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Focus on Foreign Policy

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on Foreign Policy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on Foreign Policy
The 1960s Focus on Foreign Policy

2 Cold War World (Bipolar)


4 American Approaches to the Soviet Union following WW II
Truman: Truman Doctrine (Containment) Marshall Plan Eisenhower: New Look (Massive Retaliation) Roll Back Eisenhower Doctrine

5 Berlin Wall symbol of tension

6 “Ich bin ein Berliner.” (1963)
JFK attempts to unite a free world

7 I am the best and the brightest…
Secretary of Defense I am the best and the brightest… Flexible, hmm?

8 Robert McNamara’s “Strategic Triad”

9 Fiasco (1961)

10 Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962

11 Naval “Quarantine”

12 Competition in Other Areas
Space Race Peace Corps Foreign Aid

13 New Options: Containment? Domino Theory?

14 The French Indo-China War, 1945-1954
                                                              Vietnam a French colony since 1880s Vietnamese fought French for Independence U.S. Aid Dien Bien Phu Geneva Accords of 1954 (North and South split)

15 Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) Nationalism AND Socialism
"You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of yours, yet even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.“ Nationalism AND Socialism

16 U.S. Military “Advisors”

17 June 11, 1963

18 November, 1963

19 President LBJ

20 LBJ Tonkin Gulf, 1964 “Grandma’s Nightshirt”
Also Daisy Girl Commercial

21 Election 1964

22 Escalation,

23 Attrition Strategy Firepower + Mobility = Victory

24 Small Unit Combat: “Search & Destroy”
“Search and Destroy”

25 The Air War: Death from Above
Agent Orange and B-57 Bombing Raid on VC Ville

26 Collateral Damage Nick Ute’s Pulitzer Prize Winning Photo

27 By the end of the war, 7 million tons of bombs had been dropped on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia - more than twice the amount of bombs dropped on Europe and Asia in World War II.

28 TET Offensive, 1968 Gen Nguyen Ngoc Loan(Loung) executes VC Suspect;
Pulitzer Prize winning photo by Eddie Adams

29 Anti-War Demonstrations

30 1968 Democratic National Convention


32 Nixon’s Secret Plan “Phase Withdrawal’ “Vietnamization” Negotiations
Paris Peace Talks Henry Kissinger “Madman Theory” Détente

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