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Welcome to Sixth Form 2018 – 2019 September 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sixth Form 2018 – 2019 September 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sixth Form 2018 – 2019 September 2018
Presenters: Mrs Cartwright Mr Belstone Mrs Rowe

2 This evening’s Aims A year in the life of Chenderit
Our vision and key priorities for 2018 Other news Mr Belstone and Mrs Rowe Questions

3 Our vision “To pursue excellence academically and in all other spheres of sixth form life” inspire all students to engage in learning in the widest possible sense support one another to become resilient, independent, curious, adaptable and resourceful learners and leaders develop ambitious students, staff and governors foster community-wide respectful, trusting, compassionate, empathetic relationships develop a culture in which skilled and passionate staff draw on best local, national and global practice

4 Aim High, Work Hard, Be Nice
In other words… Aim High, Work Hard, Be Nice

5 How will we achieve our vision
To continue improving teaching and learning The more and most able students, including those who are disadvantaged, boys… To focus on our “core” and tutor time programmes To improve engagement and information sharing with some of our “harder to reach" parents.

6 How well are we doing? student survey
Each year students across the school complete a student survey The student satisfaction score remains in line with previous 3 years - GOOD Headlines Over all students believe they make good progress With the top comments being – My teachers expect me to work hard, and encourage me to do my best (score 75.1) My parents encourage me to work hard and achieve my school targets (score 83.3) Next steps: Further improve facilities Students need to feel more confident to talk to staff if they have a problem or issue

7 Other good news: parent survey
Average % agree or strongly agree 1. My child is happy in the sixth form 94 2. My child feels safe in the sixth form 100 3. My child makes good progress in the sixth form 4. My child is well looked after in the sixth form 5. My child is well taught in the sixth form 95 6. My child receives appropriate homework for their age 7. This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved 99 8. This school deals effectively with bullying 90 9. This sixth form is well led and managed 88 10. This sixth form responds well to any concerns I raise 91 11. I receive valuable information from the sixth form about my child's progress 89 Average % agree or strongly agree (exc blanks and don't know) 89% 94% 91% 88% 78% 71% 85% 84% 92% 87%

8 Other good news New build… Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) bid
£ For roofing repairs and replacement Healthy Pupils Capital Fund (HPCF) bid £ A one off bid opportunity available from the Soft Drinks Industry Levy For the refurbishment of our PE changing rooms.

9 School uniform and Sixth form dress code
In summer term 2018, students were representing our school in Northamptonshire. They reported back that they felt: out of place old fashioned unkempt every other student body wore smarter uniform including blazers rather than sweatshirts. Staff comment negatively about our uniform, including how sixth formers present themselves Parents, at recruitment evenings, have commented on how Chenderit students seem scruffy in comparison to student in other sixth forms What do you think?

10 Mr Belstone and Mrs Rowe

11 Important numbers! 236 271 …days until the first A Level Exam (13th May 2019) …days until the Year 12 PPEs (17th June 2019)

12 What is expected? Rights Good quality teaching Regularly assessed work
High quality feedback Co-curricular opportunities Information, advice and guidance Contact with staff Responsibilities Motivation Attendance Homework Wider reading Participation Contact Role models Enrichment Dedication

13 Sixth Form Assessment All A-level exams take place at the end of Year 13 but Pre Public Exams (PPEs) will occur throughout. Implications: Focus on continual revision Focus on WAGOLLs Focus on big final exams Focus on on-going assessment How can we help students through this process?

14 What will we be offering to students?
SACU – career goals Careers guidance and advice Revision strategies in assembly and tutor time Revision in tutor time Targeted tutor groups Ongoing target setting and review Intervention – targeted and compulsory Target grade discussions PLCs

15 Tutor Time programme Not just a social opportunity!
Students need to get involved – they will get out what they put in! Very structured and well planned and resourced Key themes focusing around Life in Modern Britain and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of our young people Careers and goal orientated Time to focus on revision skills/strategies to benefit linear examinations Time for reflection based on current performance

16 Careers programme Careers day 4th April
Apprenticeship information ongoing UCAS evening on 23rd January Opportunities to go to workshops at universities – look out for this from your tutors New careers section in the library Tutor time – get involved! UCAS Convention and other trips

17 Sixth Form Study Centre
Unique opportunity for Chenderit Sixth Formers Area is permanently staffed by Miss Norris Allows students to remain focused on tasks with the supervision of Miss Norris Revision skills Homework Wider research Careers and guidance Pastoral support

