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What is outside our door?

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Presentation on theme: "What is outside our door?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is outside our door?
Question of the Week: What is outside our door?

2 Read and Rhyme with me! We can have a picnic on the lawn,
We can make a tent under the trees. We can look at clouds until they’re gone, Or fly a fancy kite among the breeze.

3 Look at p. 62-63 What are the children doing
Look at p What are the children doing? What do you see outside around them?

4 What is outside our door?
Things to do Things to see

5 Listen for these AMAZING Words:
Sing with me! “Outside My Door” Listen for these AMAZING Words: pavement active lawn

6 pavement

7 active

8 lawn

9 When you fall on pavement, you ____________________
When you fall on pavement, you ____________________. I am most active when ____________________. On the lawn we like to ___________.

10 What can you find that has the /f/ sound
What can you find that has the /f/ sound? Is the /f/ sound in the beginning, the middle, or the end?

11 This is a firefighter. The first sound in firefighter is /f/. Make the /c/ sound and feel how your top teeth touch your bottom lip.

12 Find the words that start with Ff as we read.
Rhyme with me! Find the words that start with Ff as we read.

13 f a t

14 fan fad pan nap Now let’s practice spelling some words with our new /f/ sound!



17 Plot What happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
The main problem in a story and how it is solved.

18 What is the problem? How is the problem solved?



21 Team Talk! Turn to a partner and share things you like to do. Find the verb that names the action your partner shares.


23 Let’s write using verbs!
I ___________ in the yard. We ____________ at the lake. Now try writing your own sentences and circle the verbs!

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