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Cycles of Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Cycles of Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cycles of Matter

2 Fundamentals Matter can not be created or destroyed
So…matter must cycle The big six: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Phosphorous Sulfur

3 Carbon Cycle Carbon - Basic building of organic compounds
CO2 is a key component of the atmosphere’s thermostat

4 Sources of Carbon from Human Activity
Carbon Cycle Natural Sources of Carbon Sources of Carbon from Human Activity Death of plants and animals Animal waste Atmospheric CO2 Weathering Methane gas from cows (and other ruminants) Aerobic respiration from terrestrial and aquatic life Burning wood or forests Cars, trucks, planes Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas to produce heat and energy.


6 Largest reservoir: Marine sediments
Carbon Cycle Largest reservoir: Marine sediments

7 Carbon Cycle - Oceans Role
The ocean is a HUGE carbon sink Many animals pull carbon from water for shells, etc. Animals die and carbon is deposited at the bottom of the ocean.

8 Nitrogen Cycle 78% of atmosphere nitrogen Major reservoir
Not usable by most organisms Nitrogen Fixation Lightning Done by bacteria or algae

9 Nitrogen Cycle – Anthropogenic
Burning fossil fuels  release of nitric oxide Fertilizer  in soil Deforestation  release to atmosphere Agriculture runoff  water

10 Nitrogen Cycle

11 Phosphorus Cycle Major reservoir is rock.
Major limiting resource for terrestrial plant growth Human influences: Mining phosphate  fertilizers Fertilizer runoff Result: algae blooms  eutrophication

12 Phosphorus Cycle

13 Sulfur Cycle Major reservoir: underground rock & mineral formations
Natural cycle Volcanic activity Anaerobic decomposition Sea Spray Forest fires Human activity Burning fossil fuels Refining petroleum Extracting metals such as zinc or copper

14 Sulfur Cycle


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