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The Russian Revolution

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1 The Russian Revolution
Civil War and Lenin

2 Bolshevik’s Come Under Pressure
By 1917 the Bolsheviks had taken power Socialist rule did not bring about change Lenin and his supporters had to defend the world’s first “dictatorship of the proletariat” against Dissident socialists Anti-Bolshevik officers and troops Peasant bands Foreign forces

3 Bolshevik’s Come Under Pressure
By 1917 the Bolsheviks had taken power Socialist rule did not bring about change Lenin and his supporters had to defend the world’s first “dictatorship of the proletariat” against Dissident socialists Anti-Bolshevik officers and troops Peasant bands Foreign forces Working class

4 Lenin Consolidates Power
Bolsheviks change name to the Russian Communist Party Communists began the Red Terror campaign to crush opposition; mainly anti-communists labeled Whites The Cheka or secret police kills 200,000 Russians Communists execute the Czar and family to destroy White hopes

5 The Civil War Whites form the White Army to counter the Communist Red Army France, Britain, Japan, and the U.S. support White Army Reds defeat Whites by 1920

6 War Communism Civil war brings war communism
Without any real plans to reform Russia the Communists embark on policy of nationalization or state ownership of productive assets. The Communists seize crop from peasant to feed workers in the city. By 1920 industrial production falls to 1/10 of pre-war levels The war and policy decisions destroy the economy

7 New Economic Policy Lenin demonstrates his pragmatism and his willingness to compromise The NEP is aimed at restoring the market economy in part Small businesses regain ownership Farmers are able to sell products on the market for market prices Lenin dies before NEP is fully implemented

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