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National Engineering Design Challenge (NEDC)

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Presentation on theme: "National Engineering Design Challenge (NEDC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Engineering Design Challenge (NEDC)
Mesa National event Human centered design Arduino Based solutions Adapted from the presentation by Carlos Gonzalez, UCR Mesa By James Mills, CSULB MeSA, 2017

2 Agenda: MESA Curriculum shift NEDC Project Overview
Project in new paradigm Advisor perspective Open ended activity demo Final thoughts: Q & A

3 Project Centered MESA Paradigm
Project Rules and Constraints Device designed and created to meet constraints Current: Rules and Constraints Predetermined product Final product judged against specific performance goals Device performs at competition Evaluation based on defined metrics

4 Paradigm Shift MESA Curriculum
Guidelines and Component Requirements Student defined parameters Current: Rules and Constraints Predetermined product Final product judged against specific performance goals New Paradigm: Guidelines and Component Requirements Students determine product, constraints, and goals Device performance assessed by component More emphasis on general engineering skills: design process, record keeping, presentation Allows students to pursue personal interests Device performs per student parameters Performance assessed by component rubrics

5 That’s all it says! Reads like “guidelines” not “rules” in the traditional sense.

6 NEDC Components Poster Symposium
Poster Symposium & Technical Interview 150 points Project Report 100 points Prototype Pitch Total 350 points NEDC Components Poster Symposium Prepare Technical Poster Symposium Setting: Share and discuss project with event attendees Technical Interview and Prototype Demo Interview by a panel of judges Demonstrate the functionality of the prototype Project Report 5 – 10 pages: “Thorough but concise” Design Process and Results Prototype Pitch “Shark Tank” or marketing/sales type presentation Creative, convincing, and memorable Technical Interview with Poster: 5 min. to present summary of project 3 to 5 min. to demo prototype 10 to 12 min. for judges questions Total time not to exceed 20 min. Prototype Pitch 20 min. !?

7 Paradigm Shift Reflected in NEDC
New Paradigm Emphases General Engineering Skills Design Process and Product Development Evaluating the Problem Engineering Notebook and Portfolio Data Collection and Evaluation of Prototype Communicating Ideas Technical Writing Graphic Representations Presentation Professional Skills Project Planning and Deadlines Teamwork and Collaboration Perseverance General Skills that can be used on any project. Professional skills that apply in any profession Soft Skills encouraged by industry

8 Paradigm Shift MESA Curriculum
New Paradigm Emphases Unique and Distinct Projects: Genuine Problem Solving, Creativity, and Ingenuity Human Centered Design / Service Focus: Develop compassionate, aware students Things to Consider No more common designs from previous year Disqualifications are no longer an issue Written report is more concise (shorter) Opportunity for students to pursue their own interests Project used in many venues and situations Local or National Science Fair College/Internship Resumes May not be suitable for students new to engineering Resilience and Persistence Required New: Genuine Creativity and Uniqueness: product not predetermined No need to “think outside the box” when there is no box Comparison Tasks vs Other Teams (old): Make very specific world connections (planes, bridges, etc.) Little direct relevance beyond the challenge they were built for

9 Open-Ended Challenge 15 min. Why are we doing this?
Constrains are guidance Students struggle with minimal limits

10 Observations: What were your impressions of the open-ended nature of this challenge? How do you think students will respond to this? How do you plan to support students with a project like this?

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