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The First Occupants of the Territory II: The Main Linguistic Groups

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1 The First Occupants of the Territory II: The Main Linguistic Groups
Circa 1500

2 DEFINITIONS: Migration: To move from one place to another(Immigration and Emigration are types of migration). Sedentary: When a person or group lives in one place for long periods of time. Nomadic: When a person or group constantly moves around in search of food.

3 Dwelling: Where a person lives - house, igloo, apartment, etc
Dwelling: Where a person lives - house, igloo, apartment, etc. Subsistence: To live with only the minimum required to survive.

4 Patriarchy: A form of social organization in which the eldest male in the family, clan or tribe is the supreme authority. Matriarchy: A form of social organization in which the eldest female in the family, clan or tribe is the supreme authority.

5 NOTES: There are 3 main linguistic families. Each family consists of nations with similar languages : Iroquois Algonquians Inuit The Aboriginal societies developed a close relationship with their environment.

6 The Algonquians Location: Canadian Shield 2. Natural environment:
Climate Vegetation Animals North long, harsh winters, short cool summers Coniferous trees Moose Caribou Deer Beaver South temperate to hot summers, milder winters Coniferous and deciduous trees

7 The Algonquians 3. Way of Life: nomadic 4. Subsistence activities:
fishing and hunting (caribou, moose, deer, fish) Gathering berries and plants 5. Type of Dwelling: wigwam

8 The Algonquians 6. Social Organization: patriarchy 7. Transportation:
Canoe Toboggan snowshoes

9 The Iroquois Location: Vallee du St. Laurent & Great Lakes Region
2. Natural Environment: Climate Vegetation Animals Cold winters and long, hot summers. Fertile land Mixed forests (deciduous and coniferous) Moose Caribou deer

10 The Iroquois 3. Way of Life: sedentary 4. Subsistence activities:
Mainly agriculture (corn, squash, beans) 5. Type of Dwelling: longhouse

11 The Iroquois 6. Social Organization: matriarchy 7. Transportation:
Canoe Snowshoes Toboggan

12 The Inuit Location: Arctic 2. Natural Environment: Climate Vegetation
Animals Harsh climate, permanently frozen subsoil Sparce (not a lot) vegetation. Seals Walruses Caribou

13 The Inuit 3. Way of Life: nomadic 4. Subsistence Activities:
hunting and fishing (seal, walrus, beluga, caribou) 5. Type of Dwelling: Igloo (winter) hide tents (summer)

14 The Inuit 6. Social Organization: patriarchy 7. Transportation: Sleds
kayaks Umiaks


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