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Weathering: Breaking down of Rock

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1 Weathering: Breaking down of Rock
Physical What are the 5 causes? Chemical What are the 5 causes? Soil What is it made of ? Humus, Rocks, Air, Water, Minerals Profile Zones? 0- Leaf litter E- Leaching A-Top B- Sub C- Weathered Rock R- Parent Rock Ice Wedging Abrasion Organic Activity Gravity Temp. Changes Oxidation Carbonation Hydrolysis Organic Acids Acid Precipitation

2 Erosion- Transporting of sediment
Agents of erosion are: Wind, Gravity, Glaciers, Waves & Moving water Most important agent for carving out the land is GLACIERS. Most important agent for shaping the coastline is WAVES Most important agent for moving things at a fast rate is MOVING WATER Moving water includes the runoff, infiltration, & river/stream systems all being connected to the water cycle. Abrasion is the main agent of weathering from moving water. Exfoliation is when flakes or sheets of rocks are peeled from underlying rock. Can happen during Frost Wedging.

3 Moving Water: River Systems

4 What is a River/Stream system?
Made up of a main stream & its tributaries All the parts are created from runoff of excess water. - Is affected by shape of land & amount of rainfall -Can be reduced by soil type, vegetation, gradient Ultimate base Level is SEA LEVEL or the water table

5 1. Tributaries 2. Watershed
1. Little feeder streams pouring into the main stream. 2. The land from which the water runs off into the stream - drainage basin ex. The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

6 Divides The top of the watershed- A watershed divide is the ridge on the ground that separates watersheds Water flows down one side or the other. Ex. Continental Divide ( Rocky Mts.) -Water flows to the Pacific Ocean or Gulf of Mexico Ex. Appalachian Mts. - Water flows to the Mississippi River & Gulf of Mexico or the Chesapeake Bay & Atlantic Ocean

7 Divides of N. America

8 Parts of a River/Stream
Headwaters (beginning) Meander (curve) Point Bar ( deposition) Cut Bank ( erosion) Channel (path) Banks/Levee (sides) Bed (bottom) Mouth (end where it empties into a larger river, lake, bay/ocean)

9 Floodplains Part of the valley floor that may be covered with water during a flood. Point bar

10 Young Rivers Steep Narrow/straight Deep V-shaped channel
Rapids/Waterfalls High velocity Erosion greater Carries greater load w/ all size particles

11 Mature & Old Rivers Slower & Wider Flatter & Shallower
U-shaped channel More curvy/meanders Flood plains Carries smaller load w/ smaller size particles Floodplain Levee

12 Comparison

13 Braided Stream/River The flow is divided into multiple channels.
Caused by a large sediment load often composed of coarse sand and gravel.

14 Deposited Stream Load Delta- triangular deposited at the mouth of a stream when it enters a larger body of water. Alluvial fan- fan like- deposited on land at the base of a slope and the tip points upstream.

15 Stream Load- The soil and rock particles carried by the stream
compared to Wind Solution Suspension Bed Load (traction)

16 Flow of the Water Amount of water moved over a period of time is called its DISCHARGE Faster the stream= higher discharge= greater load Gradient ( slope) steeper= greater load and discharge

17 Deposition- Placement of sediment
Key factor affecting deposition is the speed of the water Larger, rounded, denser particles settle out first with small particles like clay staying suspended in the water.

18 SORTING- separation of particles during deposition
forming layers. BED- Created by the layers of deposited sediment

19 Moving Water: River Systems
Most important agent for carving out the land is GLACIERS. Most important agent for shaping the coastline is WAVES Most important agent for moving things at a fast rate is MOVING WATER Moving Water: River Systems

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