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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution
Life in American Factories

2 On your post it/note card
Put your name: Number #1 and #2 on the front and back of your card

3 Stand up! Please find 2 people that will be your partners and write their names on your notecard. Your partner must not be sitting next to you 

4 Brainstorm Answer the following questions on the back of your response card… 1. What restrictions (rules) should the US government put on child labor?

5 Visit your 1st partner Standing meeting…
Discuss your response with your partner for 30 seconds.

6 Brainstorm Answer the following questions on the back of your response card… 2. Is child labor still a problem in America today? Why/Why not? Examples…

7 Visit your 2nd partner Standing meeting…
Discuss your response with your partner for 30 seconds.

8 American Factory System
Involved mass producing goods by machines usually run by water or steam Featured low and unskilled workers running machines, or moving materials Lowered costs of goods Image Citation: (Edward Baines, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain [Fisher, Fisher and Jackson, London, 1835], 239); Power Looms in English Cotton Mill (circa 1830)

9 Factory Reform Legislation/Laws
Child Labor Act (1916): prohibited sale of goods made by child labor. The Factory Act of 1850, for example, limited the weekly hours that children could work to 60 and daily hours to 10.5. Cartoon by Robert Cruikshank: English Factory Slaves, early 19th century Political Cartoon: “English Factory Slaves.” Robert Cruikshank

10 Central Historical Question
Were textile factories bad for the health of workers?

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