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Hawaiian Island Formation

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Presentation on theme: "Hawaiian Island Formation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hawaiian Island Formation

2 The Hawaiian Islands How old are the Hawaiian Islands?
Where were the Hawaiian Islands formed? How did the Hawaiian Islands form? What is a hotspot? What kind of rock are the Hawaiian Islands made from? What kind of volcanoes are on the Hawaiian Islands? What is the eruption history of the Hawaiian islands?

3 Where did it happen?

4 How did it happen? Volcanic Ridge is underwater.
Volcanoes are pushed up above water, to form shield volcanoes.

5 Hot Spot Volcanoes can form in the center of the plate, like Hawaii in the Pacific plate, when magma rises until it comes out the sea floor, forming a fixed hot spot. The plate moved, while the hotspot did not, so the new Hawaiian islands were formed.

6 How did it happen p.2

7 What is the Hawaiian Islands made of?
BASALT: volcanic, igneous rock that the Hawaiian islands are made of mostly.

8 Inside the volcano

9 eruption history Lava Flows from Mauna Loa volcano.
Flows date ranges: ad Recorded by: Hawaiian Natives

10 Conclusion Facts: Volcanos formed on Pacific Plate.
Fixed hotspot on moving plate. Made of Basalt.

11 Resources formation.htm, a website on the Nawiliwili Bay under the Kaua’l Historical Society. Credibility Score: 7/10, .edu website that looks professional, but I’ve never heard about it before. a website that is run and edited by Oregon State University. Credibility Score: 6/10, seems credible, because it is from a college website. Doesn’t state author though.

12 Resources a geological survey website,in the US. Credibility score: 10/10, because it is a well-known credible website. the Hawaii Center for Volcanology Credibility score: 9/10, states editor and information was updated a year ago, so fairly recent. 20Pages/Mason/shield_volcanoes.htm, the University of New Jersey Credibility score: 6/10, public New Jersey University edited, but I don’t know the credibility of the website. States the author though, and seems pretty credible.

13 Thanks for listening!

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