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Vietnam Soviet supported North, communist

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1 Vietnam Soviet supported North, communist
Ho Chi Minh USA supported South, Ngo Dinh Diem Dictator, but not communist Guerilla warfare started in the South Early 1960’s Communists, but many saw it as a fight to liberate Vietnam from foreign domination

2 America Enters Vietnam
Domino theory: American foreign policy A communist victory in Vietnam would cause countries across SE Asia to fall to communism as well

3 America Enters Vietnam
Domino theory: American foreign policy A communist victory in Vietnam would cause countries across SE Asia to fall to communism as well Ho Chi Minh aided Viet Cong Communist rebels trying to overthrow S. Vietnam’s government US first sent supplies then troops

4 President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)
August 1, 1964 S. Vietnamese raided North N. Vietnamese retaliated, attacked the Maddox (US Navy destroyer) LBJ reported attacks to Congress Gulf of Tonkin Resolution August 7, 1964 Authorized President to use all necessary measures to prevent further aggression in SE Asia

5 America Enters Vietnam
US begin bombings 500,000 troops Guerilla war Turning Point Viet Cong knew the land & villagers North sent supplies

6 Americans Oppose the War
Vietnamese & American casualties POWs MIAs


8 North Vietnam Wins the War
President Nixon established a cease-fire January 1973 US agreed to remove troops North Vietnam agreed not to invade the South … 2 years later, North invades the South Some dominos fell… Laos & Cambodia

9 Soviet “Vietnam” in Afghanistan
Afghan warlords took up arms against Soviet- supported Afghan government 1979, Soviet Union enters war with Islamic country, Afghanistan

10 Soviet Afghan War (1979-1989) Mujahedin: Muslim religious warriors
Fought the Soviets Mountains of Afghanistan Mid 1980’s, US began to smuggle modern weapons to mujahedin As difficult as fighting in jungles of Vietnam Crisis in morale for Soviets

11 Soviets envied the prosperity of the West
End of Cold War Command economy Inefficiency & waste Low wages & life time job security Western boom Soviet stagnation Unproductive agriculture Consumer goods were inferior, luxury goods were rare Couldn’t keep up with arms race Soviets envied the prosperity of the West

12 Soviet Union Economy struggled Morale was low from long war
Eastern Europe wanted freedom

13 Fall of the Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev, 1985, came to power Reforms Glasnost- openness Wanted better relations with the world (USA) to better Soviet economy Bowed out of arms race Removed troops from Afghanistan

14 First time since 1939, Eastern European countries were free
Communist governments Late 1980’s, fell one by one Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc. Dissolved Warsaw Pact First time since 1939, Eastern European countries were free

15 Berlin Wall’s gates were opened
November 9, 1989 Country reunified

16 Fall of the Soviet Union
December 25, 1991 Gorbachev resigns Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan declared they were no longer a part of the Soviet Union Peaceful end to long & terrifying Cold War


18 Communism Around the World
China opened economy to capitalism Economic boom But no political reform Vietnam Opened itself to the world Started diplomatic relations with USA North Korea Rigid totalitarianism, Isolation Cuba Economy deteriorated Many thought communism wouldn’t outlive its founder, Fidel Castro

19 United States emerged as sole superpower
Americans seemed unsure of the new role as “the world’s policeman” Protector of freedom, but no rival threat What do you think America’s military role in the world should be?

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