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3767 people reacted at least once

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1 React Labs: Educate Summary Results for 2012 Presidential Debates October 3, 2012

2 3767 people reacted at least once
56% were Democrats 27% were Republicans 60% plan to vote for Obama 24% plan to vote for Romney 11% undecided 52% believed Romney won the debate Dems:35% Rep:13% ind:16% Lean dem:21% Lean rep: 14%

3 Response highlights Strong "agree" responses for both candidates; but much stronger "disagree" responses for Romney than for Obama Participants appreciated moderator's attempts to keep the candidates in line; when he pointed out they were over time, "agree" clicks for the moderator increased Participants demonstrated ability to differentiate concepts of "spin" and "dodge," but were much more likely to click "spin" than "dodge"

4 Response highlights Obama received the most positive participant response to comments on corporate tax break eliminations, and the most negative response to his claim that he "kept that promise" to fight for the middle class made in his first campaign Romney garnered the most participant support on his plans to promote energy independence and foreign trade to improve the economy, while participants responded most negatively to his energy policy positions (e.g., support for coal and Canadian oil) 

5 Debate response by groups
Gender Men more frequently gave responses than women Greatest Difference between men and women is in Romney Agreement Race Obama Agreement is most common click amongst all races Caucasians have the strongest preference for Romney compared to other ethnic groups

6 Debate response by groups
Partisanship Co-Partisans strongly agree with their own candidate Independents have a slight preference for Obama Vote Intention Those with a pre-debate vote preference tended to agree with their preferred candidate Romney wins amongst undecided voters





11 Perceived debate winner (by state)
Question wording: “Who do you think performed better in this debate?” More blue (red) = stronger preference for Obama (Romney); Grey = no responses




15 Relative agreement (by state)
Question wording: “Who do you think performed better in this debate?” More blue (red) = stronger preference for Obama (Romney); Grey = no responses

16 Obama/Romney Comparisons
Most participants who responded agreed with Obama, while Romney had the same number of people agreeing with him as disagreeing with him. Yet, Romney was slightly favored as the winning debater. Thus, despite strong participant agreement with Obama, most participants felt that Romney won the debate.

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