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Smart Schools Investment Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Schools Investment Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Schools Investment Plan
Smart Schools Bond Act of 2014

2 Purpose: to finance improved educational technology and infrastructure
High-speed broadband or wireless internet connectivity for schools and communities Learning technology equipment or facilities Educational facilities for pre-kindergarten or replace classroom trailers High-tech security features in school buildings

3 Depew Schools’ Allocation
School Connectivity $475,000 Classroom Technology $1,016,820 High-Tech Security Features $130,529 Total Allocation $1,622,349 Professional Development, Tech Support, Maintenance & Replacement District Budget and Grants

4 School Connectivity: $475,000
Replace end of life network switches Replace wireless controller Replace wireless access points that do not support current standards Add wireless access points

5 Our Goal is 1:1 Deployment
Infrastructure Robust Online Testing Capacity Hardware Bandwidth Digital curriculum 10 Mb/student Limited access at home Professional Development Curriculum Leaders Teach the Teacher

6 Classroom Technology - Cayuga Heights: $507,604
Grades K – 2: Classroom sets of iPads for all students Grades 3 – 8: Classroom sets of Chromebooks for all students One to One deployment (1:1) Students will carry their Chromebook to non-core classes (Art, Music, Technology, AIS) Classrooms will be upgraded with an LED projector and document camera Teachers will receive an iPad or Chromebook

7 Classroom Technology - Depew Middle & High: $509,216
Grade 6 – 12: Students will receive a Chromebook One to One deployment (1:1) Students will carry their Chromebook to classes and home Classrooms will be upgraded with an LED projector and document camera Teachers will receive a Chromebook Gateway to Technology (PLTW) pre-engineering courses planned for Depew Middle and technology purchased to support the curriculum

8 High-Tech Security Features: $130,529
Replace aging surveillance systems at front doors of Cayuga, Middle and High Schools

9 Smart Schools Investment Plan Process
District prepares preliminary plan February 25 - November 4, 2015 Preliminary plan presented to Board for approval November 17, 2015 District posts preliminary plan for 30 days November 18 – December 18, 2015 Public notice January 5, 2016 Public Hearing January 19, 2016 District prepares final plan January 20, 2016 Final plan approval February 23, 2016 District submits final plan February 24, 2016

10 Any questions from the Board of Education and the Public?
Next step Modify plan if there are substantive comments, or Recommend the preliminary plan become our final plan and approved by the Board of Education

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