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Unit 6 Level B.

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1 Unit 6 Level B

2 Homework Schedule: Monday: Completing the Sentence, Synonyms and Antonyms (CTS, S&A) Tuesday: Choosing the Right Word, Word Associations (CTRW, WA) Wednesday: Parts of Speech worksheet Thursday: Flashcards with Synonyms and Antonyms Next Test:

3 anonymous (Adj) unnamed, without the name of the person involved (writer, composer, etc); unknown, lacking individuality or character

4 The person on the phone wished to remain anonymous

5 (v) To nibble, graze; to read casually; to window shop
browse (v) To nibble, graze; to read casually; to window shop

6 The young lady walking down the street was browsing in the store windows.

7 (n) A person easily tricked or deceived; (v) to deceive
dupe (n) A person easily tricked or deceived; (v) to deceive

8 A successful magician would be able to dupe you.

9 (Adj) active, energetic, forceful
dynamic (Adj) active, energetic, forceful

10 Superman was a dynamic superhero.
                            Superman was a dynamic superhero.

11 (v) To root out, get rid of, destroy completely
eradicate (v) To root out, get rid of, destroy completely

12 Abraham Lincoln eradicated slavery.

13 frustrate (v) To prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; to cause feelings of discouragement

14 While doing his taxes, the man became very frustrated because his numbers were not adding up properly.

15 (adj) stern, merciless; fierce, savage, cruel
grim (adj) stern, merciless; fierce, savage, cruel

16 This character is known as the grim reaper. Do you know why?

17 (adj) not capable of being copied or imitated
inimitable (adj) not capable of being copied or imitated

18 The young comedian was known for his inimitable style.

19 This artwork is inimitable.


21 makeshift (n) A temporary substitute for something else; (adj) crude, flimsy, or temporary

22 This is a makeshift ceiling fan.

23 The boy used the box to create a makeshift fort.


25 marginal (adj) in, at, or near the edge of margin; only barely good, large, or important enough for purpose

26 The company’s profit was marginal at best.

27 (adj) waiting to be settled; (prep) until
pending (adj) waiting to be settled; (prep) until

28 The sale of this house is currently pending.

29 prescribe (v) To order as a rule or course to be followed; to order for medical purposes

30 When you are sick, a doctor prescribes medication for you.

31 (n) Something seen in advance; (v) to view beforehand
preview (n) Something seen in advance; (v) to view beforehand

32 Sometimes, the cable company will offer you a free preview of a channel.

33 (Adj) standing out so as to be easily seen; important, well-known
prominent (Adj) standing out so as to be easily seen; important, well-known

34 The World Trade Center was at one time a dominant fixture of the New York City skyline.

35 quaint (adj) odd or old-fashioned in a pleasing way; clever, ingenious; skillfully made

36 This is a quaint cradle.

37 (adj) unwilling, holding back
reluctant (adj) unwilling, holding back

38 The girl is being reluctantly dragged out to the dance floor.

39 scrimp (v) To handle very economically or stingily; to supply in a way that is small, short, or scanty

40 Scrooge was once known for scrimping and saving his money.

41 (v) To trap, catch; (n) a trap or entanglement
snare (v) To trap, catch; (n) a trap or entanglement

42 A person might use this to snare a wild cat.

43 (adj) greatest, highest, farthest; (n) the extreme limit
utmost (adj) greatest, highest, farthest; (n) the extreme limit

44 After winning the Superbowl, the Pittsburgh Steelers had my utmost respect.

45 vengeance (n) Punishment in return for an injury or wrong; unusual force or violence

46 Cruella Deville sought vengeance against the puppy thieves.

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