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Nutrients and the Chesapeake Bay

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1 Nutrients and the Chesapeake Bay
Jason Betzner

2 What are nutrients? Required by all plant and animal life
Help with growth and development Mainly includes nitrogen (nitrates) and phosphorous (phosphates).

3 Sources Both natural and man-made Include decaying organic matter;
fertilizers used on crops, lawns, and golf courses; manure from fields or feedlots; atmospheric deposition from precipitation; groundwater discharge; municipal wastewater discharge; and car exhaust.

4 Nutrient Movement in Hydrologic Cycle

5 Point vs. Nonpoint Point Source: Pollution that can be traced to a single point (i.e. – wastewater discharge pipe). Nonpoint Source: Pollution that cannot be traced to a single point (i.e. precipitation and runoff).

6 Too many nutrients are bad
SAV-Submerged Aquatic Vegetation

7 Mitigation Strategies
Upgrades to wastewater treatment plants including more effective technology to remove nutrients. (Federal Water Pollution Control act, 1972 and Water Quality Act, 1987.) The ban of phosphate detergents (Late 1980’s) Implementing best management practices (designed to minimize surface runoff of nutrients and suspended material reach streams from sources such as highways and farms).

8 References Maryland Department of Natural Resources U.S. Geological Survey

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