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Presentation on theme: "WBMS SAC COMMITTEE DISCIPLINE UPDATE"— Presentation transcript:

Meeting: March 27, 2018

2 Mar of 2017-2018 Jan of 2016-2017 Comparison of Data TOTAL 279 TOTAL
By Grade Level Number 6th Grade 97 7th Grade 83 8th Grade 99 TOTAL 279 By Grade Level Number 6th Grade 50 7th Grade 56 8th Grade 51 TOTAL 157

3 Mar of 2017-2018 Jan of 2016-2017 Comparison of Data Type of Referral
Number AGG = Aggressive Acts (Trip, Push, Hit, Spit) 34 ALC = Alcohol 2 ALT = Altercation (Verbal or Physical) BAT = Battery 1 CAM = Campus Disruption 7 CHE = Cheating, Plagiarism 3 CLS = Classroom Disruption 21 DIS = Disrespect to adults 18 DSR = Disruptive (Other than classroom) FFC = Failure to Follow Class/ School rules 36 FIT = Fighting (serious mutual combat or mutual altercation) FOR = Forgery 4 FTC = Failure to complete disciplinary intervention 6 HSP = Horseplay 23 Type of Referral Number AGG = Aggressive Acts (Trip, Push, Hit, Spit) 19 ALT = Altercation 6 CAM = Campus Disruption 1 CHE = Cheating, Plagiarism 3 CLS = Classroom Disruption 4 DEF = Defiance DIS = Disrespect to adults FFC = Failure to Follow Class/ School rules 21 FTC = Failure to complete disciplinary intervention 8 FTF = Failure to follow bus safety HSP = Horseplay 18

4 Comparison of Data Type of Referral Number Type of Referral Number
LTS = Late To School 10 LVG = Leaving class or school w/o permission 4 LYG = Providing false information to school PKN = Pocket Knife 1 PRO = Profane/Obscene/Abusive language/Images 43 RUD = Rude/Discourteous (peer related) 18 RUN = Running / Creating safety hazard SKP = Skipping class (not showing for class) TAR = Tardiness 6 TBC = Tobacco TEC = Abuse/Violation of technology policy THR = Throwing/Propelling Objects 5 TKG = Taking items (non-criminal) TRE = Threat/Intimidation Type of Referral Number INT = Intimidating students/School staff 2 LYG = Providing false information to school 7 PRO = Profanity 19 PRP = Destroying/Damaging property <$1000 RUD = Rude/Discourteous (peer related) 18 SKP = Skipping class SXO = Sexual offenses 1 TAR = Tardiness 4 THR = Throwing/Propelling Objects TKG = Taking items (non-criminal) TRE = Threat/Intimidation UMD = Unauthorized use of media/mobile devices UNA = Being in unauthorized areas 3 VMP = Violation of the medication policy

5 Comparison of Data Type of Referral Number Type of Referral Number
UMD = Unauthorized Use of Media/Mobile Device 4 UNA = Being in unauthorized areas 6 VMP = Violation of the medication policy 1 Type of Referral Number INT = Intimidating students/School staff 2 LYG = Providing false information to school 7 PRO = Profanity 19 PRP = Destroying/Damaging property <$1000 RUD = Rude/Discourteous (peer related) 18 SKP = Skipping class SXO = Sexual offenses 1 TAR = Tardiness 4 THR = Throwing/Propelling Objects TKG = Taking items (non-criminal) TRE = Threat/Intimidation UMD = Unauthorized use of media/mobile devices UNA = Being in unauthorized areas 3 VMP = Violation of the medication policy

6 Comparison of Data There is no comparison over the years for March Data. However, the table below reflects the End of Year referrals: Our current referral total as of 3/27/18 is 279, which projects us to be higher than last years referral count.


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