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Types of Neurons -There are 3 types of neurons that do different jobs:

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Neurons -There are 3 types of neurons that do different jobs:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Neurons -There are 3 types of neurons that do different jobs:
Sensory neurons: detect stimuli and send messages to the brain and spinal cord

2 Types of Neurons Interneurons: found in the brain and spinal cord, receive and process signals from sensory neurons and pass on signals to motor neurons

3 Types of Neurons Motor neurons: pass messages from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body, like muscles

4 Reflex Arc -a reflex arc is the normal path of a message when we respond to stimuli – sensory neuron, interneuron in the brain, motor neuron -reflex arcs are quick responses that are processed in the spinal cord -they are important in times of danger because they allow us to react quickly

5 Reflex Arc -the path of a reflex arc: 1. sensory neuron
2. interneuron in spinal cord 3. motor neuron

6 Reflex Arc -because the message only travels to the spinal cord, the person doesn’t have to think  this allows a person to react quickly Examples: sneezing, burning your hand, blinking

7 Types of Neurons -the darker grey section in the picture of a cross-section of the spinal cord below is known as “grey matter” and is where the actual nerve cell bodies are located -the lighter grey section is known as “white matter” and is where all the axons are located Bottom Line: Grey Matter = Cell Bodies White Matter = Axons

8 3 Riddles You will create 3 riddles and the following words must be answers: Sensory neuron, Interneuron, Motor Neuron 1. The riddle should contain one or more clues. The clues might or might not rhyme, but must refer to aspects of the answer. 2. The answer must be clearly and cleanly written below the riddle. 3. Below the answer, an explanation of HOW the clues and lead to the answer must be given. An explanation will be 2 to 3 sentences in length.

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