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INTRODUCTION Miss Werba / Mr Hyde

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1 INTRODUCTION Miss Werba / Mr Hyde
IB BIOLOGY 2017/2018 INTRODUCTION Miss Werba / Mr Hyde

2 Why study Biology? Biology is the scientific exploration of the diverse world of living organisms. This exploration has expanded enormously within the last four decades, revealing a wealth of knowledge about ourselves and about the millions of other organisms with whom we share our planet. Today, biological research, worldwide, spans an almost infinite spectrum of studies from molecules to landscapes.

3 Why study Biology? The study of Biology has an immediate relevance to our daily lives. It is important for you to develop an informed sense of how we may individually and collectively fit into the ecology of our planet without rendering horrible destruction.

4 Standard or Higher? Common elements to both levels: CORE CURRICULUM

5 The distinction between SL and HL is one of breadth and depth.
Standard or Higher? Differences between the levels: CORE + AHL CURRICULUM extra 5 topics INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 60hrs for HL (40hrs for SL) The distinction between SL and HL is one of breadth and depth. OPTIONAL UNIT extra content for HL

6 CORE CURRICULUM Cell Biology Molecular Biology Genetics Ecology
Evolution & Biodiversity Human Physiology

7 AHL CURRICULUM Nucleic acids Metabolism, Respiration & Photosynthesis
Genetics & Evolution Plant Biology Animal Physiology

8 OPTIONAL UNITS We will do one of the following: Option A Neurobiology
& Behaviour Option B Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Option C Ecology & Conservation Option D Human Physiology

7 set experiments and various activities will be completed during the course will be used to develop your lab skills can also be assessed in the exam 1 Internal Assessment (IA) to be completed in Year 12 SL =40hrs; HL =60hrs (inc. 10hrs for Group 4 Project) SL & HL are marked out of 24 for the same criteria: Personal engagement (2) Exploration (6) Analysis (6) Evaluation (6) Communication (4)

What does this mean for you? All of prac reports that you are asked to complete along the way count – they may not contribute to your final IB grade but the skills you develop will. Work hard – check criteria as you complete the report & apply feedback when you complete the next report. I can give you lots of help on these pracs but very little on the real IA. Learn how to use your device – Facebook and Spotify will not help you complete an awesome report. MS Excel, Numbers and Google Sheets will. Everything you need to calculate can be calculated for you by your device, so learn how to use it quickly in order to save you time in the long run.

11 YEAr 11 vs YEAr 12 All students will complete most of the SL syllabus in year 11 This will allow all of you to choose your level at the end of year, thus keeping your options open. In Yr12, we will still have a fair bit to do: Complete the SL topics Begin and complete the HL topics Begin and complete one Option (SL and HL) Begin and complete the IA While HLs are learning their content, SLs will be guided through some revision and given a specific topic to revise for a Revision Test.

12 How to study FOR IB BIOLOGY
Keep up - don’t let yourself fall a topic (or more) behind! Keep ahead of your cocurricular commitments – you are all amazing and incredibly talented people who will end up being over-committed at various times of the year. Work ahead of these times, using the holidays prior to these periods to get ahead. Find your groove – work out how you study best and keep trying new techniques until you find the one that works best. This may include written/electronic flashcards, summaries, online quizzes, practice questions, etc. Be active in your revision – the more you need to do to revise, the better it will stick. Just reading our notes or textbook is not always the best option.

13 How to study FOR IB BIOLOGY
Remember to exercise your learning muscles – training is important for all of your muscles. Actively focus on the learning skills that you need and you will strengthen your ability to learn in a variety of circumstances. The nature of Science and the IB itself mean that you are naturally working on the cognitive, strategic and social aspects of learning. What it doesn’t train you for, something you will need to cover independently, are the emotional aspects of learning or your resilience.

Absorption – Lose yourself in your learning. Become absorbed in what you are doing - excited and attentive. Manage distractions– Recognise and reduce distractions. Create your own best environment for learning. Noticing– Take in the subtle cues around you – allow yourself to see patterns and details in an experience. Perseverance– Keep going in the face of difficulties, channeling the energy of frustration productively. Know that learning is often a slow and uncertain process.

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