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Ch. 2 Notes Day 2.

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1 Ch. 2 Notes Day 2

2 Objectives SWBAT identify the position of the prime meridian and equator and explain their significance. SWBAT define and identify latitude and longitude lines on a map SBAT define and estimate the latitude and longitude of a city/location on a map

3 Mapping the Earth The Earth is huge, so we need a special system to determine where we are on it This special system also needs a reference point. “Hey Bill, come meet us at the malt shop.” “Sure gang, where is it?” “It’s only a few blocks.” “A few blocks from what????” NO REFERENCE POINT, NO MALT FOR BILL. 

4 The Two Reference Points on the Earth
Just like the x-axis and y-axis in math class, we have the following lines…

5 The Equator (Earth’s X-axis)
The Equator is a “imaginary” horizontal line that passes through the middle of the Earth, splitting it into two equal-sized hemispheres. Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere

6 Latitude- Horizontal, parallel lines on a globe, that describe how North or South you are from the Equator. Also called a parallel. 60° North Latitude angles are measured from the center of the earth. Maximum angle of 90 Degrees. Never negative! 30° South

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