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Safety in the Digital World

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1 Safety in the Digital World

2 Your Middle Schooler and the Digital World Solutions and Strategies
CONTENTS 1. Your Middle Schooler and the Digital World 2. Solutions and Strategies

3 Watchfulness in a Digital World
•94% of teens aged 12 – 17 use the Internet. •84% of online teens have a social networking profile. 46% have open access to their online profile information. •84% of teens have cell phones and more than 88% are texting. •43% of teens have been victims of cyberbullying. •94% of teens aged 12 – 17 use the Internet. •84% of online teens have a social networking profile. 46% have open access to their online profile information. •84% of teens have cell phones and more than 88% are texting. •43% of teens have been victims of cyberbullying. •94% of teens aged 12 – 17 use the Internet. •84% of online teens have a social networking profile. 46% have open access to their online profile information. •84% of teens have cell phones and more than 88% are texting. •43% of teens have been victims of cyberbullying.

4 THINK BEFORE YOU POST To post or not to post, that is the question. Think before you post. DO NOT post something that you would not want your grandmother to read. Everything that an individual posts no matter how old or young you are stays online. The places you visit and things you say, leave a trail on the internet that never goes away. All of this digital communication is called your “digital footprint”. To post or not to post, that is the question. Do NOT post something that you would not want your grandmother to read. EVERY individual NO MATTER THEIR AGE, should THINK before sharing information. Everything that an individual does online stays online. The places you visit and things you say, leave a trail on the internet that never goes away.


6 Rules for Middle Schoolers
Never give out identifying information. Never write or post anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with the whole world seeing. Treat others online as you would treat them in person. Never share your password. Never open an or click on a link from someone you don’t know. Never download or click on anything without checking with a trusted adult first.

7 Basic Ways To Keep Your Child Safe
Sign an “Internet Safety Contract.” Keep the computer in a public area of your home. Set a time limit for computer use. Become familiar with the sites your child visits. Know your child’s online “friends.” Know your child’s passwords. Keep your security software up to date.

8 Protecting Against Cyberbullying
Never respond to unkind remarks. Don’t participate in cyberbullying. Block the cyberbully. Tell a trusted adult. Save the posts. Notify law enforcement, if appropriate. Notify your child’s school, if appropriate.

9 A smartphone is not a toy; it is a tool.
Spend as much time and care teaching your child how to ethically use a smartphone as you would instructing him in how to wield a power tool.

10 Limit Cell Phone Use Talk about Netiquette
Limits on usage- certain hours or after Homework Talk about Netiquette Turn phone over to a designated person/area before bed Teach About Permanency

11 Be Proactive STRATEGY Download and sign Gameplan
Get savvy Get interactive Get the right tools Stress dealing with problems before they are problems, getting ahead of the game.

12 SOLUTIONS Our home software solution which provides filtering, monitoring, and reporting

13 Resources ConnectSafely Tips, advice, and the latest news on online safety. AllSafeSites A child-safe Internet search engine. Common Sense Media Reviews and rates websites and other media for children according to age-appropriateness. Internet Safety ex.php Solutions and strategies to monitor your child’s online activity

14 Questions?

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