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Write your introductory paragraph following the guidelines provided:

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1 Write your introductory paragraph following the guidelines provided:
Introduce your topic. Write general information about this topic and its significance. (3 sentences) Deceitfulness can cause a tremendous amount of difficulties in people’s lives. Often, people tell lies in order to protect themselves. Other times, they offer false pretenses for their own selfish gain. Write a STATEMENT OF THEME for this topic that related to the play. (2-3 sentences) However, until a person is ready to reveal their true self and intent, they will not be able to achieve inner-peace. Some people do not realize this fact until it is too late. Write your thesis statement—this should have your three points that you are writing about in your body paragraphs. You should also include the title of the play and the author. (1 sentence) William Shakespeare exemplifies this theme in his tragedy, Macbeth, through the intentions of the witches, duplicitous nature of Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth’s constant struggles throughout the play.

2 THESIS STATEMENT Your thesis statement should have three prongs that tell your reader what your body paragraphs will discuss: William Shakespeare exemplifies this theme in his tragedy, Macbeth, through the intentions of the witches, duplicitous nature of Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth’s constant struggles throughout the play.

3 Topic sentence—this sentence should be very specific in introducing the topic of the entire paragraph. Clearly the witches had a enormous negative influence on Macbeth—their sole intent was to cause his downfall. Introduce your first example (from your outline) and how it relates to the topic. Although the witches offer good news to Macbeth upon their initial meeting, their very first appearance foreshadows his impending doom. Use your first quote for this topic. This quote should be imbedded in your writing—do not just “drop” it in. The witches final lines before they meet Macbeth mirror what is to come: :”fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air” (Act 1.1, lines 12-13). Explain your quote. Why are you using it? How does it relate to the topic? When the witches present a truth to Macbeth—him becoming Thane of Cawdor—he does not think of the possibility of them wanting to cause him harm. Introduce your second example (from your outline) and how it relates to the topic. Not until the very end, does Macbeth realize the witches prophecies were anything but damaging. Use your next quote for this topic. This quote should be imbedded in your writing—do not just “drop” it in. When Macbeth learns that Macduff was not born of woman, he then understands that the witches were nothing but “juggling fiends” who wanted to “palter with us in a double sense” (Act 5.8, lines 23-24). Macbeth finally realizes what he refused to face all along—the witches tricked him with their lies, and his own actions are the cause of his demise. Concluding analysis—tie the topic of this paragraph back to your theme. Deception is a cruel beast—Macbeth was unable to see beyond this, and ultimately, it caused his undoing.

4 Topic sentence—this sentence should be very specific in introducing the topic of the entire paragraph. 1 SENTENCE Clearly the witches had a enormous negative influence on Macbeth—their sole intent was to cause his downfall. Introduce your first example from the play (from your outline) and explain how it relates to the topic. 3 SENTENCES Although the witches offer good news to Macbeth upon their initial meeting, their very first appearance foreshadows his impending doom. They directly say that they want to cause him harm and lead him astray. When the witches present a truth to Macbeth—him becoming Thane of Cawdor—he does not think of the possibility of them wanting to destroy him. Introduce your second example from the play (from your outline) and explain how it relates to the topic. Not until the very end, does Macbeth realize the witches prophecies were anything but damaging. Use your quote for this topic. This quote should be imbedded in your writing—do not just “drop” it in. When Macbeth learns that Macduff was not born of woman, he then understands that the witches were nothing but “juggling fiends” who wanted to “palter with us in a double sense” (Act 5.8, lines 23-24). Explain your quote. Why are you using it? How does it relate to the topic? Macbeth finally realizes what he refused to face all along—the witches tricked him with their lies, and his own actions are the cause of his demise. Concluding analysis—tie the topic of this paragraph back to your theme. Deception is a cruel beast—Macbeth was unable to see beyond this, and ultimately, it caused his undoing.

5 CONCLUSION Rephrase your thesis statement in a different way (do not rewrite it!). (1 sentence) Deception, even in the smallest form, is vastly damaging. Explain how this theme is relevant to society, as a whole. (2 sentences) Dishonesties change people, working from the inside and going outward. Peace within one’s self can only be found in the light of sincerity and acceptance of truth. Describe how the play best reveals this theme (sum up your ideas). (1 sentence) This idea is illustrated through both Macbeth and his wife—each loses their self in their avarice and desires. End with one strong, final thought. (1 sentence) Not until the very end does Macbeth realize his tragic state, by then, the lies cannot be undone.

6 Editing—2nd Drafts Trade essays with someone. You have 15 to do the following: Read the essay aloud to yourself. At the end, write two good things about the essay. Check (and revise) the essay for the following: Present Tense Third Person No contractions Correct Spelling Does the introduction clearly address the prompt? Is there a satisfying conclusion? Do ALL of the body paragraphs specifically back up the writer’s thesis? Do the quotes relate to the writer’s ideas AND are the transitions in and out smooth? Sign your partner’s paper.

7 Steps 11 and 12 Step 11—Adding Transitions:
Each paragraph MUST have at least TWO transitions. If you have already used some, highlight them ALL in yellow. Now, go back and add more, so that you have at least TWO per paragraph—use the handout! Step 12—Using Vocabulary Words: You must use at least FIVE vocabulary words correctly throughout your essay (they cannot be part of a quote). If you have already used some, highlight them ALL in pink. Now, go back and add more, so that you have at least FIVE in your entire essay—use the handout and your notes!

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