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Electrical Circuits & Ohm’s Law

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical Circuits & Ohm’s Law"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical Circuits & Ohm’s Law
Circuit Diagrams Series Circuits vs. Parallel Circuits Ohm’s Law Calculations

2 1) Circuit Diagrams Circuit Diagram: a diagram that uses standard ______________ to represent the components in an electric _______________ and their connections. In this case, the “resistance” is the ________________ in the _________.

3 2) Series vs. Parallel Circuits
Series circuit: a circuit in which there is ____________________ path along which electrons can flow. Series connections: specific places in a series circuit where components are connected. (One way) Parallel circuit: a circuit in which there is ___________________ path along which electrons can flow. Parallel connections: specific parts of a parallel circuit where there are more than one pathway. (Branched) Most circuits in the real world are combinations of series and parallel circuits.

4 Check your understanding:
1) Label the following diagrams as series, parallel, or combination. (Note: the longer line of a the cell represents the positive terminal). ( Hint: trace your finger from the (–) terminal to the (+) terminal).

5 Check your understanding:
1) Label the following diagrams with series or parallel.

6 Review of Electrical Characteristics

7 Review of Electrical Circuit Characteristics
Current (___) Resistance (___) Voltage (____) ________________________________ Definition Unit of Measurement How is it measured? River Analogy

8 Check your understanding:
2) Draw a circuit diagram that shows a two-cell battery in series with a switch and two lamps in parallel. Include an ohmmeter correctly connected to one of the lamps.

9 Ohm’s Law For most wires, the ratio of potential difference (V) to current (I) is a constant. The constant is called resistance (R)

10 Solving Problems - GRASP
G = Given – List known, draw diagrams R = Required to find – Identify the unknown A = Analyze – Write out formula S = Solve – Plug knowns into formula P = Present – State your answer using a sentence You must GRASP a problem for full marks!

11 Sample Problem Find the current through a 12 Ω resistor when 24 V are applied across it.

12 Check your understanding
A circuit consists of a 12 V battery connected across a single resistor. If the current in the circuit is 3 A, calculate the size of the resistor.

13 Sample Problem 2. An electric toy has a resistance of 120 Ω and requires a current of A to work properly. How many 1.5 V cells does the toy require?

14 Check your understanding
2. A circuit, in series, consists of a 225 V battery connected to 3 identical resistors. If the current in the circuit is 15 A, calculate the resistance of each resistor.

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