18 Your child’s tutor You will receive an from your son / daughter’s tutor. Please do reply to establish contact. Absence / concerns / progress Attendance to tutor time is compulsory Billy Belstone – Head of Sixth Form: Joanne Rowe – Deputy Head of Sixth Form: Kim Norris – Sixth Form Study Supervisor Subject staff -Subject specific concerns

19 Sixth Form Bursary The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education. Vulnerable Bursary Young people in care, care leavers, young people in receipt of Income Support/Universal Credit and Disabled young people in receipt of both Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payments and Employment Support Allowance Discretionary Bursary If household income is less than £25,000 a year and/or the student is eligible for free school meals then they can get extra financial support Collect a form from Miss Norris if you are eligible

20 UCAS and other applications
The aim is to have all applications sent off by October half term (4 weeks to go!) Students have been using tutor time to complete personal statements – for UCAS and for employment as well Please chase students up on this – it is their responsibility to complete the UCAS form Once completed, we will meet with each student and check their application Tutors will be asked to produce their reference The earlier they are sent, the better chance they have!

21 What do students need to do?
What does being a Sixth Former at Chenderit mean? You are a role model You are in positions of authority and responsibility You have high expectations, both from other people and of yourselves You have the chance to make the most of your time here – what is your goal?!

22 Key policies and housekeeping
All sixth form students must ensure they adhere to the following policies and expectations: Dress code Behaviour policy Mobile phones and headphones Lanyards and safeguarding Signing in/out 5 hours of additional work per subject Use of free periods and study time All policies found on the school website:

23 What should students be doing?
Six common mistakes that top performing students won’t be making: Not enough preparation time – last minute cramming Wrong kind of revision What will achieve marks in the exam? Crazy note taking – does not get marks or has little impact. No plan This leads to wasting time and getting nowhere. Failure to fix previous mistakes Look at teacher feedback from mock exam and lesson assessments/tests Having no goal –keep in mind what students are doing this for Not enough practise questions.

24 What should students be doing?
All top performers will be: Completing more practise questions than any other student and take time to understand the feedback. Understanding where they lose marks and what easy fixes can be made. It is not about “competition”/focussing on how others are performing. Using exemplar material – why is the approach different? Avoiding stress and negativity Students need to be getting into “exam routines” now!

25 Attendance Students are expected to attend all day every day. 95%+ attendance is an expectation of studying at Chenderit. You will be contacted if attendance drops or if absence is not authorised in advance. Students may not leave school during study periods Education is a priority Please ensure other activities are scheduled at other times. Driving lessons, dental appointments, holidays etc.

26 How can I help my child? Students are expected to do 5 hours of homework per subject per week. Where a course is taught by more than one teacher, homework set will be divided appropriately between teachers. Show My Homework Wider reading and research Open days – are they actively looking? Diet Social/free time

27 ‘I don’t have any work’ Show My Homework
Consolidate, organise and condense class notes Revision – it is never too early! Redo and improve upon previously assessed work Research new knowledge and prepare for upcoming lessons Rehearse skills acquired in lessons to establish mastery Develop independent learning skills – independent enquiry, reflection, collaboration, organisation and target setting. Flying Start packs

28 ‘I left all of my work at school’
Google Classroom Show My Homework Revision Wider reading Discussion General knowledge Going out Paid work and other commitments – no more than 8 hours ideally

29 ‘My child is always working/ never working’
Contact tutor or the Sixth Form Team Participation in school community Debate Musical Theatre Sport Trips Sixth Form Committee Mentoring Reading Volunteering

30 Enrichment and community work
Students are expected to complete 30 hours of enrichment throughout Year 12 Opportunities will be given to students over the next few weeks Get involved and organise early! Not limited to school based activities – wider community work Link the enrichment to goals and aspirations – what skills will you need for your future career/university course? Ambassadors

31 What tips would our Year 13s give to new year 12s?
A few key tips from our existing Year 13 students on what they wish they had known at the start of Year 12! Use your frees to do work Breadth of experience – get involved in extra curricular activities – it looks good on personal statements and applications Start revision early – begin in Year 12 Keep work and folders organised Attend all lessons and be on time Ask teachers for help – good support network Start attending open days and careers fairs early Be prepared for UCAS Sixth Form is what you make of it – get involved!

32 Next steps Aspirations Speakers Trips Work Experience Websites:

33 Any questions?

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