 Arms Race

6 Eastern Bloc

7 Khrushchev, De-Stalinization, Sputnik, Communist Expansion into Asia and Africa

8 U-2 Spy Plan, Test Ban Treaty, Castro overthrows Cuban government & establish communism in Western Hemisphere, Cuban Missile Crisis

9 Brezhnev, Czech “Prague Spring” Alexander Dubek

10 Ostpolitik & Détente: Willy Brandt, Nixon & Kissinger, Nixon visits China & Moscow

11 Soviets invade Afghanistan

12 Gorbachev, Kohl, Reagen, Thatcher

13 Fall of Berlin Wall, fall of communism in Eastern Europe, attempted coup in Moscow, Yeltsin, Putin

14 Growth of NATO & EU

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