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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT NOTES FOR CH. 5 HIS101."— Presentation transcript:


2 A History of Western Society
CHAPTER 5 The Rise of Rome, ca. 750–31 BCE


4 Pompeii A.D. 79

5 The Etruscans While the Greeks pursued their destiny in the east, other peoples in western Europe developed their own individual societies…. The most historically important were the Etruscans (ih-TRUS-kens) and the Romans that entered the peninsula of Italy…. WHY COME TO ITALY? WHAT DID IT HAVE TO OFFER?

6 ETRUSCANS -Established the 1st permanent settlements that became the first Italian cities. THE ETRUSCANS PROVIDED ROMANS WITH WHAT ??


8 ROME SACKED BY GAULS 390 BCE Gauls (Celts) attack Rome is sacked
Gauls interested in what? “Vae Victis” What Rome learned…

9 Which figures are Romans and which are Gauls?
How can you tell? How did the artist depict Rome’s power?

10 From 282–262 BCE Italy becomes completely Roman
There was development of political institutions: (remember these terms…) - PATRICIANS- (wealthy landowners who dominated military leadership and the state) - PLEBEIANS (plebs) (the common people) - SENATE- a council of noble elders that advised the magistrates and later came to have the force of law - CONSULS- highest elected office of the Roman Republic


12 The Punic Wars – there were 3
The Might of Carthage — Carthage had one of the best harbors in North Africa, supported by fertile land, and had created a vast mercantile empire. First Punic War —Rome vs. Carthage….for Sicily Romans won six of seven naval battles and conquered Sicily — there was a peace treaty but it didn’t bring permanent peace. The 1st Punic War lasted for a total of 23 years. ( BC) Rome’s resources, manpower and determination proved decisive in these battles.

13 2nd PUNIC WAR-Began because Carthage still wanted control of Sicily
2nd PUNIC WAR-Began because Carthage still wanted control of Sicily. ( BC) Hannibal led Carthage Scipio Africanus-Roman commander Rome’s victory Importance of victory Not enough?....

14 Third Punic War (146 BCE) Rome, under Scipio Aemilianus —had a taste for war Scipio’s led the 3rd Punic War “needless, unjust, and savage” ? He “utterly destroyed” Carthage in 3rd Punic War

15 Leaders in Rome New Questions??????
Cato the Elder- long for ‘good ol’ days’ Scipio Aemilianus- embraced new life

16 Marcus Cato: the Traditional Ideal
Born as Plebeian High Roman office/consul Practiced clientage Religion

17 Scipio Aemilianus: Greek Culture and Urban Life
“New Roman” Greek language/culture

18 Problems in Rome Old Constitution unequal to Rome now Roman senate couldn’t meet needs of Rome Lost control of soldiers/armies putting faith in commanders instead of in Rome.

19 Crassus, Pompey, Caesar= The First Triumvirate
Three men formed a political alliance to try and “fix” Rome and also advance each other’s interests. These 3 men were Pompey (PAHM-pee), Julius Caesar, and Crassus (KRA-suhs) What did each man “bring” to the group?

20 Fate of First Triumvirate
Control of Rome?- Civil War Who supported Caesar? Who supported Pompey?

21 Pompey flees to Egypt…. Pompey believes that in Egypt he will be safe
Pompey takes his wife and children with him During the civil war in Rome between Caesar and Pompey, Egypt had been dealing with its own problems. . .

22 Egypt has its own problems…
Cleopatra: Her father’s queen at 14 Brother’s wife/queen at (brother was 10)


24 Cleopatra=Egyptian goddess Isis?...

25 …Pompey arrives in Egypt
Pompey’s arrival Caesar’s arrival Gift to Caesar Reactions (Video)

26 Caesar helps Cleopatra- how and why?
Lovers and allies?

27 Cleopatra-Egypt’s last ‘Pharaoh’
Great Prestige Ruled alone 18 years Commanded army/navy Great Politician Negotiated w/foreign powers Regulated economy Beneficent guardian of subjects Caesar- the ‘right choice’ for Egypt?

28 Caesar’s Return to Rome:
Caesar was married to Calpurnia in Rome: no children Caesar married to Cleopatra in Egypt: son?: Caesarian (_____ _________) Rome’s feelings towards Cleopatra Caesar believed he was now the sole master of the Roman world. He declared the war over, the republic overthrown, and himself dictator. Caesar — Extended citizenship to many people who had supported him — he also planned to send his veterans and 80,000 poor and unemployed to colonies in Mediterranean — Caesar began a program of social and governmental reforms, including the creation of the Julian calendar

29 Great leader…too trusting?:
Brought in plebs and Gauls to the Senate…..angered many….why did he do this? Good idea? Why Gauls (after defeat) agree to join Senate. The People loved Caesar but many, still on the side of the deceased Pompey, believed he was a tyrant. Many Senators (remember they had backed Pompey) were afraid Caesar wanted to overthrow the Senate in favor of tyranny. Fear? Change? Jealousy? Old grudges?

30 The “Liberators”: …they called themselves “Liberators”
Ideas for getting rid of the tyrant, Caesar Just rumors? Bad dreams

31 Brutus-a friend? “What is this, Caesar? Are you a man to pay attention to a woman’s dreams and the idle gossip of stupid men, and to insult the Senate by not going out, although it has honored you and has been specially summoned by you? But listen to me, cast aside the forebodings of all these people, and come. The Senate has been in session waiting for you since early this morning.”-BRUTUS

32 The Assassination: The assassination of Caesar was the result of a conspiracy by about 60 Roman senators Assassination was led by Cassius and Brutus. In Shakespeare’s play Caesar says “Et tu Brute?” or “And you Brutus?”

33 Last Words: However, he really said “Et tu puer” ‘And you child?’…As Brutus was the last to stab him. Son?..... Peoples reaction as planned?? Brutus announces death…Mark Antony’s speech….coat out to people

34 Reactions of the people:
Yipppeeee! Killed the Tyrant! (after Brutus speaks) Oh, no! Caesar has been murdered! (after Mark Antony)

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