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Russian Revolution Analyze Nicholas II Sources

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1 Russian Revolution Analyze Nicholas II Sources
Clip: Revolution of 1905 Russia Revolution Notes Clip: Fall of Czar

2 WARM UP...ANALYZE “Under every kind of outrange they died, mostly at the door of their homes. They were babes, butchered at the breasts of their mothers. They were old men beaten down in the presence of their sons. They were delicate women violated and murdered in the sight of their own children.” -Reverend W.C. Stiles Located in Russia during the pogroms of 1903

3 RUSSIA: ALEXANDER III Alexander III Autocracy Czar, or tsar, in 1881
Pogroms (po-groms) Organized violence against Jews. All of this was done to stop revolutions. Autocracy Strict, Absolute government.

4 RUSSIA: NICHOLAS II Czar in 1894, son of Alexander III.
Industrialization begins Steel. Trans-Siberian Railway. The world’s largest continuous Rail line European Russia to Pacific Ocean


6 RUSSIA LENIN With industrialization came unrest.
Lenin was a follower of Karl Marx. Two groups of Marxists developed in Russia. Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

7 BLOODY SUNDAY Peaceful Protest
200,000 workers marched for better working conditions and a legislature. unarmed people were killed. A tradition of underestimating deaths begins in Russian history. Nicholas II agrees to a Duma (Legislature).

8 RUSSIA: RASPUTIN After 1 year, Russia loses 4 million soldiers.
Rasputin- “Holy Man” The March Revolution March, 1917 Petrograd 200,000 workers march Czar steps down, but Russia stays in the war. No strong government.

Lenin comes home to Russia Nov. 1917, Provisional gov’t folds. Red Guard take the Palace. Lenin redistributed land to the peasants, Factories to the workers, and made peace with Germany.

Civil War rages on White Army v. Red Army 3 years, 15 million dead. New Economic Policy (NEP) Instead of a state controlled economy, small scale capitalism. U.S.S.R., Moscow, Communists all part of Lenin’s political Reforms.

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