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Applied EM by Ulaby, Michielssen and Ravaioli

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Presentation on theme: "Applied EM by Ulaby, Michielssen and Ravaioli"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied EM by Ulaby, Michielssen and Ravaioli
1. Waves & Phasors 2-D Array of a Liquid Crystal Display Applied EM by Ulaby, Michielssen and Ravaioli

2 Chapter 1 Overview

3 Examples of EM Applications

4 Dimensions and Units

5 Material Properties

6 Traveling Waves Waves carry energy Waves have velocity
Many waves are linear: they do not affect the passage of other waves; they can pass right through them Transient waves: caused by sudden disturbance Continuous periodic waves: repetitive source

7 Types of Waves

8 Sinusoidal Signal What would be the Phasor of this signal?
Phasor -> Time Domain This is why we need to know complex numbers!

9 Impedance of Capacitor and Inductor
This is another reason we need to know complex numbers!

10 Sinusoidal Waves in Lossless Media
y = height of water surface x = distance

11 Phase velocity If we select a fixed height y0 and follow its progress, then =

12 Wave Frequency and Period

13 Direction of Wave Travel
Wave travelling in +x direction Wave travelling in ‒x direction +x direction: if coefficients of t and x have opposite signs ‒x direction: if coefficients of t and x have same sign (both positive or both negative)

14 Phase Lead & Lag

15 Wave Travel in Lossy Media
Attenuation factor

16 The EM Spectrum

17 Complex Numbers We will find it is useful to represent sinusoids as complex numbers Rectangular coordinates Polar coordinates Relations based on Euler’s Identity


19 Relations for Complex Numbers
Learn how to perform these with your calculator/computer



22 Phasor Domain 1. The phasor-analysis technique transforms equations
from the time domain to the phasor domain. 2. Integro-differential equations get converted into linear equations with no sinusoidal functions. 3. After solving for the desired variable--such as a particular voltage or current-- in the phasor domain, conversion back to the time domain provides the same solution that would have been obtained had the original integro-differential equations been solved entirely in the time domain.

23 Phasor Domain Phasor counterpart of

24 Marie Cornu in 1880 Paris Time and Phasor Domain It is much easier to deal with exponentials in the phasor domain than sinusoidal relations in the time domain Just need to track magnitude/phase, knowing that everything is at frequency w

25 Phasor Relation for Resistors
Current through resistor Time domain Time Domain Frequency Domain Phasor Domain

26 Phasor Relation for Inductors
Time domain Phasor Domain Time Domain

27 Phasor Relation for Capacitors
Time domain Time Domain Phasor Domain

28 ac Phasor Analysis: General Procedure

29 Example 1-4: RL Circuit Cont.

30 Example 1-4: RL Circuit cont.



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