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Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services, Caversham UK

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1 Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services, Caversham UK
Interlend Interlending without Barriers, 26th – 27th June 2017, Oxford The future of search: technology, politics and humans Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services, Caversham UK

2 Publishers charging for open access articles
Political changes, legal and regulatory environment, “right to be forgotten” “Fake” news, parodies/spoof news, misleading headlines, click bait, deliberate misinformation, incorrect use of terminology, Publishers charging for open access articles Disappearing pages/sites/datasets Geographical restrictions Mobile first - mobile friendly pages, search and results Google ever changing, drops terms, rewrites searches 12/11/2018

3 Dark £££ DISCONTINUED Buried Ka-ching! Protected Deep Web No comprendo
Formatted Inconveniently large Censored 12/11/2018


5 Satirical/parody news sites
Plenty of them - get to know the main ones. Spoofs are not always obvious in this increasingly bizarre world. Very different from deliberate fake news. Donald Trump’s Scottish welcome to be led by Begbie 12/11/2018

6 Misleading headlines An Independent article as seen on Facebook “Britain just managed to run entirely on renewable energy for nearly six days” 12/11/2018

7 Original article Half of UK electricity comes from low-carbon sources for first time ever, claims new report 12/11/2018

8 Look at the source code of the page (Ctrl U):
Uses an Open Graph meta tag (og:title) that is used by Facebook rather than the webpage title. Further details: How to write totally misleading headlines for social media | Karen Blakeman's Blog 12/11/2018

9 2016 Google Tracker: Everything Google is working on for the new year | Ars Technica Google = $$$$$ 12/11/2018

10 Created by PDC course participants January 2015 Reading
Created by PDC course participants January 2015 Reading. Tutor: Steve Jones, Sector 39 12/11/2018

11 Work in progress on “New Google, New Challenges” workshop September 2015, UKeiG

12 FAQ: All about the Google RankBrain algorithm http://searchengineland
Google brings store visits to Google Display Network, debuts cross-device retargeting 12/11/2018

13 Never trust Google’s answers or Knowledge Graph Opening hours – True Food, 29th December 2016
Information displayed to the right of the results on laptop/desktop Fills screen on mobile/tablet 12/11/2018

14 12/11/2018

15 Advanced search – options disappearing with alarming regularity
Choose your search terms carefully Repeat search terms Change the order filetype:, site: intext: (Google), inbody: (Bing) Numeric range search (Google only) electric car production forecasts Limit by date 12/11/2018

16 Advanced search “..” around phrases (does not always work) Verbatim (Google only and not reliable) Incognito, Private Browsing (browser features) Country versions of search tools (Google, Bing, Wikipedia etc) Country specific search tools 12/11/2018


18 Alternative search tools,,,, Specialist search tools – subjects, types of information, Social media/professional networks Archives – Wayback Machine (, National Archives ( ( Mementoweb ( 12/11/2018

19 Documents – priced or free?
Open access? Incorrectly paywalled articles - often reported on Twitter - Paywall Watch Google Scholar – clusters 12/11/2018

20 Unpaywall

21 People Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, subscription services Networks – LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Academia Presentations (ppt, pptx, pdf), Slideshare, authorSTREAM, videos (YouTube, Vimeo etc) Blogs, personal web pages, personal archives, Facebook 12/11/2018

22 Get your search strategy sorted Understand how the search engines work Know your search tools Know the commands Subject specific resources Go direct to the source People! 12/11/2018

23 The future of search: technology, politics and humans
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