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JEOPARDY!! Chemistry Carbs Proteins Lipids

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY!! Chemistry Carbs Proteins Lipids"— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY!! 100 200 300 400 500 Chemistry Carbs Proteins Lipids
Nucleic Acids 100 200 300 400 500

2 Name the three parts of a nucleotide.

3 Sugar, Phosphate group, Nitrogen-containing base

4 Which type of bonds hold the DNA molecule together?

5 Hydrogen

6 Which sugar is part of the nucleotides in RNA?

7 Ribose

8 make up Nucleic Acids.

9 Nucleotides

10 Neutrons have a charge.

11 Neutral

12 What is an isotope?

13 Same number of protons, different number of neutrons

14 Define covalent bonds.

15 Bond formed when electrons are shared

16 How many electrons are in Chlorine’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shell?

17 1st – 2 2nd – 8 3rd - 7

18 Balance the following equation: CH4 + O2  CO2 + H2O

19 CH4 + 2 O2  CO2 + 2 H2O

20 The word disaccharide means…

21 Two sugars

22 What is the role of carbohydrates in our body?

23 Short-term energy

24 Give a specific example of a polysaccharide. (Think of your flow chart

25 Cellulose, Starch

26 What is one specific food that would be a good source of carbs?

27 Pasta, etc.

28 DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! Remember carbon usually is in 3 main structures: rings, straight chains, and bent formation. Which structure is most common amongst carbohydrates?

29 Ring structures

30 make up proteins.

31 Amino Acids

32 How many amino acids are there?

33 20

34 A long chain of amino acids is called a(n):

35 Polypeptide Chain, Protein Chain

36 What four parts make up an amino acid?

37 1 – Hydrogen 2 – Carboxyl group 3 – Amino group 4 – R group (variable)

38 Name a specific type of protein. What does this type do for us?

39 Answers vary.

40 What are the two types of fats?

41 Unsaturated and saturated fats

42 Oils are at room temperature.

43 Liquid

44 Which type of fat is considered to be unhealthy? Why?
Double Jeopardy! Which type of fat is considered to be unhealthy? Why?

45 Saturated Fats

46 What are the 3 parts of a lipid?

47 1- Glycerol 2 – Carboxyl group 3 – Fatty acid

48 Which type of fat is this?

49 Unsaturated (double bonds/”kinks”)

50 What is the function of nucleic acids?

51 Transport/Read genetic information

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