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PS 420/520 International Organization

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1 PS 420/520 International Organization
Prof. Ronald B. Mitchell

2 Expected Learning Outcomes
Understand how the political structure of international problems varies across the issues of security, trade, human rights, and environment. Recognize the ways in which the power and incentives that lead states to engage in behaviors that cause collective problems make some problems harder to resolve than others. Recognize the relationship between problem structure characteristics and the design of the international institutions that states create. Understand why certain design features will never be used to address certain types of problems. Know the difference between regulatory, procedural, programmatic, and generative regimes, when they are likely to be adopted, and the different core elements of any international institution. Be able to assess whether an international institution has influenced state behavior and identify the key factors that make it more or less likely that an international institution will succeed in doing so. Demonstrate critical thinking and communication skills, including the use of counterfactuals, through midterms and a final exam. Show the ability to using empirical evidence to assess theoretical claims about the design and effectiveness of international institutions.

3 Why do States Organize? See problems and want to solve them
See opportunities and want to seize them Find themselves in anarchic context, with no government they can call on to do this for them so must create some form of governance, even if not government

4 Three major elements of International Organization
The Structure of International Problems What types of problems do states face/how do they vary? What makes some harder to resolve than others? International Institutions and Other Responses How do states organize to mitigate those problems? How does design of institutions vary? Effects of International Institutions: Why do some institutions "work" while others fail? AND how do the answers to these questions differ by issue areas?

5 How International Governance Differs from Domestic Governance
Anarchy makes governance surprising No constraints on behavior (no government) Atomistic actors (no altruism) Domestic vs. international governance Collective identity Establishing rules Expectation of compliance Enforcement

6 International OrganizationS vs. International Organization
Established by national governments Bureaucratic entities Have physical locations, permanent staff, etc. Thousands in the world today. Examples? International Organization Efforts at governance Sometimes leads to formal international organizations But need not – sometimes involves treaties without organizations

7 Definition of Regimes / Institutions
“Sets of implicit or explicit principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures around which actors' expectations converge in a given area of international relations” (Krasner, 1982, 186) “Pattern … of activity” or “particular human-constructed arrangement, formally or informally organized” (Keohane, 1988, 382}

8 Institutions, Regimes, Organization
Will use terms interchangeably Effects Joiners necessarily better off than not joining But not necessarily better off than no institution And non-joiners may not be better off at all Key question is what type of organization Necessity not mother of invention in IO Non-state actors matter more and more

9 Reading for the course How to read the readings
Readings due BEFORE class for which they are assigned Why I chose Young What you should get from: Shanks et al. Why do states join IOs Krasner’s 2 questions Impact of regimes on related behavior & outcomes Relationship of basic causal variables to regimes

10 General Walk through syllabus Problem Structure Institutional Design
Institutional Effects and Effectiveness

11 Structure of course Problem structure
Weeks 2, and 3 Institutional formation and design Weeks 4, 5, and 6 Institutional effects Weeks 7, 8, and 9 Iclickers Readings for next class Quiz next Thursday

12 Office Hours PLC-921 Tu/Th 11:30-1:00
Those who sign up at door given priority but walk-ins always welcome

13 Teaching Learning Center services available to students
Courses – Build your academic toolkit and earn credit at the same time.  Topics range from study skills like time management and speed reading, to our two-term MATH111 option.  Find all TLC courses under the TLC acronym in the online class schedule. Meetings with TLC instructors – Bring one question or many and leave with individualized strategies for a stronger academic approach.  Drop in Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 – 12:00, or contact TLC for an appointment time. Workshops - Pick up new ideas in brief, free sessions throughout the year and during the annual fall "Get Savvy" event. Writing lab - Drop in or make an appointment 9-4 Monday-Friday in 72 PLC for free writing assistance: any course, any topic, any stage of the writing process. Math lab - Drop in 9-4 Monday-Friday in 72 PLC for free math support. Small-group and Individual Tutoring - Find (or become!) a tutor for lower-division math, foreign language, and science courses.

14 PS420 Pre-Test 20 minutes // 5 minutes per question
*May* use progress from start-of-term Pre-Test to end-of-term Post-Test as part of grade Get out sheet of paper Put name on it

15 PS420/520 Pre-Test 20 minutes / 5 minutes each
Problem Structure: What types of problems do countries face that require international cooperation? Describe at least two different kinds of problems that countries face. Institutional Design: Why is it hard for countries to cooperate internationally? What types of international institution do countries create to promote such cooperation? Describe at least two different kinds of institutions that countries create. If possible, identify how problems and solutions “go together.” Institutional Effects: How do we know an international institution has been effective? Identify 3 types of factors that make one institution “work” while another one fails. Issue Area Differences: Name at least three issue areas in which countries seek to cooperate internationally. Do the answers to the previous questions differ across these issue areas?

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