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Bolshevik Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Bolshevik Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bolshevik Revolution

2 Continued Revolution Feb 1917-Provisional government
Continued WWI Fighting German return of Lenin Peace & Bread Social Revolution

3 Bolshevik Support Mild popularity of Bolsheviks Good organization
War worsening Kornilov attempted takeover Bolshevik/Red Guard defense Increase of Bolshevik Support Peace, Land, and Bread Leon Trotsky control of St. Petersburg soviet Soviets & Bolshevik control

4 Continued Bolshevik Takeover
NOW! Oct 24-Bolshevik takeover Relatively bloodless New Socialist Order Farmland Divided End to war Govt control 1917 Elections End to National Assembly


6 Russian Civil War Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Formation of white armies
US/western support Civil war Huge casualties Division of whites Leadership of Trotsky Bolshevik Victory Issues after civil war



9 Restoring Order Continued unrest Kronstadt Revolt
Suppression of revolt New Economic Policy (NEP) Temporary compromise with capitalism Creation of self-governing republics Birth of USSR/Soviet Union Communist Party


11 Struggle to Succeed Lenin
Lenin Death 1924 Trotsky v. Stalin Trotsky positives Enemies of Trotsky Stalin “Man of Steel” Party Secretary Key appointments Lenin fear of Stalin End of Trotsky Stalin head 1929




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