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World History & Geography

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1 World History & Geography 2014-15
The Renaissance World History & Geography

2 What was the Renaissance?
A “rebirth” or “revival” of classical learning and culture from Greece and Rome Why Greece and Rome?

3 Statement of Inquiry The ingenuity and perspective of individuals promote innovations that shape our world.

4 Johannes Gutenberg The printing press
Ingenuity that changed peoples lives and society! How?




8 Knowledge Check Who are some other people that have impacted the growth of society today?

9 Critical Concepts What was life like during the “Dark Ages?”
What helped Europe slowly emerge from the “Dark Ages?” How could individual accomplishments help Europe to become a dominant world power by 1500?

10 Unit Question To what extent do individual accomplishments impact the growth of society?

11 Unit Question To what extent do individual accomplishments impact the growth of society?

12 Thesis: Big Idea for a unit essay
From various individuals in Europe changed the history of the continent. They created and spread new ideas and technologies that affected the way people lived, their social lives, their governments, and their systems of economy. This time frame marks the period when global power slowly shifted towards European dominance

13 What was the Renaissance?
A Time of Creativity & Change in many areas: Politics Society/Culture Economics Education From various individuals in Europe changed the history of the continent. They created and spread new ideas and technologies that affected the way people lived, their social lives, their governments, and their systems of economy. This time frame marks the period when global power slowly shifted towards European dominance

14 What was the Renaissance?
New Attitudes toward Culture & Learning Less debate about life after death, More emphasis on the here & now How did they view the individual? (p. 344 last paragraph)

15 Renaissance and “Thinking”
The Renaissance became an outlet for people to generate new ideas to explain their natural world in order to better society using logic and reason. (NOT WITCHCRAFT or SUPERSTITION)

16 Differences Between Medieval World and Renaissance
“Dark Ages” Highest good = salvation God Faith Withdrawal from world Rural Feudalism Supernatural Religiosity Renaissance Period Highest good =Superiority in human achievement Man Reason Participation/involvement Urban City-States and Republics Nature or natural secularism

17 Causes of the Renaissance
Lifestyle during the “Dark Ages” Reopening of trade Crusades New technologies Competition of European states/provinces Population Growth Food – quality and quantity Gap between wealthy and poor Black Death

18 Causes of the Renaissance (continued)
During the Dark Ages and the High Middle Ages the people of Europe suffered horribly Famine Epidemic disease Warfare Social Exploitation

19 Causes of the Renaissance (continued)
During the Dark Ages and the High Middle Ages the people of Europe suffered horribly Famine Epidemic disease Warfare Social Exploitation The Renaissance became an outlet for people to generate new ideas to explain their natural world in order to better society

20 Trading Cards Assignment
Unit Question To what extent do individual accomplishments impact the growth of society? Assignment Overview From various individuals in Europe changed the history of the continent. They created and spread new ideas and technologies that affected the way people lived, their social lives, their governments, and their systems of economy. This time frame marks the period when global power slowly shifted towards European dominance.

21 Artwork of the Middle Ages

22 Artwork of the Middle Ages

23 Artwork of the Middle Ages

24 Renaissance Artwork

25 Renaissance Artwork

26 Renaissance Artwork

27 What’s the Difference? Much of the artwork of the Renaissance was centered on religion The Church became patrons of many artists More color Perspective Making distant objects smaller than those close to the viewer/3 dimensional Humanism The focus is on human life

28 Leonardo da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, genius

29 Michelangelo Sculptor, engineer, painter, architect, and poet
Statue of David Painting of Mary

30 Raphael Painter Madonna-the mother of Christ

31 Filippo Brunelleschi Engineer, architect Dome buildings

32 Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince Handbook how to maintain power
Quote p.349

33 Sir Thomas More Social and economic reformer Utopia Ideal society

34 Shakespeare Writer A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Macbeth

35 Johann Gutenberg Inventor Printing Press

36 Trading Card Activity Find a partner
Together, you will rank your individuals based on who you believe was the most influential #1 would be the most influential and #22 would be the least influential Write the number on your note card

37 Trading Card Directions:
For all of the following individuals, you will be creating a trading card on an index card. You need to complete the index cards as follows: Front of the Index Card Write the name of the person Back of the Index Card Write whether the person’s contribution to society was cultural, scientific, religious, political, or architectural. Provide the general time period when the person was alive and influential. Write a brief summary of the person’s accomplishments/why were they important?

38 Analysis Questions Who did you pick as the most influential person? (#1) Why did you pick that person as the most influential? Who did you pick as your least influential person? (#22) Why did you pick that person as your least influential? Who did you pick as your top 5? (#2-#5) Why did you pick them as your top 5?

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