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Latitude and Longitude

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1 Latitude and Longitude
Some Basics

2 Mapping Earth In order to find geographic locations on Earth, a global coordinate mapping system is used This is Latitude and Longitude!

3 Latitude 1) Latitude is the distance NORTH or SOUTH of the equator
It’s measured in DEGREES on lines called PARALLELS 2) The distance from the equator to the poles is 90 degrees The latitude of the equator is 0 degrees, while that of the poles is 90 degrees

4 Latitude

5 Latitude The tropics (Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn) are located 23.5 degrees NORTH (N) and SOUTH (S) of the EQUATOR The Arctic and Antarctic circles are 66.5 degrees from the EQUATOR Washingtonville (your home) is located about 41 degrees NORTH (N) latitude

6 Latitude 3) On a clear night, latitude may be determined by finding the ALTITUDE of Polaris In the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, the number of degrees that Polaris is above the horizon (altitude) is the SAME as the observer’s latitude!

7 Latitude 4) On a clear night, latitude can be determined from the ALTITUDE OF POLARIS by use of an instrument called a ASTROLABE

8 Finding Polaris

9 LONGITUDE 1) Longitude is the distance EAST or WEST of the PRIME MERIDIAN It’s measured in DEGREES on semi-circles called MERIDIANS These circles meet at the POLES and are farthest apart at the EQUATOR At the equator, a degree of longitude (1/360th of Earth’s circumference) is equal to about 111km At the poles a degree of longitude is equal to 0km

10 Longitude

11 Longitude Starting from the Prime Meridian (which is 0 degrees Longitude), the meridians are numbered up to 180 degrees EAST and WEST Your home (Da Ville) is located about 74 degrees WEST longitude

12 Lat and Long Activity W E S

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