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Hormones and Behavior.

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1 Hormones and Behavior

2 Hormones Endocrine system
Hormones released directly into blood stream from glands in body Can do things like regulate digestion, increase growth, promote aggression, mess with emotion!

3 Adrenal Hormones Come from adrenal glands…above kidneys
Involved in emotion and stress Fire up when emotional event occurs (good or bad) Cortisol – increases blood-sugar/energy Epinephrine(adrenaline) and norepinephrine These hormones activate the sympathetic nervous system which increases arousal and prepares you for action Slows metabolism…pulls resources from stomach and intestines to be used elsewhere…why you lose appetite when very stressed or happy or emotional


5 Melatonin Produced deep within the brain
Helps regulate biological rhythms Urine volume, blood pressure, menstruation, stomach contractions, alertness, daydreaming, etc. Circadian Rhythms (more later) Follow the rotation of the earth….like the sleep-wake cycle Melatonin rises and falls in your body according to light and dark conditions

6 Sex Hormones Secreted by the gonads (ovaries or testes)
Androgens: masculinizing hormones (like testosterone) mostly in testes, but in ovaries and adrenal glands as well Estrogens: feminizing hormones Some research about Estrogen aiding in learning and memory, but no research about “emotional” women or “angry” men.


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