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Agenda 1/17/17 Tuesday HW: None Age of Enlightenment

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1 Agenda 1/17/17 Tuesday HW: None Age of Enlightenment
TEKS: (6.2B) evaluate the social, political, economic, and cultural contributions of individuals and groups from various societies, past and present. Language Objective: Students will learn how the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced modern government. Warm Up: Prepare to present your group’s assigned section on the Enlightenment. Age of Enlightenment Group presentations Take notes on your packet while each group is presenting HW: None

2 Agenda 1/18/17 Mapping Activity – Spread of Revolutions HW: none
TEKS: (6.2A) identify and describe the influence of individual or group achievements on various historical or contemporary societies such as the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Language Objective: Students will understand how revolutionary ideas spread. Mapping Activity – Spread of Revolutions Each group of two (2) needs the following: Activity Map Dry Erase Marker Eraser (Tissue) Atlas Book Mapping Guidelines Packet (Class Set) Closure: Spread of Revolutions Flow Chart Worksheet HW: none

3 Agenda 1/19/17 HW: None The Spread of Revolutionary Ideas
TEKS: (6.2A) identify and describe the influence of individual or group achievements on various historical or contemporary societies such as the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Language Objective: Students will understand how revolutionary ideas spread. Warm Up #1: List at least five (5) details you see in the following image. The Spread of Revolutionary Ideas Cornell Notes HW: None


5 When Johannes Gutenberg began building his press in 1436, he was unlikely to have realised that he was giving birth to an art form which would take center stage in the social and industrial revolutions which followed. He was German, his press was wooden, and the most important aspect of his invention was that it was the first form of printing to use movable type.

6 Friday 1/20/17 HW: None The Spread of Revolutionary Ideas
TEKS: (6.2A) identify and describe the influence of individual or group achievements on various historical or contemporary societies such as the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Language Objective: Students will understand how revolutionary ideas spread. The Spread of Revolutionary Ideas Cornell Notes HW: None

7 Revolutionary Ideas Spread

8 Vocabulary defensive: protecting yourself from danger or harm
mercenaries: soldiers who fight for anyone who will pay them pardon: to forgive or excuse surrender: to give up revolution, independent, democracy, textile, urbanization, urban sprawl







15 What are the two basic types of governments?
Limited Government: Government where the power of the leaders are limited by contract or constitution. Unlimited Government: Government where the leaders have unlimited power. Why do societies want to limit the power of government?

16 American Revolution This painting shows British troops in battle during the American Revolution. Compare this painting to the one on the opposite page. What differences do you see between the soldiers in these two armies? Library of Congress This painting shows American soldiers at the Battle of Brandywine in 1777 during the war for independence from Great Britain. The Granger Collection, New York

17 American Revolution Causes of American Revolution: Conflict was created regarding the settlement of colonial lands Conflict increased due to taxation issues Colonists wanted equal rights Church taught that all men were created equal, that there is no divine right of kings and wicked law should not be obeyed. Colonists wanted a say in their government Enlightenment thinkers believed in a social contract that claimed the authority of the government should come from the people. If the government abuses its responsibility the people should rise up and overthrow their leaders. “No Taxation Without Representation"

18 French Revolution In France people had more rights than other European nations. The monarchy lived rich lavish lifestyles. The peasants were burdened with high taxes. Great disparity between rich and poor

19 French Revolution The ideals of the American Revolution inspired calls for “Liberty, equality, and fraternity” in France. France’s support for the war deepened its national debt and caused suffering among its people. In 1789, France’s monarchy was overthrown. This painting shows a violent clash between French commoners and King Louis XVI’s troops during the French Revolution.

20 French Revolution Mob violence played a central role in the French Revolution. Ordinary people in both Paris and the French countryside took up arms (fought) either for or against the revolution.

21 The Impact of the American Revolution
The American Revolution had a major impact in other parts of the world. In Europe, it thrilled liberals who dreamed of creating their own democracies. The American example was especially influential in France, which soon had its own revolution. As one Frenchman wrote, “They [Americans] are the hope of the human race; they may well become its model.” Indeed, in the 1800s, that model would help inspire revolts against European rule in South America.

22 American Revolution French Revolution
How did the American Revolution impact the French Revolution? Successful revolution led to the belief that they could successfully revolt Following the Enlightenment Leaders Teachings of the Church Taxation to help fund the American Revolution

23 Mexican Revolution The dictatorship-like rule of Pofirio Diaz for over 30 years Exploitation and poor treatment of workers Great disparity between rich and poor

24 American and French Revolutions Mexican Revolution
How was the Mexican Revolution similar to the American and French Revolution?

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