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ROCKS Rocks What do you know about rocks?.

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Presentation on theme: "ROCKS Rocks What do you know about rocks?."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROCKS Rocks What do you know about rocks?

2 What is a Rock? Any solid mass of mineral or mineral- like matter that occurs naturally as part of our planet 3 types Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Does anyone know what a rock is? How do we determine the classification of rocks?

3 The Grand Canyon

4 The Rock Cycle Interactions among Earth’s water, air, land, and living things can cause rocks to change from one type to another A continuous process ROCK CYCLE VIDEO

5 Plate Tectonics Explain plate tectonics. What do you know about it?

6 What is Continental Drift
Proposed by Alfred Wegener Stated that the continents had once been joined to form a single supercontinent Wegener’s Theory Pangaea broke apart 200 MY Continents “drifted” Continents “broke” through the oceans What was the super continent? How do we know that the continents were once all joined together? Explain what he meant by “drift”

7 Evidence of Continental Drift
Shorelines look like they fit together Fossil organisms found on different landmasses Several mountain belts end at one coastline, only to reappear on a landmass across the ocean Ancient Climates How would fossil evidence found on two different continents indicate that there once was a super continent?

8 Matching Mountain Ranges

9 Glacier Evidence

10 The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Proposes that Earth’s outer shell consist of individual plates that interact in various ways and thereby produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and the crust itself In your own words, explain plate tectonics…how do the plates moves?

11 Pangaea Occurred 500 MY Continents breakup begins 200 MY
North America and Africa split 135 MY

12 Earth’s Major Plates The lithosphere floats and moves along the mantle
Top 7 Plates Remaining Plates *African Arabian *Antarctic Caribbean *Eurasian Cocos *Australian-Indian Nazca *North American Philippine *Pacific Scotia *South American

13 In your own words, explain plate tectonics.
Exit Ticket In your own words, explain plate tectonics.

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